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Double Posts Disable Watched Threads

Discussion in 'Website Feedback/Issues' started by Xylia, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    This is really bugging me lately.

    There are a few threads that I like to keep track of and I participate in a regular basis, but they are rather buried in the forums (you gotta go through at least 3-4 clicks to get to them).

    The problem is, is that lately it seems that there is an infinite "Post Merge" time on Double-Posting. I know other XenoForo systems (Terraria's included) that has a time of like an hour when the forum system will simply make a new post instead of merging the old one.

    The problem is, when someone posts and then 5 hours later, they post again, it "merges" the post because of the infinite merge time. Then, when someone else posts after them.... you don't receive an alert that the thread was posted in and you won't until you visit that thread again manually.

    Do we need an Infinite Post Merge? Can't we just set it to like 1 hour? Is double-posting THAT big of a deal that we can't allow a new post an hour later? This is especially a problem in the Modding Forum when we're trying to bugfix a mod. I'll run into a bug, say, 12PM. I'll post about said bug. Then I'll find another bug at 3PM. I can edit my first post, or post again. Both have the same effect -- the other people in the thread won't see it until they manually update the thread. If I post and it merges, then anybody ELSE who posts to the thread won't trigger alerts for people watching the thread.

    I don't think we should be merging posts that are more than an hour in-between to be honest. There's really no reason for that. You're not going to "spam" the forums by posting an hour apart, lol. Actually to be honest, I'd even go down to 30 minutes, but meh. An hour would be better than nothing in this regard...
  2. The addon we're using for that functionality now doesn't really support any customizability, unlike the one we used to use. @mollygos could try to investigate other options, since this issue has come up a couple of times now (including for myself), but the current one seems quite limited.
  3. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Thanks for looking into it! Hopefully we can come up with a solution that fixes or at least alleviates the problem. I'm glad to hear that you're aware of it and at least looking into possible solutions. Here's hoping we can make it better!
  4. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    <Mackinz> Also, mollygos, one more thing.
    <Mackinz> If you didn't know already, the "post updated" feature on the forum does not generate thread update alerts.
    <mollygos> yeah i've noticed this :< i need to look into it, but next week
    <Mackinz> Okay :)
    She'll look into it. :D

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