REQUEST Fire Emblem Mod

Discussion in 'Mods' started by StardewCandy, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. StardewCandy

    StardewCandy Orbital Explorer

    Hoping for a mod that replaces abigail with either Camilla or Azura from Fire Emblem. Azura also plays music and Camilla also has purple hair. Thanks!
    • Entoarox

      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

    • StardewCandy

      StardewCandy Orbital Explorer

      Just posted it there. And now I wait.
      • StardewCandy

        StardewCandy Orbital Explorer

        So, I'm assuming by you referring to yourself as a modder and tagging the thread on github that you're working on helping out?
        • Xuomi

          Xuomi Phantasmal Quasar

          @StardewCandy Ento has a lot of mods he maintains for the game so he is a modder, but that does not guarantee he'll help with your request specifically.
          • Entoarox

            Entoarox Oxygen Tank

            Xuomi is correct, your idea is now part of our repository for ideas, but that does not guarantee that any modder has the time or interest to actually make it happen.
            All I can promise, is that as part of the ideas repository, that your idea will remain available until such a time that someone actually implements it, and without day-to-day topics, your idea wont be drowned out by a ton of unrelated messages.
            • StardewCandy

              StardewCandy Orbital Explorer

              And now we wait.

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