WIP Diverse Stardew - Unofficial Continuation (UPDATED 1.5, 07/01/21)

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by SarahSyna, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. hopefulfox

    hopefulfox Void-Bound Voyager

    I finished testing her right before work tonight! I'm pretty pleased w/ her portraits, I can make an upload for her as soon as I get home.

    I was thinking of making some edits to Vincent and Sam to go with her, to make it seem less like they're just random white kids living with a Middle Eastern woman lol. BUT I'm also using the ftm!Sam edit and I adore it and don't wanna mess with it :cry: Maybe I can just tweak Vincent to have similar hair and skintones to Jodi so it's not AS random..
      Alkanthe likes this.
    • hopefulfox

      hopefulfox Void-Bound Voyager

      Ugh, well real life kinda slapped me in the face Wednesday, so I wasn't able to get on my computer until just now :cry:

      BUT here she is! I'm open to suggestions, and I was able to test all the sprites in game but not all the portraits, so let me know if something needs work c:

        karcea, Medicell and Alkanthe like this.
      • MasterYoba

        MasterYoba Void-Bound Voyager

        I literally created an account so I could post here and thank you for continuing this wonderful mod. You are truly doing Yoba's work.
        • MasterYoba

          MasterYoba Void-Bound Voyager

        • mst3kharris

          mst3kharris Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          I have a question about the dialogue: has that been modded at all? I'm asking because when my character talked to unmodded Elliott today, he said he had to comb his hair. (I forget why, exactly.) It would have disrupted my immersion if I had modded him, because although I am a white girl, I am 95% certain you don't comb dreadlocked hair. I suppose I could put it down to him joking with my character, but I also kind of want to fix it.
            Alkanthe likes this.
          • ohsweetmercy

            ohsweetmercy Orbital Explorer

            I just saw that piece of dialogue, too. Actually, you do comb dreadlocked hair, just not in the same way you would straight hair. My sister has dreads and she has to finger comb her dreads pretty often to keep it from forming bigger dreads with one another! So if you just look at 'combing' as in finger combing rather than with a hair comb, it's perfectly fitting. If it still bothers you I think you can edit dialogue in save files... don't quote me on that, I'm not entirely sure.
              Alkanthe likes this.
            • ohsweetmercy

              ohsweetmercy Orbital Explorer

              Just replying to repeat what you said; Shane's missing some marriage sprites! I get two black bars when on our wedding day as well. @SarahSyna Do you have and ETA on when this will be fixed? Thanks so much!
              • ohsweetmercy

                ohsweetmercy Orbital Explorer

                karcea likes this.
              • SarahSyna

                SarahSyna Subatomic Cosmonaut

                Uh, hello, everyone! I'm really sorry for disappearing so suddenly and for so very long. To put it simply, I've had sort of... a rough time in my personal life and it's played havoc with commitments like this. I'm coming out of it now, and I also have more spare time, so thank goodness.

                I know it's been... quite a long time, but if people are still interested, I can continue this on now.
                  Karmylla and Alkanthe like this.
                • Alkanthe

                  Alkanthe Supernova

                  Of course I'm still interested! And, I understand... this isn't the most important thing in the world (though it is of course a noble goal!). Glad the storm is passing, though. Welcome back c :
                  • SarahSyna

                    SarahSyna Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    I decided I would upload what I was working on before my impromptu hiatus as soon as I had the time to. So I've added Jas, who was a pretty major edit, to the opening post, a minor edit of Kent, and a variant of Shane intended for post-marriage/quitting.

                    Next up is Marnie, who I'm still sort of planning the look of. With any luck, she should be done before the end of next week!

                      Karmylla and Alkanthe like this.
                    • Alkanthe

                      Alkanthe Supernova

                      Looking good so far! I haven't been playing SDV lately, but I definitely will use these when I do!
                      • Karmylla

                        Karmylla Space Kumquat

                        You did a marvellous job with Jas, she looks beautiful, and I'm really liking your Marnie WIP! And I love the details you gave Kent!
                        Thank you for continuing this project, and I hope life gets better!
                        • Karmylla

                          Karmylla Space Kumquat

                          For those who also use the Jas Events Mod by randomAnon123 I've made a compatibility edit for Afro-Latina Jas.
                          I took the liberty of editing some small things (Jas's eyes on her portraits - I hope that's okay!), and adding the new portraits as well as the character sprites.
                          Credits go to @randomAnon123 and @SarahSyna


                            Attached Files:

                            HopeWasHere and Alkanthe like this.
                          • SarahSyna

                            SarahSyna Subatomic Cosmonaut

                            Uploaded to Dropbox and added to the opening post under Compatibility Patches, with the proper credit. ^^
                              Alkanthe likes this.
                            • hojichas

                              hojichas Void-Bound Voyager

                              I edited Emily's 8-heart event! I can't test it, but hopefully it works:


                              ClothesTherapyCharacters.xnb should go in the "Characters" folder. Also, @ohsweetmercy - you might be interested!

                                Attached Files:

                                Medicell, sirlumberbeard and faeamie like this.
                              • Squeakykins

                                Squeakykins Orbital Explorer

                                Thank you so, so much for this! This was one of my favourite mods to start with, too.
                                • shesoundshideous

                                  shesoundshideous Yeah, You!

                                  hello! not to hound you but will you be updating these mods for the update? im new to modding and only asking because you havent posted on here in a while. thank u!<3
                                  • wendladarlings

                                    wendladarlings Void-Bound Voyager

                                    :O Thanks for this!! Jas looks so cute. <3 And I love the prosthetic you made for Kent!
                                      Alkanthe likes this.
                                    • hopieluff

                                      hopieluff Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      Hey guys! I don't know if anyone can help me, but for some reason, four of the in-game sprites don't change - specifically Abigail, Alex, Demetrius (albino) and Elliott V2. I'm not sure if it's maybe one of my mods, or I've done something wrong, but I've deleted and replaced the files three or four times and it's still the same thing.

                                      The portraits are fine! It's just the in-game sprites that won't change.

                                      Could someone please help?

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