Race Faircrypt (now with a default ship design)

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by UnsoundM, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. DarkTails

    DarkTails Big Damn Hero

    Guys, please fuck off. Take the petty innane dribble to PMs, thanks.

    As for colors, drab makes sense to fit with the scavenged worn down machinery look you're talking about, I just think all black is a little too "Snake Eyes" lol.

    I don't know, then you might add color and people will bitch about it looking too much like color on Quarians :laugh:
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2014
  2. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I was worried people would compare them too much to the armor in the Fallout games or the Helghast... Mass Effect never even crossed my mind.

    When Unit did his badass art for them he didn't have much to work with, so he had to take a few creative licences which made them look very techy in the face, so that is primarily why I think people are immediately thinking of the Quarians. Originally I invisioned their masks being more WWII gas-masky, which is why I was especially worried that people would compare them to the Helghast, which ironically has never come up >.>
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  3. DarkTails

    DarkTails Big Damn Hero

    Well, there you go, I never played whatever game Helghasts are from lol.

    That concept drawing in the first post looks nothing like a Quarian, so that's cool. Neither do the sprites, they look more like "generic military black ops guy with a mask" than anything else, which is cool too.

    Anyway, I wouldn't change anything drastically because they look pretty cool. It's just unfortunate that your race has an almost identical backstory as Quarians lol

    (and to be honest I only skimmed the backstory because I'm a jerk like that haha)
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2014
  4. Stalkish Cockatiel

    Stalkish Cockatiel Existential Complex

    So basically they use weapons made from ship parts and everyday items, and cleanliness is their goal?
  5. FalcoSparverius

    FalcoSparverius Aquatic Astronaut

    Cool race, could see it in the game, great ship design, and cool design. I just worry that the current sprites seem like it would be hard to give them as much customization options as the other races though. Really cool idea though. Also, I think the black design and color looks pretty slick.
  6. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    They actually have absolutely no regard for how clean things are. Their suits keep them from ever physically coming into contact with their tools, so as long as they work properly they don't care how dirty, rusty, jagged, or ugly it looks.
  7. Stalkish Cockatiel

    Stalkish Cockatiel Existential Complex

    Oh okay. What is their suit made of (metal or some silicon-like material)? Thanks for clearing it up, also. But I like the race. Very cool :D
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  8. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I believe I called it a synthetic fabric somewhere, so for now that's the oc canon, but I suppose parts of it would also need to be made of various other components. :D Thanks for the comments btw
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  9. Stalkish Cockatiel

    Stalkish Cockatiel Existential Complex

    Okay, sorry I missed it.. I got new glasses and I'm still adjusting .-.. But yeah, I'm pretty sure they would have metal shoulder plates, helmets, boots, ETC.
    UnsoundM likes this.
  10. Disig

    Disig Pangalactic Porcupine

    Wow...so much anger was in this thread o_O

    They LOOK like a machine race unfortunately, but I think a few tweaks to their design can fix that honestly. And even though they seen a lot like the Quarians from Mass Effect, I don't think that's a negative. I mean come on, fish and plant people aren't exactly original. I personally would like to see more races like the Quarians in other games. I find the living in a biosuit idea really neat.
    Dargona1018 and Sgt_Hankey like this.
  11. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    Well her "Negative Criticism" is not constructive, she just flat out accuse this of not being original, and uses arguments based on false facts.
    And so What if they're like Quarians or whatever? They aren't an original race either. Sci-fi books containing such species have been written years before Mass effect even existed.

    And Again, who says we all Have to invent new things?
    None of the Species already in the game are Original or Unique in anyway. Even their cultures are as unoriginal as it gets!
    I, as stated before, don't care if species are original or not. And I dare bet a fair majority of people have the same Opinion as I do.

    Why or how would "unoriginal" species ruin this game? Isn't this game already ruined per your standard with the unoriginal races it already has?

    To all those people who think this discussion should've stopped:
    Sorry, but I really felt like having this final say. No doubt they will probably reply to defend their honor, as I just have.
    I will however not reply to whatever they write from now on. This discussion is beginning to feel more like a troll-plot than anything.
  12. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Hah, well I appreciate the challenge/insult there at the end so I'll humor you.

