Derelict Ships

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Dirigible Tomato, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Medkit

    Medkit Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I was thinking the internal sections of the ship, having life support malfunctions and causing the player to walk on walls/the roof.
  2. Dirigible Tomato

    Dirigible Tomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That... would be interesting. And confusing.
  3. RauschGames

    RauschGames Tentacle Wrangler

    Jesus, this very quickly became my favorite thread on these forums. I kind of want to get t-shirts made. :)
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  4. Dirigible Tomato

    Dirigible Tomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm pretty excited about these ideas.

    Anyone want to get some images rolling? I'm kinda bad at drawing stuff
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  5. RauschGames

    RauschGames Tentacle Wrangler

    I see your bad and raise you several stick figures. I am the worst at drawing things. I can write things though! Beautifully descriptive things about these hypothetical derelicts.
    OmegaMinion and Sgt_Hankey like this.
  6. Dirigible Tomato

    Dirigible Tomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Let's get writing! You talkin' stories and scenarios, or descriptions?
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  7. RauschGames

    RauschGames Tentacle Wrangler

    Either or! I can get some stuff together later this week. All my free time right now is going toward planning my New Year's Eve gala at home tomorrow night. :)
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  8. Warboss_Spriggs

    Warboss_Spriggs Pangalactic Porcupine

    Can't wait to see what you both come up with! This looks very interesting and I hope it's something the development team adds into the game!
    Sgt_Hankey and Medkit like this.
  9. Dirigible Tomato

    Dirigible Tomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Got any ideas? They're always welcome, and they're always up for discussion.
    Sgt_Hankey and Medkit like this.
  10. Zaisher

    Zaisher Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    space parasite boss it had to be said
    Medkit likes this.
  11. Dirigible Tomato

    Dirigible Tomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wouldn't mind a little more info on this. What does it do? Where do you find it?

    Does it link to derelict ships?
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  12. Medkit

    Medkit Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm guessing the implication is a rarely spawning parasite boss that resides inside a derelict ship, akin to 'Dead Space'. The creature could have multiple limbs that the player must destroy, and to create a tougher challenge, the creature also destroys it's enviroment as it wanders around, possibly destroying loot chests and valuable aesthetic items in the process.
  13. Warboss_Spriggs

    Warboss_Spriggs Pangalactic Porcupine

    Some firends and I were talking about this actually, and while a Dead Space-esque feel would be pretty cool, we shouldn't go overboard. One of the ideas that was brought up was to make the derelict ships as dark as possible, perhaps a few emergency lights (the red ones) is a few areas. You then scrip specific enemy types to become hostile once light hits them. This function could make great use of vents, such as enemies bursting forth from them when you shine your flashlight on them.

    One could also have it so that if you end up dying in the derelict, an enemy spawns from the point were you died.
    RauschGames likes this.
  14. Dirigible Tomato

    Dirigible Tomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Perhaps rather than light hitting them, have it light at a certain level. So you could point your flashlight at the ground near them and unless the beam actually hit them, they wouldn't be disturbed.

    Or maybe they could be disturbed, but they try to warn you off first, and the aggro keeps rising. Similar to how Witches in Left 4 Dead work.
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  15. HueHuey

    HueHuey Parsec Taste Tester

    I have to say that, from the title, i was expecting an actual ship, at the bottom of the ocean.
    A boat.

    now that would be pretty awesome as well
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  16. Dirigible Tomato

    Dirigible Tomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Unfortunately oceans are seemingly rare and not particularly deep.
  17. Zaisher

    Zaisher Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    well it could be randomly generated and the strat could vary on the parts like spider legs would mean it would crawl around the place fast squid legs it would hang from the ceiling or even becoming a big pillar spawning monsters and using average damage swing attacks on you or we could just say screw reality and make a boss thats just a mirror of- I should probably post this as a seprate thread actaully
  18. AmazingKitsune

    AmazingKitsune Space Spelunker

    This is a very good idea and would add more variety and flavor to the game.
  19. Ramses von Deweh

    Ramses von Deweh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I like this idea. A lot.

    I almost feel like this and my "Artificial Planets" idea could go hand in hand: the Bots on the Metal Planet's surface had some sort of anti-ship weapon that blasted the orbiting ship apart. There would be a higher chance to find Derelict Ships around Artificial Planets, instead of other planets.

    (I hate to sound like I'm advertising my idea, but hey, just something I thought of. This is REALLY neat, either way.)
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  20. Dirigible Tomato

    Dirigible Tomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Bring it on.
    What stops them from blasting your ship apart?

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