REQUEST Farmhand

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Mylon, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. Mylon

    Mylon Space Hobo

    Are there any mods to hire help for the farm? Instead of a lot of these automation mods, it would make more sense if one could hire some of the town people (especially if there's a reputation/quest related) which allows them to harvest crops, feed livestock, milk cows, etc.
      Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
    • HopeWasHere

      HopeWasHere Existential Complex

      There are mods that make is seem like you hire someone in town to do thing for you (or make your spouse/kids do it) but nothing that lets you hire help for the farm, per say.

      For animals, there's Animal Sitter. It let's you press a button and have someone you determine in the config file pet, feed, and collect from your animals. You can also choose if you pay them or not.

      Crab Net let's you do the same thing with your crab pots.

      Replanter is the most extensive out of the bunch. I recommend reading the nexus page to see all the things it can do.

      For now, these are all of the mods I know about that do something like this. It would be cool to have an overarching mod that does all this without needing to press a keybind, but who knows if that would ever happen.

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