So I have spent a lot of time building Yggdrasil ( The world tree from Norse Mythology) and I would like to know what you all think of it. P.S. I know my HUD is probably annoying but I have no idea how to turn it off, if someone tells me I will retake the photos and stitch the image back together. The depiction of Yggdrasil I made the build from. The build itself.
Nice! I like all your Mini-biomes to represent the differant worlds. Also, I think the default key to disable the HUD is ALT + Z. That's what mine is anyway, And I don't think I changed it...
Thank you so much I am going to go retake the pictures in a moment, so I will update my original post with the new image. EDIT: Done, thank you so much for telling me.
I've discovered that almost every game has secret keybinds that it doesn't tell you about. That's why in every game, at some point, I look in the control settings. you learn stuff.