Exciting Post About Exciting Things

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by metadept, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Planet bookmarking really could not come any sooner. I've strongly wished it was a feature since I first laid hands on Starbound.
  2. Colaymorak

    Colaymorak Big Damn Hero

    Must agree with this statement in it's entirety
  3. dropdead

    dropdead Big Damn Hero

    So do I. I hate to always look through my post-it collection and type in the coordinates. That's completely impractical and honestly needs to change.
    But I'm excited about the upcoming changes to stable anyway.
    Hopefully starting a new character will be a bit more fun in the future. I've always wanted to leave the starting planet as soon as possible to explore and there never was much to do until the gear was ready to blow the penguin back to where it came from.
  4. Xentor Antarix

    Xentor Antarix Ketchup Robot

    Hmm, than I must disapoint you. @dropdead
    Now it takes longer to get your ship ready to fly away than before.
    But on the other hand, now it has a real reason, why you are on the planet (in difference to the old Introstroy whitch was real more or less reasonless)
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Who even uses Post-Its?
  6. Christovski

    Christovski Ketchup Robot

    I take way too many notes for post-its, I have to have a whole notepad :p
  7. DarthTrethon

    DarthTrethon Spaceman Spiff

    I did....at work this morning actually :p

    True story. :)
    Kawa likes this.
  8. GorunNova

    GorunNova Pangalactic Porcupine

    If I didn't have post-its, I'd need wallpaper! ... or just tape pieces of paper to the walls to go with all the arrows and mad scribblings.

    Mad? I'm not mad. YOU'RE mad.
    Christovski, Kawa and DarthTrethon like this.
  9. Xylott

    Xylott Orbital Explorer

    Everybody but you, apparently. If no one used them, I suppose they'd go the way of the 8 track player... :iswydt:[DOUBLEPOST=1421078017][/DOUBLEPOST]Planet bookmarking and transporting it great and all, however I really, really would like some form of planet mapping for crying out loud. Would be nice to see where I've been so I can concentrate on new areas of the planets instead of retreading old grounds. This is something that has been sadly over-looked in this game for far too long. Anyone know if this will be a feature in the future? I haven't heard anything about it.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2015
  10. Unclever title

    Unclever title Cosmic Narwhal

    I do occasionally, but less than I used to ever since I found out I can use my cell phone as a stenographer.

    I still use post-its when I need simple diagrams.
  11. Colaymorak

    Colaymorak Big Damn Hero

    I use them for bookmarks, lots of bookmarks. And occasionally as shopping lists.
    Fred10k and DarthTrethon like this.
  12. Nikotyx

    Nikotyx Tentacle Wrangler

    What a great job you're doing !! I'm following this game since a long long time thinking "yep it's Terraria with space nothing more" and finally decided to buy it because I want to play before putting a real judgement. What a great surprise when I discovered all this universe and the lot of things you've devoleped for us =) Thank you for what you're doing for us !!

    If I can suggest something, The key binding GUI is very important because the "I" key for inventory is just tooooo faaaaaaaaar from ZQSD (yep i'm french) and it would be a pleasure to rebind the key, maybe not a GUI just a config file would be great for the begining and maybe a GUI after.

    Keep on doing that great work you're the best !!!
    DarthTrethon likes this.
  13. DarthTrethon

    DarthTrethon Spaceman Spiff

    Yep, they'll have key binding in the game soon. We're getting a new stable at the end of this month and I am fairly certain key-binding will be in. An yes, Starbound is the greatest, not least because of its amazing mod support that has been insane even through the alpha and beta so far.
  14. Nikotyx

    Nikotyx Tentacle Wrangler

    Yes I hope for Keybiding GUI ASAP but I wanted to EDIT my post with a Link of a Topic about config file and keybinding


    It's the topic of OmnipotentEntity and I discovered it just after posting
  15. Royal_Starlord

    Royal_Starlord Big Damn Hero

    Um... I sometimes do. >///>;;
  16. Karth

    Karth Pangalactic Porcupine

    Huge +1 for planet bookmarking!

    Having fired up the game for the first time in about five(six?) months there's been a lot of changes (On unstable, anyway) that I've liked. Keep up the work folks! :)
    DarthTrethon likes this.
  17. IcyLucario

    IcyLucario Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So this "feedback"...
    How much bitching did you guys have to trudge though till you found honest ones? :rofl:

    Careful not to read that the wrong way:koala:, but dang. This site has pretty nice people but some of the people (Steam) really give you guys hell. :koala:

    (Keep in mind I still wuv you. <3)
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2015
  18. pjeeeeeee

    pjeeeeeee Void-Bound Voyager

    Will we get to see more lore on: 1. The Hylotl (everything we know about them, which isn't a lot, can be deduced from character - npc interaction, their introduction/wiki, and armour descriptions, but there aren't any lore codexes dedicated the Hylotl as a race, although we have Hiraki Corale, Hiraki is an atypical Hylotl adventurer and Hiraki's codexes don't give us much information on the Hylotl race itself.)
    2. The Novakid (Everything we know can be read at the introduction page, and some can be deduced from Bietol's original post, though we don't know to what extent Starbound will run with it.)
    3. The Agaran & other political interactions between races, to define the universe setting some more.
    Royal_Starlord likes this.
  19. Arkthas

    Arkthas Void-Bound Voyager

    Doods, what's with the updates I've been getting on steam all this past days? there's been like three 100+ mbs and no news about them D: or is it just me?
  20. Fred10k

    Fred10k Great Scott!

    Bugfixes. :)

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