Dying Really Sucks... [Updated]

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Cruellyricisti, May 22, 2013.


Are you happy with the way dying is handled in Starbound.

  1. Yup, cloning is just fine with me.

  2. Eh, I'm kinda 50/50...

  3. No! You're idea is a step in the right direction!

  1. Sir Chaotick

    Sir Chaotick Astral Cartographer

    I fail to see how it's much more "creative" or "dynamic", but if I conveniently white out the story bit (as you suggest), it's effectively Terraria's mediumcore difficulty. Which I am perfectly fine with.

    That being said, the story proposals I've seen here seem kind of... tacky. It's not enough to be all that interesting, but complicated enough to be annoying. I do like the injured debuff idea, though. It makes sense, but it isn't too major or time-consuming.

    The ship battles could fairly easily be explained by having your ship crash-land on a nearby planet, I reckon. Wasn't there a thread for that somewhere?
  2. Cruellyricisti

    Cruellyricisti Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    The ship to ship battles are to be based on FTL. That was Tiy's explanation of it. I believe it was on Reddit. I'll try and link to it in an edit. But it will be a feature post release.

    With your ship conveniently crash landing on a nearby planet. Wouldn't you have to rebuild your ship? Is that not itself complicated enough to be annoying? Evey time you die in battle you have to rebuild your ship. Or at least repair it.

    I admit my suggestion is a shot in the dark but it is something that is definitely more creative than "you will be cloned". I mean come on, Tiy's response to whether that was the official stance for death in Starbound "if you don't want to be a clone, don't die" says it all. Gee, don't die. Great advice.

    I'm attempting to remove the difficulty setting completely. To something more streamlined. Punishing enough for those that want punishing death. But gentle enough for those that rather get on with it.

    It is perhaps a little long winded. Looking back. And could use a bit of trimming down. I like the medbay idea also. But for the sake of fleshing it out... what would you have of the low level players who die before creating a medbay? Out of curiosity.
  3. Sir Chaotick

    Sir Chaotick Astral Cartographer

    About the crash-landing part... well, either you'd have your ship land succesfully and thus only incur regular maintenance costs, or you fast-forward to a point in time where your ship is rebuilt. If you don't have the necessary materials, your ship will turn out shoddy - which is in line with your own point of view, I think. (the whole "return with bad equipment" part) Your cargo would probably be spared - if the opponent wanted your stuff, they wouldn't just have shot your ship down.
    As for the medbay equivalent... eh, I think you could leave the character unconscious in the vicinity of his/her death/ship and give him/her a somewhat more severe version of the "injured debuff".
    Keep in mind, though, that I'm by no means to be considered "creative" - in fact, I don't care all that much - and someone else would probably better be suited to think up this kind of thing.

    However! The part about "removing the difficulty setting completely" I do not agree with at all. Not everyone wants to be inconvenienced (even if it's only moderately" for the sake of immersion and the story making sense. They should have the choice to drop the realism part and simply incur lighter, immediate penalties (destruction or dropping of some cash) after which they can just go on with their game. Everyone happy.
  4. Zeklo

    Zeklo Heliosphere

    It would have to be a hardmode or something, something like that is to harsh for starters.
  5. cdogcdl

    cdogcdl Cosmic Narwhal

    I like the thoughts but there needs to be some variability chosen by the user in case they don't want to make it so hard to recover their stuff.

    I do however think that if you don't get a free respawn with all of your stuff that the corpse should have an accessible inventory to get you things off of it.
    Pseudoboss likes this.
  6. Cruellyricisti

    Cruellyricisti Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Updated with suggestions.
  7. Bastard Man

    Bastard Man Big Damn Hero

    This is essentially "Mediumcore" difficulty on Terraria, without the added NPC and debuff...
  8. Cruellyricisti

    Cruellyricisti Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    The NPC is come or go. The key is the debuff and the story elements. So death is included as part of the stories continuity instead of a break in it.
  9. Bastard Man

    Bastard Man Big Damn Hero

    Yeah I still like the idea though; getting pissed off when you respawn and having to go ALL the way back to your death point with worse equipment was a pain in the ass. At least this way I'll have a little bit more immersion while I'm getting pissed off with dying lol
    Cruellyricisti likes this.
  10. Deitri

    Deitri Astral Cartographer

    While I agree this is a good idea, I see this more as a mod in the future instead of a feature of the game.
    Some people mentioned reasons why this wouldn't be a good idea on release, but the one that concerns me the most is the fact after dying you will have to "start again" elsewhere, even if you don't need to create a new character and a new world, you'll have to start from some palce you have no idea where it is and possibly delay all the progression you were doing.

    And if we deal with this idea as a optional thing, like hardcore on and off, it may bring some work to the devs that isn't really necessary to the game development.
  11. demongoat

    demongoat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This sounds like a great option to have, if it was handled like a 'Mediumcore' difficulty setting. There'd have to be some way to circumvent having to go through that entire process again though. Maybe some kind of 'Emergency Teleport Device' or something?
    I fully support this but it would annoy a lot of people if it was 100% mandatory. Definitely a configurable option.
  12. Cruellyricisti

    Cruellyricisti Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    That was the original idea. Everyone flamed me, this is sort of to please more people.

    There is. Once you build a med bay on your ship or in your base. You emergency teleport there, with your crew or friends reviving you instead of some random medical facility doctor.
    demongoat likes this.
  13. Pseudoboss

    Pseudoboss Spaceman Spiff

    That seems like a good idea, but then there could easily be no punishment at all for death. I would like to see that mode require a fuel cell that is consumed when used or something, it's not terribly difficult to get or make, but if you run around suiciding down every pit you see, then it will cost you a lot of resources. Resources that could be better used elsewhere.
    Cruellyricisti likes this.
  14. Skippy3

    Skippy3 Pangalactic Porcupine

    You should add an option to your poll, 'No, but I don't like your idea either.'
  15. Cruellyricisti

    Cruellyricisti Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Tried. No can do. Moderators won't do it either. For now the only solution there is, is to go to Suggestions and hit "New Thread". Which works pretty well considering...
  16. Aeon

    Aeon Phantasmal Quasar

    honestly cloning is ok with me but perhaps a sort of debuff for a period of time because cloning is no simple matter that you can just act as spry and fit before you died
    Cruellyricisti likes this.
  17. (Unoriginal Name)

    (Unoriginal Name) Void-Bound Voyager

    What I would probably suggest is:
    Soft-core: Money is lost, but not items.
    Medium-core: This suggestion.
    Hard-core: Character is lost on death, however a new character can recover their body and have them cloned, allowing the character to be recovered.

    Softcore would fit casual players, whereas medium would fit most.
    Hardcore would mean death is a mostly permanent thing, but the character is, with effort, recoverable.
    Cruellyricisti likes this.
  18. Cruellyricisti

    Cruellyricisti Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    It would surprise me if you haven't read this idea as it was the first time around. That hardcore suggestion was exactly what I suggested, word for word. But I got flamed. I toned it down to this one though.
  19. Cruellyricisti

    Cruellyricisti Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Updated OP.
  20. Bughunter

    Bughunter Spaceman Spiff

    I would like this as an option! Sounds great :3

    EDIT: Oh yeah, editing now works on firefox!!

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