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Bug/Issue farmhand can't enter town in multiplayer

Discussion in 'Support' started by sugarprince, Jun 6, 2019.

  1. sugarprince

    sugarprince Big Damn Hero

    this is an issue we've been having consistently and haven't been able to find a solution to. we had this problem during the multiplayer beta as well. whenever my friend tries to enter town in the game i'm hosting, the game freezes on load and basically softlocks and it happens during festivals too, and from all entry points it doesn't happen in vanilla, but we don't know what mod is causing it.

    this is the error log, any help would be appreciated! let me know if this post should go in the mods section instead
    • arcanites

      arcanites Void-Bound Voyager

      my friend and i are having this same problem,
      i'm aware that content patcher wasn't installed, we thought it might have been the problem but the crash still happened w/o it :(

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