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Doing the mermaid show (using the note found) pressing shells don't work

Discussion in 'Support' started by KirasDemon, Jun 9, 2018.

  1. KirasDemon

    KirasDemon Intergalactic Tourist

    Hello! So i've Gone to the night market Mermaid show several times (i'm in year 4) and pressing the shells in the order after the show does not do anything.
    I'm able to press them, they make the music notes, but whatever is supposed to happen does not happen. Any ideas?
    Thanks! :)
    • felixmeow

      felixmeow Space Hobo

      Only works once per save file and if you have found the secret note
      • KirasDemon

        KirasDemon Intergalactic Tourist

        Yep, i havent done it, and i have found the note, but when i try to do it, nothing happens.

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