RELEASED Dino to Dragon

Discussion in 'Mods' started by mythicfenix, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. mythicfenix

    mythicfenix Void-Bound Voyager

    EDIT: Mod is now live on the nexus:

    So I saw someone ask somewhere about turning the dino into a dragon, and I thought, yes I must do this for my game. I haven't done pixel art in ages, and I was never all that good at it really, but I made this and I figured others might want to use it too. I don't know how to make an actual mod, but I did test it out by replacing a .png in a different mod so I know it does work.

    Also, does anyone know where the dino egg is in the files? I was going to make a dragon egg for it, but I couldn't find it.
    drgns preview copy.png
    Black.png Blue.png Green.png Purple.png Red.png
      Last edited: Mar 1, 2019
      nekoCrimson and HopeWasHere like this.
    • SpringsSong

      SpringsSong Cosmic Narwhal

      The dino egg can be found in Maps/springobjects! I really like how this looks~
      • mythicfenix

        mythicfenix Void-Bound Voyager

        Thanks! I made some edits to the dragons and made matching dragon eggs. Next step is figuring out how to make these into an actual mod
        drgns preview copy2.png
        black.png purple.png red.png blue.png green.png
        black.png purple.png red.png blue.png green.png
          nekoCrimson likes this.
        • nekoCrimson

          nekoCrimson Subatomic Cosmonaut

          As far as making them into an actual mod, the dinosaurs have their own files, right? That would be the easy part and could be done with an xnb mod, but is probably better done with Content Patcher for safety reasons. I've made a few Content Patcher mods for personal use so I might be able to point you in the right direction. The eggs are smaller icons on a larger sheet, which are possible with a Content Patcher mod (so that it's also compatible with other mods that edit the springobjects file and players wouldn't have to choose only one mod if they encounter another) but I don't have any experience with that.

          Also, since you've made multiple colors, a Content Patcher mod would allow players to choose which color they wanted in game with a config file! I know I got my eyes on the red one there, lol. You don't really have to be proficient with code to make Content Patcher mods, so long as you've read the tutorial everything is basically just filling out a form. I think it also helps to have a few examples to look at. I don't think it's a good idea to copy the examples directly, but at least you'll have a better idea of what a finished, functioning mod looks like.

          If you're going in the Content Patcher direction, give this page a once-over to get a basic understanding of what the files (manifest, content, and config) are and do, and then find an example of a mod that works similarly to yours - in this case, Mag's Dog Reskins might be a good one - take a look at it and try to learn from it. It may not be something you could knock out in 5 seconds flat on your first try, but that doesn't make it hard, it's just something new!
          • mythicfenix

            mythicfenix Void-Bound Voyager

            Thanks! I figured it'd be really easy to make .xnb versions, but as you said then it may be incompatible with other mods, so if I can I want to try and make a Content Patcher mod. I just have no idea what I'm doing lol. I only just starting downloading mods like a week and a half ago.

            I'll look over the resources and give it a go. Thanks again.
              nekoCrimson likes this.
            • nekoCrimson

              nekoCrimson Subatomic Cosmonaut

              No problem! Hope it goes over well!
              • mythicfenix

                mythicfenix Void-Bound Voyager

                nekoCrimson likes this.

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