Exciting Post About Exciting Things

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by metadept, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. Atomic Hedgehog

    Atomic Hedgehog Void-Bound Voyager

    Holy hell. I really hope they make like, craftable gates/teleporters to put in bases for planet-planet teleportation. Create a sort of gate network between worlds you colonize.
  2. Arkthas

    Arkthas Void-Bound Voyager

    Do you know what else would be cool? a way to "save" your warp point to a planet, like where you build your house, though it should be strictly limited to the planet surface :D
    ZephaniahNoah likes this.
  3. Atomic Hedgehog

    Atomic Hedgehog Void-Bound Voyager

    That's what I'm saying. Have it warp from gate to gate as a site-to-site trans-planetary teleportation grid.
  4. Zi Prophet

    Zi Prophet Void-Bound Voyager

    Social... Life? You mean Multiplayer?:headbanging::rock:
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I don't think that's what Arkthas was saying.
  6. FloranAndHobbes

    FloranAndHobbes Void-Bound Voyager

    Since the charging of bows and staves are lumped together in this post when describing the changes, I'm going to hope this means we won't be forced to stand still while charging staves in the near future. :hylotl:
    Kain Yusanagi likes this.
  7. Biirdy Daysleeper

    Biirdy Daysleeper Weight of the Sky

    For once I decided to make a rewiew the latest version. (I have not talked about everything because I have not tested some Mechanisms)

    The upgrade of the vessels which finally allows a vessel large enough to live in and store his stuff. The AI has no interest in practical terms but being assisted by a endowed with consciousness computer is very friendly.
    New biomes oceans are really beautiful, wildlife and marine plant are very interesting to look at but also to study, there is also a challenge in underwater exploration with sharks and other aggressive aquatic creatures. I'll probably also build myself a laboratory submarine.
    In terms of surface monsters, removal of permanent knockback is not a breakthrough, but fights are nonetheless much more interesting. The addition of new attacks is not overwhelming either but the monsters become more surprising. Adding new body portions by cons is very interesting from the point of view of research.
    The sub grounds as to them are really much better, often I had to dig for hours to find the interesting areas because the surface holes often led to nothing. So a great job on that too.
    Regarding the quests I find the current system already very satisfactory, but in fact the addition of random quests would be very interesting.
    The Outpost is really great, I go without problems because I know that no matter the species we are always accepted, and if the stores are really available practices.

    Well, there is still much to do but Starbound is a game still young with a team of skilled coders and a great community.
  8. Derethevil

    Derethevil Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Can you please give is some information about the hunger bar?
    Will it be banned from the game?

    Or is it (hopefully, otherwise i dont want to play again) on a list for a possible comeback?
    Something big is just missing without it for me.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2015
  9. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    If you'd actually read the other news post, you'd have seen a passage not unlike this: "we weren't happy with their current implementation. They'll be back in some form for harder difficulty levels."

    Can we put this to rest now, please?
  10. Colaymorak

    Colaymorak Big Damn Hero

    From what I've gleaned, they're completely removing the old hunger system as they were finding it unnecessarily tedious. They'll be redesigning it and add a brand spanking new hunger system eventually, as well as a new temperature system.
    ZephaniahNoah likes this.
  11. Derethevil

    Derethevil Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well damn. I should stop drinking, sorry.
    And it can only rest, if hunger is back.

    Redesign? Well hopefully they dont !%"ยง it up. It was okay already.
  12. DarthTrethon

    DarthTrethon Spaceman Spiff

    That is precisely how they intend to work the bookmarking system.....with teleporters you drop yourself so whenever you go to a previously explored planet you always drop where you places your teleporter.
  13. johnyburd

    johnyburd Aquatic Astronaut

    Yes! key binding gui!
  14. Ravager

    Ravager Title Not Found

    Also, I know they're working their poor butts off to appeal to us salty fans, but I can't help but hope that after this stable update, they at least think about working with pets. I mean, build on them more, at least, like not having to kill them to get them back, or have them grow the stronger they get along the way. Heck, maybe some pets could serve as mounts for flight or fast travel, or even fetch items from a distance for you.
  15. Rexxar_F3

    Rexxar_F3 Space Spelunker

    They have their priorities, they need to work on looooot of old stuff before getting on the newer ones, but when they eventually catch up they'll surely do more about the pets :)
  16. Dromna

    Dromna Aquatic Astronaut

    Thanks for working on parallax transitions :)
  17. Maxiplayer

    Maxiplayer Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Why eat meh
  18. Kain Yusanagi

    Kain Yusanagi Aquatic Astronaut

    Really hoping that one priority will be if structures overlap in zone, that you don't get cutoffs if one's below-ground... Just had an Apex Laboratory get cut off underneath a Floran village, and it's one of the triggers to unlock the door to the shield generator, and the settileprotection admin code just keeps breaking the game whenever I use it. :/[DOUBLEPOST=1420799744][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I'd rather see it as a melee bash. No/little damage, but does a pushback, and cancels the charge.
  19. TTCO

    TTCO Void-Bound Voyager

    Can I get a link to that AMA? I'm interested in what they said about performance, since that is one of my two "big" conserns, as I've stated in a post I made a few days ago.
  20. DarthTrethon

    DarthTrethon Spaceman Spiff


    Tiy said:
    1. The current unstable update isn't optimised at all, but Kyren is confident she can massively improve performance across the whole engine once we do a big optimisation pass. Right now though you might see a bit of a hit.
    2. The notorious memory leak has been patched, performance in general is a little bad at the moment though for the reasons above.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
    Jonesy and TTCO like this.

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