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Favorite Race

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by FearnWAZZA, May 11, 2016.

  1. Coldboots

    Coldboots Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Floran at top of food chain! Go to moon and find rock, put on pillar at home village for all to appreciate. All other floransssss very impressssed with moon rock hunter!
    Glitchspeare and Jimlad 42 like this.
  2. Terashi

    Terashi Pangalactic Porcupine

    Floran Master Race. Race of year all year.

    Seriously, though. I enjoy their lore, their gear, their ships. Although my MC has nothing to do with the Floran Tribes...

    I like the Hylotls because I'm a closet weeb, 'nuff said.

    I like the lore for Humans. For real, Starbound does humans lore-wise better than many other sci-fi series do. It's hard to play a human male, however, as most of the personality poses make him look fat.

    I LOVE the Avian pet, but the whole religious war just pushes me away from them. Also their clothes are garbage, but then, I honestly believe that every race in Starbound NEEDS more starting clothing options.

    Apex lore is boring and uninspiring, and for some reason, I can't bring myself to play as an ape. :/

    Novakids are cool, but the asthetics are yawn-inspiring, and being lazy as a race just disgusts me.

    I don't have a problem with the Glitch asthetic-wise, but I can't stand the thought of playing as a broken robot for some reason. And based on the lore, all Glitch are broken, whether or not they belong to the hivemind.
  3. Megumin

    Megumin Guest

    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  4. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    Mortified. BROKEN? (Oil tear runs down head)
  5. Keyondria

    Keyondria Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The Glitch being broken is exactly WHY they are how they are now. If they didn't break down and get stuck in medieval times, they'd have destroyed themselves long ago. They're part of a simulation by their creators and EVERY other simulation where nothing went wrong, the robots turned against their creators and either destroy them or themselves in the progress. Besides, the Glitch you play as is NOT a broken one. You're a Glitch who is aware that they're a machine and is not stuck in a medieval mind set. In other words, you're fully functional.
  6. Ehko

    Ehko Lucky Number 13

    Novakid > Glitch > Floran

    Third, the Floran. They immediatly make it to my top 3 just because of their ship (and that's the only reason). I found their lore pretty lacking even though the race itself is really well made (regarding their behaviour and their dungeons etc). I mean, aside from being dumb (which is fine, it's just not my taste) they don't do much, they don't even create their own tech.

    Second, the Glitch, I'm a huge fan of medieval stuff, so I was immediatly interested in the Glitch and digging through the lore, I found that there was really something different about them. Compare them to the Floran for a second, the Floran don't progress by themselves not because they can't, but because they don't want to (as far as I know), but the Glitch are different, they just can't and it's explained through their lore, that's how you do it. And a space-travelling castle as a ship is just awesome.

    First, the Novakid. I can't wait to learn more about them because their design is so cool. The Novakid is also the only race that make you feel like you're actually playing as another race, they don't craft the same weapons, their ship is the only ship truly unique compared to the others.

    And I just want to give some love to the unplayable races, because the Agaran want to have their own body and the Fenerox want to be part of the Starbound Universe too !
  7. Tet the Zoologist

    Tet the Zoologist Space Penguin Leader

    People, stop calling floran dumb. They aren't and I'm tired of explaining why.
    Crossfang, Axe Garian and Jimlad 42 like this.
  8. Pangaea

    Pangaea Forum Moderator

    Favourite is definitely Floran. Second would be Novakid. All the others are pretty equal after that. Except Avian. Don't really like them too much.
    Crossfang and Jimlad 42 like this.
  9. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Agreed. A 'dumb' Race would never be able to Reverse Engineer & learn about stuff previously unfamiliar to them as effectively as the Floran can. They're just simply savage murder plants, but by no means dumb.
  10. Iroaseta

    Iroaseta Guest

    I like the human race.
    They aren't special but I prefer to see the universe as a human more than anything else.

    Otherwise Floran, Avian and Hylotl are my second favourites.
    I love Floran for their naivety in expression and instinctive decisions, although hunting seems to be the answer to everything.
    Avian is just a cuddle material and the voice they make is just..."healing", the ancient Egypt culture is rather interesting too.
    Hylotl has that traditional Japanese theme and Neo-city vibes in them so it's rather cool from the culture perspective, but I personally think their three eyes are a little creepy.
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  11. Tet the Zoologist

    Tet the Zoologist Space Penguin Leader

    Avians are Aztec inspired though
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  12. PyreStarite

    PyreStarite Space Kumquat

    Why pretend to be something you're not?
    SneakyBox and Jimlad 42 like this.
  13. Crossfang

    Crossfang Supernova

    Time to update mine.
    • Floran
    • Hylotl
    • Apex
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  14. Littleman9Mew2

    Littleman9Mew2 Zero Gravity Genie

    Floran are the best, mainly due to the quirky personality, it reminds me of the other "bad apple" races in other games, like the Argonians in the Elder Scrolls and the Zerg from Starcraft. A race that the goal is to be better than the others, but really are hated by the other races more than what they expect. I'm not saying their stupid oh no, they're freaking genius if they can reverse engineer the FTL drive. Plus I always thought it's a pretty orginal race based of flora fauna than something more....fleshy? Plus the lisp is too good to passss up!

