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Duplicate tools

Discussion in 'Support' started by marginoferror, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. marginoferror

    marginoferror Space Spelunker

    I'm glad the "lost tools" problem is fixed, but now I've ended up with duplicate tools! I neglected to pick my upgraded hoe up from the blacksmith on the appointed day. Overnight, I received another hoe. Then I went to the blacksmith to check and sure enough, there was my upgraded hoe. So now I have two.
    • Calacene

      Calacene Phantasmal Quasar

      Same thing happened to me with my axe
      • Martan

        Martan Void-Bound Voyager

        As someone else mentioned on the forums (can't remember who) you can place a chest somewhere on your farm, drop the tool in there and then blow it up to get rid of it.

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