    Well let's see, what does telling you your race is unoriginal tell you? Well let's see. It tells you you need to work on the race more so that it stands on its own legs, not just leaning on the Race it was based off of. The Quarians, to my knowledge were actually fairly unique, and while I have nothing against a Race using similar ideas I and other people feel it needs to be more unique to itself. And you should quote said sources of your's instead of just saying "Sci-fi Books" While the cultures themselves may not be entirely unique, Knights and 1984 and such. They are paired with the Races and given nice twists that make the Races more interesting. And you know who cares about original/interesting and well made Races? Everybody. Not everyone has your low standards of what makes a good race, some of us only want the best to get in, not copies or shallow, lore shattering husks of Races. We want Races who have substance, substance of their own, not the substance taken from another Race.

    Now we'll see if you keep to your word and hold from responding.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2014
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  13. FalcoSparverius

    FalcoSparverius Aquatic Astronaut

    To be quite honest, even the art looks nothing like quarians, and the sprite art even more so. Based on the sprite art, I think they resemble tie fighter pilots more than anything else :rofl:.
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  14. Lincantor

    Lincantor Master Chief

    This is so cool I hope it gets put into the game at some point
    Sgt_Hankey and UnsoundM like this.
  15. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm imagining some sort of durable synthetic fabric under a high impact composite (to keep the weight down).
  16. straycat99

    straycat99 Aquatic Astronaut

    I really like this race. The whole post-apocalyptic theme really fits the look of these guys. And they are actually a cool looking monocolor race. I really like the fact that the races can be a vareity of colors (Especially the Avians being the skittles of Starbound), but we need one where the customization comes more from the clothes made/purchased and has a focus on more detailed features like the head. Just a couple questions and a suggestion or two...

    1. How do they reproduce? Due to the fact their immune system is so weak how would they be able to give birth without the baby instantly being killed by airborn pathogens? Even if they are born in a controlled bubble, does the baby immediately get a bio-suit onsie? And does the suit grow with them or does it need to replaced while they grow?

    2. The neon stuff on the facemask of that first picture, is that a look at their face or is it simply a part of the suit? If it is a part of the suit, why wouldn't they want to make a facemask with a wider spectrum of view considering thats where its eyes should be?

    Also, a bit of a suggestion because if I see one more person compare them to the Quarians I'm going to find a bubble-boy and puncture their environment bubble. Instead of disease, why not go the route of radiation? Maybe they had a planet with an extremely strong magnetic field because of its core. Therefore life evolved with an extreme weakness to Cosmic radiation. The suits could have been orignally for the exploration of other planets, but as their planet's core began to fail (similiar to what happend to mars) a large amount of the population was killed off, with those able to get theirs hands on these suits being the only ones to survive. Kinda poopy but just an idea to quit the complaining.

    Also, cause people will complain about a lack of customization, would these suits show wear and tear? Because I personally think walking around like one of these guys covered in dust, or with water staining, or maybe scratches from previous experiences would be a nice immersion booster.

    Thank you for making this awesome race.
    Dargona1018 and Sgt_Hankey like this.
  17. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    Indeed, seeing as they always have to wear their suit, overtime you should think it would get worn-out.
    A counter to this, could be that the suit is self-maintaining. Or perhaps every teleport repairs the suit? In lore, no real function required.
    Though could be an interesting mechanic if the more damage you take, then you have to repair the suit, through teleport or other special means.
    But again, this suggests a negative attribute to the race. But it could be entirely aesthetic, that the suit slowly deteriorates.
    However, if it is self-maintaining, then it could be realistic that it perhaps could also consume food to rebuild it's surface. And bandages could obviously still help cover exposed openings.
  18. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    The idea of a self repelling polymer makes plenty of sense in the fairly soft science that is Starbound. Plus, it's not like any other race or equipment deteriorates.

    Other than pickaxes. For some insane reason.
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  19. Cynthio

    Cynthio Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Are you that much of a div that you can't even listen to what I said. Of course I read the post, I wouldn't dare judge anything without reading it, you seem to think that I'm saying they are when I said they simply look like robots. People on the internet these days need a good life lesson, you are looking very arrogant judging someone for having an opinion, makes me enraged that you'd even dare talk to me like that and you don't even know me.
  20. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    Considering you repeatedly called them robot people when they weren't proves you either didn't read it, or didn't understand what you read. Either way, you've proven yourself incapable of giving valuable feedback, as well incapable of structuring any sort of debate that doesn't involve getting defensive and calling people arrogant.

    You calling them robots is not your opinion. It is a provable fact. They are not robots. You are wrong. It is not my opinion you are wrong. You are just wrong.
    Dargona1018 and Sgt_Hankey like this.

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