@dieselriley told me his rolls over discord, and he got a 15. He breaks free, choose to make an attack or end your turn
I use my action to try and break my bonds (rolled a 15 + Str Mod (2) = 17), if that works I'd like to use my movement to run across the room, trying to avoid the penguins and pick up my glaive. EDIT: I assume they've also taken my armour right?
They have taken your armor. Also, due to the fact that you had to take off your binds this turn, you cannot take another noncombat action. However, you did succeed at taking your binds off Blazing paladin, (I rolled for that, just as a note.) you succeed, and he has no crossbow. You have it now, but there is only the one loaded in the chamber since you have not grabbed your bolts yet. You also have dealt 1 smh to p1 P1:unarmed,1dmg P2:5dmg
The flipper penguin attacks blazing paladin twice with its flipper blade. It hits once, dealing 7 damage. Blazing paladin is now knocked unconscious The now unarmed crossbow penguin tries to peck at themushroomlord. It hits, and deals 1 damage. Purple dragon's turn P1:1dmg, unarmed P2:5 dmg
In that case, I'm gonna scream profanity at penguin 2 in every language I know and then attack it. (Rolled a 13 to hit + 4 = 17, if that hits I did 9 + 4 = 13 points of slashing damage)