Devourer of worlds

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Drago479, Jul 30, 2013.


Do you want to kill eater right now?

  1. Yes, stand up for the universe

  2. No, we have no chance

  3. Bad idea. I will not anger the gods

  1. Pseudoboss

    Pseudoboss Spaceman Spiff

    Orbital bombardment would be far too blunt to damage a planet, it would take an astronomical amount of force to punch through its crust, while digging in and poisoning it from the inside, or causing any number of medical problems, would take much less effort, it's like killing someone with a baseball bat versus a poison. Both work, one takes a bit more planning, the other takes more energy.

    As for the coding bit, these could just be triggered events, break x blocks in this region, pump x blocks of n toxin into it, kill x mobs in this area and there's a planetary event that causes the planet's biome to change from ''live'' to ''dead''
  2. Rajotazo

    Rajotazo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You obviously don't know what kind of explosives I use.

    (A digging explosive that's more powerful than a nuclear bomb that digs into the center of the planet and violently detonates itself causing the planet's crust to shift, crack, and eventually crumble.)
    (Look up exterminatus on the warhammer 40k wiki.)
  3. Huami

    Huami Pangalactic Porcupine

    into the guts of a living planet... me likey 8)
  4. Looka

    Looka Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    D: Mmmh... what? I like your idea (or at least i think so... :wtf:) but next time translate it for yourself instead of using google translator.
    I like the idea of landing on a huge monster. :viking:
    It could be a huge bloody dungeon, where you have to enter from it's mouth (or another orifice if you prefer...) and make your way through its organs (it'll try to digest you with his acid) to destroy its brain/heart/nucleus/whatever (its guardian object -> if you don't destroy it, you cannot mine blocks). Then prepare a camp fire somewhere and roast some meat blocks! ITADAKIMASU!

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