Deco Suggestion: Fishtank Table

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Andunelen, Jun 27, 2018.

  1. Andunelen

    Andunelen Space Penguin Leader

    Disclaimer: The fish tank design isn't mine, just something I googled
    cause I can't draw all that well...

    A modification of the Modern End Table with the top being
    replaced with the image of a fishtank so you can display fish.

    1 Table --->3 Tables together
    You place fish on it just like you would on a regular table.
    The sides of the glass are flush so you can put tables together
    to make it as small or as long as you like for one continues
    look, while the doorknobs simulate cabinets at the bottom.
    It would be the perfect way to display your Legendary Fish
    collection, and no more storing them in the fridge and

    turning them into sashimi by accident. :rofl:
      HansHohenheim likes this.
    • HansHohenheim

      HansHohenheim Void-Bound Voyager

      You know, I have recommended something just like this and I really want to have something like this in the game! I know tons of other people like the idea, and it would be so much fun to put legendary fish into.

      Also, love the example model art. It matches so well with the style of the fish and game! Credit to the artist, whoever they are! They really know how to do it well.
      • Andunelen

        Andunelen Space Penguin Leader

        I went back to google to look for the sourse, it's "Fish Tank Pixel" by KamiWasa in deviantart :D
          HansHohenheim likes this.

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