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Server Discussion [DEPRECATED] StarDanksCMS

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by danks_, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. FuzzyThor

    FuzzyThor Existential Complex

    Has anyone got this to work with linux.

    Edit. I got this to work with Xampp for linux. Fantastic
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2014
  2. AbbyTheRat

    AbbyTheRat Aquatic Astronaut

    Glad to hear! What did you do to get it to work with XAMPP? It be useful for me to know.
  3. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hm, remind me... Did 1.4+ check the server status per port ping?
  4. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    1.4+ checks server status using fsockopen (port ping), yes.

    Sorry guys, I know this has been taken ages, but I was very very busy, and still kind of am. I'll be here all day today, my localserver will we up in a bit, I added a link on the first post to it, feel free to register and browse while I add stuff to it.

    I am also not getting thread alerts for some weird reason.
    sarahwalker likes this.
  5. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    It's update time guys!

    Staff & User News Management
    v2-1.PNG v2-2.PNG

    Change Password

    Coming next: Server Manager.
    teihoo, sarahwalker and RavenDust like this.
  6. FuzzyThor

    FuzzyThor Existential Complex

    All I did was download this http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/files/XAMPP Linux/1.8.3/xampp-linux-x64-1.8.3-2-installer.run put it into the /opt directory
    sudo chmod +x 777 xampp-linux-x64-1.8.3-2-installer.run
    Then ./xampp-linux-x64-1.8.3-2-installer.run
    follow the onscreen prompts
    once its all installed run /opt/lampp/lampp start
    Then all the files are stored in /opt/lampp/htdocs
    You can either remove all the stuff in the directory and drop in the cms file or make another directory for the cms.
    I had to connect to the server as root with ftp to make any changes.
    Once you upload all the file I had to chmod -r 775 the entire website to set it up properly.
  7. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Me neither. But i'm just checking in here as often as possible^^
  8. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Am getting them again, unwatch thread and watch it again :)
    RavenDust likes this.
  9. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wee, thanks, that worked :D

    *Continuing to wait patiently for "early access" to v2*
  10. zeaga

    zeaga Phantasmal Quasar

    and of course I'm the one guy who owns a webserver and not a Starbound server!
    I'll definitely keep this bookmarked in case I ever rent one.
  11. AbbyTheRat

    AbbyTheRat Aquatic Astronaut

    You didn't have to turn short_tag on in the php.ini, FuzzyThor?

  12. FuzzyThor

    FuzzyThor Existential Complex

    Nope All I did is what I told you. But I am running ubuntu

    P.S its better if you quote my posts so I am alerted when you post
  13. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Did some progress on the menu manager, need to change the add new link to visibility drop down menu and add a delete button for each item.
    After that comes the manager.

    I don't know if I'll be able to do a lot more tonight, but I hope.

    Attached Files:

  14. HyperSilence

    HyperSilence Master Chief

    This looks awesome! But, can anyone answer a couple questions I have? Does this have spawn protection? And if it does, is I know there is implied "no mining" protection, but is there also protection for no projectiles (e.g. bombs, swords, guns, ect)?
    Sorry, another question for spawn; Is it possible to not allow NPC killing in the spawn?

    Okay so besides that, there are simple commands such as kicking, banning, ect, yes?

    Thanks for your awesome website host!
  15. AbbyTheRat

    AbbyTheRat Aquatic Astronaut

    I get alerts either way, *shrug* it's something for me to take note off, XAMPP install on windows was a bit of a pain, didn't go smoothly at all so I'm planning to come up with a tutional for XAMPP installs to get this working :)

    It does not do anything directly to the server, it merely use the files that the server accesses to control these sort of things. (No wrappers) Not sure you can even kick someone, I have to look into that. Banning does work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2014
  16. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    I'm sorry, this is not what you think it is, this is a content manage system for your own server, which you host.
    This is not a wrapper, but merely a website with a couple of features that change some files relating to the server.

    I have the feel you didn't even take the time to read the thread.
  17. AbbyTheRat

    AbbyTheRat Aquatic Astronaut

    It happens, don't worry, leave it to your supporters to correct him :)
  18. HyperSilence

    HyperSilence Master Chief

    Oh...well, my mistake then. It's one thing to read the post, but it's another thing to understand it. Not everyone knows all the terms you expect them too.
    At least now I can differentiate between a "wrapper" and a...Well, a website with a couple of features, you said this is?
    Anyhow, thanks, and sorry for the misunderstanding.
  19. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    I think it's pretty clear judging by the features written on the first post, the video, the images and the file difference.
    Thank you :)

    Anyway, here's some pictures of the menu manager done, it works just fine. Now to get the Server Manager working, Raven should be getting a quick version the moment I finish the install script.
    After that, it's one/two day to finish polishing small errors, typos and what-not.
    v2-1.PNG v2-2.PNG

    Thank you everyone for waiting so long on this update.

    EDIT: Early v2 was sent to Raven :)
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  20. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Anyone who's into testing faulty websites for entertainment, here's an early release of v2

    IF you are running on linux, this is very important please read:
    First of all, you need a user named Starbound, no password.
    Go into /admin/scripts, you will find a file named starbound with no suffix, this file you have to copy into /etc/sudoers.d/
    Next, you need to go into the /inc/ folder and edit a file named config.ch, you NEED to put in the FULL PATH to your starbound/linuX32 or linux64 folder in there
    Why? In order for the server manager to work (that hopefully doesn't need any fixing, but I'm counting on Raven for this one)

    s0system likes this.

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