Derelict Ships

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Dirigible Tomato, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Zaisher

    Zaisher Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    soo that's a YES to were wolves from another dimension? we could also do squid men(OCTO DAD REFRENCE FTW)with barely any control over there fake limbs
  2. DrFlashbang

    DrFlashbang Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hey guys if you haven't been checking the main page lately, yesterday they posted an update about floating dungeons. They continued to say that there is a chance this kind of floating thing could be used to make derelict vessels. Our voices were heard!
    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  3. Zaisher

    Zaisher Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    YES the were wolf castle WILL COME TO BE[DOUBLEPOST=1408300751][/DOUBLEPOST]
    werewolf* I finally figured that out
  4. OmegaMinion

    OmegaMinion Phantasmal Quasar

    Okay, Zaisher, Stop with the inter-dimensional werewolves, it was funny once, not the 7th time.

    On another note, Derelict Ships is probably the best idea to come out of this sub-forum for quite some time.
    DrFlashbang likes this.
  5. Dirigible Tomato

    Dirigible Tomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    oh gosh~
  6. Zaisher

    Zaisher Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    fine no more werewolves I was gonna stop after the castle on anyway
  7. megatiger78

    megatiger78 Void-Bound Voyager

    so bacically that avian ship attack by agaran spores could tell you to fly a way you gnore and get flatend by 50 agaran?
  8. megatiger78

    megatiger78 Void-Bound Voyager

    maybe that agarnan story about the aviasn tomb robbe3rs where they get boarded
  9. DrFlashbang

    DrFlashbang Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I know this is a dead thread but I was reading over it and I think I came up with another idea. Imagine how amazing the lore in the codex could be. You are journeying through a ruined ship and find a story about how two ships got in a battle and this one was:
    A). Stranded
    :cool:. Turned into werewolves, zombies, etc.
    C). Struggling to get back home but ran out of fuel

    I feel like it could make a sense of depth and looming danger to the vast universe that is starbound.
  10. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    this is what should be a random possibility on asteroids, also, miner ships. Asteroids need more love, they feel rather empty/repetitive.
  11. DrFlashbang

    DrFlashbang Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah I really like that idea. Maybe crashed ships on moons as well?
  12. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    I like this idea c: altho I think the plumeting part is a tad impossible, derelict ships would be a pretty amazing thing to loot, get tech... maybe even those fancy mechas and vehicles that have been suggested in past times! sort of in a CRYPTARK kind of way
  13. Dirigible Tomato

    Dirigible Tomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wow, this thread got a lot of attention. Weird.

    Definitely would be cool to find them on moons, makes them a bit more interesting than just being erchius hoards. Distress signals when

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