    Floran not the worssse race! Everyone who ssays that they are violent and sstabby are wrong! And will be stabbed for ssaying so!

    I always thought the floran will feel like peach skin if you touch one, who else thinks that Floran skin feels like a surface of a peach?
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  15. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    In my opinion, Avians are the best race. They were the first race I ever played as, and their armor looks the best. The hole avolite crystal tech thing is really interesting, and the religious war is good, too. The architecture and asthetic is great, the Aztec/Maya thing is a great theme. The difference and split between the race is good too- the adventurous, curious, money liking Grounded, and the highly religious, fixed mindset, we-are-all-servants-to-Kluex stargazers.

    Florans come next. They are by far the most halarious race, their love for meats and stabbing is just great. It inspires one of the best things to say to end an awkward silence(MEATS). The lissspy accent issss great, it gives you a good feel about what they actually may be like.

    Glitch are next. The lore for them isn't the best, but I love the building style and overall look and asthetic of the race. I love building detailed wooden structures that look like they were from at least 80 years ago, or just a cabin look. Some of the glitch stuff fits that theme perfectly, like the farming deco. The alternate steampunk theme is good too. I also like the way the actual glitch look in general, it looks great and is the only one that is not weird when naked. I usually have the bare clothes mod installed so I can see my glitch characters head.

    Next come the Novakid. I hate their lack of a lore, but I just discovered my first frontier village(frackin universe was installed, so tell me if that's a frackin structure, but it had some of the frontier furniture, so I'm assuming it was vanilla) before I saw it, I thought it wood be pretty bare, but their building style is actually pretty towny and realistic, it's by far my favorite building style. If you mix the style with glitch, it looks great. Their armor is the best, deputy armor is always in vanity when I have better armor than it.

    Humans next. I don't particularly like them too much, since well, I'm human in real life. But the protectorate thing is great, and the modern style that you can do with them works well in lots of things, particularly home. The bunker/prison thing isn't the most versitle style though. That's why I usually stick to just a modern home when making a human based structure. I hate how they removed the bunker and now it's just campsites and prisons, so I hope they make a protectorate village in the future and also re-add those bunkers. I also like the way they look. Armor could use some work

    Hylotl come second to last. Their ship is good and spacious as well as versitle. Their ornate, future-modern, knowledge society theme is great, the Hylotl have some of my favorite decorations. But, the look of the Hylotl is bad, the three eye thing is creepy. The armor needs work.

    Last are the apex. The lore is excellent, and the standard issue style is cool, but everything else sucks.
    Littleman9Mew2 and Jimlad 42 like this.
  16. Omegagreen

    Omegagreen Starship Captain

    Update: Apex made it to the top of my list due to their lore. I find the Miniknog to be a far better antagonist than the haphazard Ruin.
    Second is Novakids for no other reason than they feel more like a varied race.
    Third is Floran despite the 1.0 watering down of their tendencies so they may become more... enlightened (I originally intended to say human)
    Fourth is Avians. Their Avolite crystal technology is cool, but their lore is shaky and implausible.
    Fifth is Hylotl. Their design is unique and quirky, but their lore misses a lot of detail. How on earth did they make all those underwater structures while Florans were hunting them on the surface? How did they even survive long enough to get durasteel in the first place?
    Last is none other than the human race. They stole the spotlight with the Not Green Lanterns... I mean the Protectorate and pretty much proceeded to ruin and contradict the lore and behaviour of every race. Pretty much, I just hate them for the Protectorate. I don't understand why people like the protectorate or why it even had a sphere of influence when they have organisations like the Miniknog and Stargazers, which have much larger colonies and could turn the Protectorate into space dust. But you know what? Who cares any more? Yay humans, da speshalest rase in spase! Whoopty freakin' doo!
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  17. Keyondria

    Keyondria Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The Florans are primitive and childlike, but they're not dumb. They're quick learners, excellent builders, masters of the hunt. They may in fact be smarter than humans were during their stage as cavemen.
    Jimlad 42 and Axe Garian like this.
  18. Glitchspeare

    Glitchspeare Void-Bound Voyager

    Wait, where are the Glitch? Saddened. Don't leave us out, please. Apologetic. I'm sorry if we've done something wrong.
    Axe Garian and Jimlad 42 like this.
  19. Glitchspeare

    Glitchspeare Void-Bound Voyager

    Honestly, I think the Glitch are the best mainly due to their style. Woo medieval! Everyone knows it. Plus, who doesn't love a sad-looking robot?

    Actually, Glitch might not be in my favorite. I like Novakid and Apex and Hylotl as well. Hm. Glitch are cool, though.

    Novakid due to their style, which I love, and their ship.

    Apex because of their fantastic lore.

    I just like Hylotl.
    Axe Garian and Jimlad 42 like this.
  20. Omegagreen

    Omegagreen Starship Captain

    Whoops sorry, it's hard finding where to fit them. I guess they tie with the avians at the moment.
    Jimlad 42 likes this.

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