Race Faircrypt (now with a default ship design)

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by UnsoundM, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Cynthio

    Cynthio Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I said they were similar lol, how about you learn to read buddy?
  2. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    I said they aren't, and they aren't. How about you learn to read? Especially what you've already written.
    Fact: We do NOT have a similar machine/robot race. Because this isn't a machine/robot race. It's a race of people in suits. How about rather than getting defensive and trying to pretend like you did not in fact just look at the top image and immediately respond, saying that the game doesn't need another machine race (which, again, this race ISN'T), you admit you are wrong. Because you are. Provably so.
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  3. Cynthio

    Cynthio Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What are the Glitch then if they're not a machine or robot race?
  4. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    You are a very dense individual. The Glitch are a machine race. THE FAIRCRYPT (the race we're currently discussing that you said shouldn't be in the game) ARE NOT A MACHINE RACE.
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  5. Cynthio

    Cynthio Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's what you said.
  6. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    Exactly: We do not have a machine/robot race that is similar to the Faircrypt because THE FAIRCRYPT ARE NOT MACHINES. Please try reading the whole thing. I know reading entire posts is hard for you, but read the next sentence. Come one. Two sentences. You can do it, I believe in you!
  7. Cynthio

    Cynthio Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They're still basically the same thing, robots, people in robot suits.
  8. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    No. No they are not. At all. Go away. Your opinion has officially been invalidated by this statement. You have nothing of value to contribute to this discussion.
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  9. Cynthio

    Cynthio Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's rude. You're clearly an arrogant idiot who thinks his opinion is the only one that matters, grow up a bit and realise that my statement is an opinion and not a fact.
  10. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well then, didn't expect that when I logged in. Please actually read the suggestion before assuming what it is from a single image ^_^ Either way thanks for the comments.
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  11. Cynthio

    Cynthio Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    At least we bumped you up haha, no problem.
  12. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm the rude one for ripping on someone's creation without actually taking the time to read it?
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  13. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    My mind. Was just. Blown. Why @Cynthio, Why?
    The amount of ignorance and hate was just absurd!
    Ugh, I really don't mean to sound rude, or be it.
    But man... Living organism who shade themselves from the harsh and alien microbiology of the outside world, are not bloody robots.

    And to be honest, even if there was another Robot race, I wouldn't mind. It's like saying there can't be another biological race because there already is.
    Biological and Mechanical are the only two types of "lifeforms" we have observed in real life. And so, to encounter other Biological or Mechanical species would be the most probable ones.
    You can't expect people to just come up with something else entirely.
    The5lacker likes this.
  14. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm starting to feel like a bartender telling a group of drunk teenagers to take their fight into the alleyway or I'm calling the cops :rofl:
    Dargona1018 and Zouleena like this.
  15. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Ok. One, drop the attitude, you're just acting like a dick now. Two, yes, they do look robotic. Three, They are unoriginal, these are Quarians from Mass Effect. Four, again drop the attitude.
  16. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    There wasn't any hate in Cynthio's comments. You and 5lacker there are attacking her for negative criticism. So let me point this out, even if you don't think these even LOOK robotic in some way, let's go back to the fact that these are just Quarians from Mass Effect. And you want to know something, poeple DO come up with completely original ideas that look unbelievably better than this one. Take a look at the Zaahir, the Oscura, the Gillians, and oh I don't know the Novakids perhaps? You know, that Race that was so well done and unique they added it to the game.

    Edit: Who the hell is Debbie? Meant Cythnio
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2014
    Cynthio likes this.
  17. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If you guys want feel free to also argue in my art topic- that could do with some bumps as well.
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  18. Peachy

    Peachy Star Wrangler

    I can't believe you of all people are telling someone to lose their attitude :/. Honestly though I'm sure every idea on this sub forum has been done in some fashion, not to mention that some of the official races take inspiration from others works as well. Personally I think it's a broad enough idea for them to distance themselves from the race you keep bringing up and calling them unoriginal is an overreaction and a miss use of the word.
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  19. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    We're attacking her for making judgements before actually bothering to read anything, then getting defensive when I pointed out she obviously hadn't read anything. Had she actually bothered to read the first time around, none of this discussion would've happened, and had she bothered to read when I TOLD her to read rather than spending all of her time trying and failing to dodge accusations of ignorance, the rest of this discussion wouldn't have happened.

    You do realize that the Novakids were based off of an entirely different race on the forums, right? You are idolizing what is essentially a rip off.
    Dargona1018 and Sgt_Hankey like this.
  20. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Meanwhile OP was the only person who just didn't care about his own topic :D

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