Hello, everyone! Hope you are having a nice week. Here are 16 options to replace your horse! DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD Mirror DOWNLOAD (Updated 11/18) Mirror DOWNLOAD (Updated 11/18) Mirror DOWNLOAD (Updated 11/18) Mirror INSTALLATION: Drop the files into Stardew Valley\Content\Animals, after backing up your files of course! Thank you for your time. Let me know if you have any questions or any problems. Happy farming!
These are all beautiful, downloaded the purple unicorn though because I need one of those in my game. Thank you for sharing!
Hey everyone, teensy little update to the unicorns. The horns were just off by a pixel on one of the sprites. Not something you'd notice in-game though (it was one of the running upward sprites, so your farmer would cover it), so don't worry about downloading unless you want to. Edit: I'm sorry, I'm swamped with requests for other animal sprites so I'm not currently taking requests for horses. I know there are many other horse replacements on the forums, though, so you may find what you are looking for with those. Just in case anyone is interested, I tend to ask for suggestions and post WIPs over on my tumblr. Many of these horses were requests made in the early stages of making this mod.
I did everything, i put them in the animals folder in contents in stardew valley, and it says this when i start up the game, and choose a character: I really would like some help because i LOVE your horse retextures, you made them not look like a pony, i love them but i cant seem to be able to use them. ;c.
im going to try to just put the file into the animals folder [ 2 minutes later ] > Didnt work. Also i used the Elles Silver Bay.rar file, would i have to rename it to .xnb? ( well basicly the caspian ) And i just noticed, this came out on the day of my birthday xDD
ill be on later, in like an hour, if anyone could help me id LOVEE that im just soooooo sad that i cant use these retexturesssss D;
I'm sorry, how did you put it in the folder? You have to extract horse.xnb from the rar file into the Animals folder, not put the rar in.
Thank you so much for these! Exactly what I was looking for. I do have a quick question, it seems like some files are repeated in the links. For example I really want the Clydesdale, but all links around it are giving me the Cleveland Bay horse model. Are the names the same or were the links incorrectly put?
Looks like the main link is wrong, but the mirror link is correct. It's now fixed, all other links are correct. Sorry for the trouble!
No problem! I absolutely love your mod. I keep changing to a different horse each time I load the game
What a well made horse resprite! I think they definitely look more elegant like this, unlike the stocky, big-headed vanilla counterpart. Good job, I'll most likely be using Konik, but Marwari and Clydesdale are pretty appealing to me as well.
These are beautiful! I'm having such a hard time deciding which one to use. Would you ever consider making a Paint horse?
Hey, I followed the instructions up above, but there's no change in my game. It doesn't crash, but it also doesn't use the retexture. I use a Mac and Steam, if that helps to clarify anything. How should I be installing this?