Exploration suggestions

Discussion in 'Other' started by VandBRT, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. Draconano

    Draconano Pangalactic Porcupine

    I like all of your ideas! Some of them (Especially the wrecked spaceship/Abandoned structure) make me tingle on the inside. I REALLY like the idea of automated mining/drilling. On the other hand, you could farm this excessively and all of the fun in the game could be taken away. A solution to that problem is that it could be Tier 10 tech. Meaning you can't get the tech until you have beat the story line.
    Then don't use the tech if you feel you don't want to use it. :/
    VandBRT likes this.
  2. VandBRT

    VandBRT Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sooo... Since the development is starting to get into gear again, it's time to attach some rocket boosters to this thread. Up, up you go!
  3. Gentleraptor

    Gentleraptor Pangalactic Porcupine

    I approve of these suggestions. They're good, well structured and thought out.

    Also they're not add X-Wings, add Lightsabers or add Hylian shields one-line suggestions. Too many of those... and one's like these go under too often. :(
    VandBRT likes this.
  4. Master_Discord

    Master_Discord Big Damn Hero

    I completely agree with these ideas. After all, we have semi-automated mining equipment IRL today, and no space ships. If we were advanced enough to make interstellar (and intergalactic) travel viable... I imagine we could harvest resources without a pick and spade.

    I would love to see something along the lines (not expecting them to steal IP) of the giant saucer section of the Enterprise D crashed on a planet, inhabited by native wildlife and gradually decaying into the environment. The way I imagine it, something like that would be around half the width of a small Terraria world alone, before considering any other terrain around it.
    VandBRT likes this.
  5. Gunslinger

    Gunslinger Existential Complex

    I like all suggestions very much. You have a very clear look on the game and I hope that the devs move in the same direction.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  6. VandBRT

    VandBRT Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This. I am sorry for whining, but I just have read the first pages of thirty-something threads on "Suggestions" and fell into state of despair.

    The reason I made this thread almost a year ago was the fact that an overwhelming majority of threads on this forum and a vast amount of tweets addressed to developers were nothing but simple "gimme" requests. Sometimes posters don't even have the decency to ask, they demand things from Tiy and others. "I want a gundam in Starbound!", "I want creepers!" and so on. And on and on and on. Does one care about artistic integrity when he posts this? Does one think that the game's mechanics don't support his idea, whether or not implementing something is viable and else. So... what the developers think when they read the first five suggestion threads and see "hurrr I want moar furries" as a typical OP post? Well, they stop reading. At first I joined discussions at such threads and tried to help the authors formulate, flesh out these ideas, but I felt that this was like headbutting a wall. Of course, my thread wasn't different at its core, but I at least tried to understand how the suggestions could work out and did my best to be polite to people who do what I can't - people who are making a game, possibly one that I will enjoy for months or even years.

    So, if you have a thought-out, viable, coherent suggestion, then please, for the love of St. Connectius, the patron saint of the Internet, post. Please post! The more good threads we launch, the greater attention the devs will give to this subforum.
    If you, on the other hand, want Chucklefish to add "sum kewl memes" or "dat k00l hat from Team Fortress 2", please lift your hand from the keyboard and try to rethink your life. I suggest you start with a concept of Determinism - good reading and a nice mind-screw!

    And, on the off-chance that the devs read this - we, the "old guard", are still here. Veterans of Quake, Total Annihilation, Broken Sword, Thief and Rogue, people who actually have an outline of game development procedure, people who know that they are not a center of the world, are still here and ceaselessly await the release with hands in their wallets. After all, any good work should be rewarded.
    Gunslinger and Gentleraptor like this.
  7. Gentleraptor

    Gentleraptor Pangalactic Porcupine

    I agree completely. I mean, even now, the Hylian Shield "suggestion" is on the front page, as an insult to actual suggestions. Thats why I will support this idea so much that I'll get it up there. again :D

    Also, you could expand your base defense part even more. I want stuff that shoots mobs at my front door, too! Which use power and everything, so I need to set up a solar generator field or whatever.
  8. Gunslinger

    Gunslinger Existential Complex

    ....Fallout, System Shock and Jagged Alliance!

    Forgive me. I couldn't resist.

    You really nailed it by the way brother!
  9. The Question

    The Question Ketchup Robot

    Yes.. The Question Fist Fighting Planes And Sentient Puddles Of Acid.... Yes....
  10. VandBRT

    VandBRT Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I am currently trying to beat the Penguin UFO, so I don't even have guns. Did any of these suggestions get noticed? Just curious.
  11. Gunslinger

    Gunslinger Existential Complex

    I would recommend you to take on the little penguin bastard only after you can visit level 9-10 planets without being insta-raped by the indigenous wildlife. This boss isn't meant to be confronted too early in the game. I also do hope that your ideas got noticed.
    VandBRT likes this.
  12. VandBRT

    VandBRT Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Do we have seeking weapons yet? Wait, did I even mention seeking projectiles? Damn, I didn't!

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