RP DEPTHS: The old city.

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Jareix Cryvix, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    "Uhh..Any clue if this'll be one of those, 'cornered animal' moments or straight up 'acid blood' situation?"
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  2. Roland Weiss

    Roland Weiss Tiy's Beard

    Sasha lets out an annoyed grunt as he holsters his pistol.
    "Well, that's something." Simo goes to scoop up the contents of his box, looking specifically for the brass flute.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  3. Dipdoo

    Dipdoo Existential Complex

    ((Ron. Jareix?))
    Demina frowns. "Well I wouldn't. I'm going to go find him, I'd like company." She follows the way Ron originally left.
    Arra and Firebird Zoom like this.
  4. Firebird Zoom

    Firebird Zoom Oxygen Tank

    "If it kills you, it's your own fault." Malcolm shouts after her. He turns to Bryon, "So, do you have anything to eat?"
  5. Arra

    Arra The End of Time

    Bryon fumbles after Demina, following like a child
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  6. Omicron445

    Omicron445 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Cain looks for anyone who might seem smart enough to understand the artworks.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  7. themushroomlord

    themushroomlord Pangalactic Porcupine

    "What is it?"
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  8. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    ((Right, damn...))
    It gestures for you to stay down, and seems to try and hide...
    You can hear the clicking of claws and the wet *Schlip-schlip* of something slapping against the gound... Like webbed feet...
    Sklod's already rushing into the house where the creature fled...
    "I'm not sure... We'll just have to find out I suppose..."
    You find everything except the flute...
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  9. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    He keeps right behind him, keeping a bit to his side with the shotgun ready.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  10. Roland Weiss

    Roland Weiss Tiy's Beard

    "What, it's not here?" Simo sifts through the junk, scattering them again. "Crap! That thing ran off with my flute! We gotta hunt it down, big guy!"
    Sasha tromps back down the stairs, heading across the street after the creature. Simo follows, leaving the box behind.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  11. Dipdoo

    Dipdoo Existential Complex

    Ron gives the creature a confused look until he hears the 'footsteps.' He takes three slow steps back from the doorframe, settling into a crouching position and raising his shotgun.
    "Thank you." Demina gives a closed smile to Bryon. "He should be close." She looks down and tries to spot any sign of Ron having passed by, keeping her ears up and listening.
    Firebird Zoom and Arra like this.
  12. Arra

    Arra The End of Time

    Bryon follows right beside you. He act as if he was a young, scared child as he follows.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  13. Dipdoo

    Dipdoo Existential Complex

    She reaches up and rests one hand on your shoulder. "We're both going to need to be brave."
    Firebird Zoom and Arra like this.
  14. Arra

    Arra The End of Time

    He silently nods. Something about his demeanor changes...He seems....calmer.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  15. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    He bolts up the stairs, boots squishing through what was on the floor...
    Your attention is drawn to the glowing green thing again...
    The other two are already on its tail... You don't think they can catch up, but if you could find somewhere to get a clean shot from these roofs you could probably get it...
    You accidentally knock over something, sending it to he floor with a resounding 'CLANG'
    The footsteps stop... They've heard you...
    The creature seems to go pale faced...
    You hear more gunfire, this time coming off towards sort of the general direction where the others headed...
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  16. Roland Weiss

    Roland Weiss Tiy's Beard

    Simo runs ahead to find a quick way to climb to the rooftops, this time Sasha being the one to follow.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  17. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    He quickly fires a buckshot round if it's a clear shot.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  18. Dipdoo

    Dipdoo Existential Complex

    "Shit!" Ron shouts as he launches himself up and out through the doorframe, hoping to rush who/whatever's outside.
    "It sounds like the others found something." She continues forward a bit faster, worried about the lack of nearby sounds.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  19. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    There are actually stairs to a flat platform roof. From there it should be easy to get up high, assuming you don't slip.
    You don't have a clear shot.
    Whatever it was seemed to have been hiding around the corner of the building, as you rush out finding there nobody in sight, before something large impales you...
    It's a harpoon, and you are bleeding severely... you can't move due to the weight, but you've managed to avoid going into shock. Adrenaline is keeping the pain off. You can see now that your attacker seems to have been a large fish faced frog/lizard thing holding the length of cord, and another mi-go armed with some sort of alien lance.
    Said large fish is approaching you. You doubt it could withstand a headshot, but would that be worth the risk?
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  20. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    He tries to flank the thing, hastily moving to a good position and firing a buckshot round first chance he gets.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.

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