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Server Discussion [DEPRECATED] StarDanksCMS

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by danks_, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. s0system

    s0system Intergalactic Tourist

    i cant start the server on debian x64 server !!! i think its a problem wiht the starbound file in the etc/sudoers.d folder

    apart from that great work in pre. v2
  2. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    you'll have to change the HOST= part also, to HOST=yourhostname
  3. s0system

    s0system Intergalactic Tourist

    my host part was edited before i postet here

    edit // i try at this moment my start-stop script to integrate
    for more options (eg. start stop update install)
  4. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    You should give out more info on it, do you get any errors, maybe some response on the console?
  5. s0system

    s0system Intergalactic Tourist

    here the error from Server Manager Page after klicking the start button "Error. Script said: Starting server... Error! Could not start server!"
  6. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, i wasn't too verbose on the errors^^ Generally that means something went wrong while starting the server (duh!). Mostly this is in the lines of initiating screen, which is done by the webserver user (lots of permissions stuff in there :/).

    Basically what my scripts do is the following:

    1. Give the www-data user permissions to run the commands specified by the constant STARBOUND as the starbound server user (in the starbound sudoers file).
    2. Run the screen command as starbound_server_user.

    So what you're experiencing is most likely an error somewhere around that.

    To integrate the start/stop, you could try to add the command to the STARBOUND cconstant so that your web user may execute that too, but i'm not too sure about that.

    Is your web user www-data? if not, you need to change that in the sudoers file, too.
  7. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Have you tried running the start.sh script located in /admin/scripts/? See what the console says when you try running it, do it with the starbound user, share.
  8. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    nah don't.
    *if* you run it, run it as your web user and tell us what that says. It tries to run the command as the starbound user, so i bet the error is there somewhere.
  9. s0system

    s0system Intergalactic Tourist

    Starting server...
    Sorry, user *********** is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/screen -dmS starbound /home/games/steamcmd/starbound/linux64/starbound_server' as ********** on ****************.
    Error! Could not start server!

    this is the msg. when i start with start.sh over ssh

    (* are edited names by me )

    // edit : i solved any problems with start and stop the server

    first what i do was in /etc/sudoers.d/starbound
    edit the Line 1 Host_Alias Host = (with hostname)
    to find out use "cat /etc/hostname" (without "")

    Line 2 untouched

    Line 4 edit the web user name when is not www-data
    File starbound is finish

    next in admin/scripts folder edit start.sh and stop.sh
    in start.sh line 7 replace the first starbound with your user name
    in stop.sh line 4 replace the first starbound with your user name

    edit as root the /etc/sudoers with visudo (its important to use visudo)

    all done and its run ;)
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  10. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Thanks a lot for all that insight s0system, I'll try to start up some sort of documentation explaining the installation. Really nice of you looking it up.
    I have a question for you, where is your server outputting the starbound_server.log file and in what folder is it saving all the worlds (universe/ folder).

    I'll take a break for today now, I've done enough and tomorrow is going to be another long day.
  11. s0system

    s0system Intergalactic Tourist

    the starbound_server.log is in main folder of starbound (e.g /home/game/steamcmd/starbound)
    and the worlds are saved in universe folder without subfolders
  12. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Alright, just to confirm, last update did change some stuff on linux, before the last update, logs and the universe folder were both saved on their respective linux64/32 folders and not on the starbound root.
  13. AbbyTheRat

    AbbyTheRat Aquatic Astronaut

    At some point, I'll look at getting a tut up for installing XAMPP on windows. :)
  14. mettalmag

    mettalmag Void-Bound Voyager

    one fast question
    does this tutorial wok on win server 2008 too ?
  15. mettalmag

    mettalmag Void-Bound Voyager

    and if there is possibility to run server and page on separate machines ?
  16. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    I've answered this several times, if you run the server and the website in different computers, some functions will not work (erm, most won't work), if you want to make it work, you are free to modify the website.
  17. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Alright, I found a couple of security errors that I'll have to fix before releasing it, it's nothing big and since the database doesn't store any vital information to the server, there's nothing interesting to get out of it, but for the sake of doing a good job, I'll make sure to fix that, although the system will indeed change a little.

    One of the new functions, the custom page one, I'll change it a little, it will give you the possibility to use the built-in ckeditor OR have it include an external file, that means that people will be able to write custom php scritps and use this as some sort of plugin system. All you'll have to do is add your .php file to the plugin folder, go into the page manager, create a new custom page, select the Plugin instead of HTML and put in the file name. After that, all you have to do is use the menu manager to create a link and your plugin will be in there. No need to modify the website at all, eventually, I'll make sure all pages (including the default ones) work this way.

    I've already started patching the website with what RavenDust fixed, and I expect to have the new custom page system working tonight.
  18. TooManySecrets

    TooManySecrets Sandwich Man

    Will this work if i have StarryPy on my server?
  19. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    It will work as long as starrypy doesn't stop the server from creating starbound_server.log, this has been posted quite a lot.
  20. TooManySecrets

    TooManySecrets Sandwich Man

    So can we expect a realese any day now

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