December 4th

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. *Flicks cigarette into a pile of other burned to the filter cigarettes*

    "Old news, friend. What took you so long to get here?"
    sonofxavenger, ChronoFlux and mo'guts like this.
  2. StarWalker

    StarWalker Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm so excited!!!!!
  3. finite61

    finite61 Aquatic Astronaut

    All awesomeness aside,

    you guys really need to update the roadmap
  4. Kyro172

    Kyro172 Void-Bound Voyager

    I've waited since April, and some people have waited for two year, I'm pretty sure we can all wait a few more days.
  5. breit10

    breit10 Orbital Explorer

  6. finite61

    finite61 Aquatic Astronaut

    sucess kid twitter.jpeg
    This is me.

    Exactly me

    Just not 2 yrs old

    Or Chubby ;)
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2013
    Eriktion likes this.
  7. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    As awesome and interesting as the beta is...

    I was kind of hoping to see a weekly update. :badpokerface:
    pankakeman likes this.
  8. finite61

    finite61 Aquatic Astronaut

  9. Axatemus

    Axatemus Aquatic Astronaut

    Sweet mama JESUS!!!
  10. WilliamWallace

    WilliamWallace Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  11. Arja

    Arja Intergalactic Tourist

    So much YES!!
  12. SmugFrog

    SmugFrog Void-Bound Voyager

    AH MAN! I just looked at the calendar and I'm stuck on the ship for 24 hours that day! Noooooo! I'll have to wait until the 5th.
  13. Longfr

    Longfr Aquatic Astronaut

  14. SevKav

    SevKav Orbital Explorer

    4th December will be MOST. EXCITING. DAY. EVER.
    Brace yourself
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2013
    Hamit Oezdemir likes this.
  15. pankakeman

    pankakeman Starship Captain

    Heh. It's been so long, so very long.

    In the time I've waited I've moved house Twice, one of my Cats passed away, Father Left to go half across the World, Went to Queensland 3 times, England twice and Indonesia Twice.

    Throughout all of those memories I've had, the hurdled I've come across in life, lessons learnt and milestones passed, Starbound has always been part of it. Checking the site almost everyday, became a routine, something to follow, love and dream about.

    This game is just a game to some people, but for others, like myself, it's a gateway into another world, a look at the life of people trying to give us an experience like no other. It's only possible to think and feel dread had I not clicked on the link on the Terraria Steam Page, indicating what this game really was, back in 2012.


    Long time ago. This one click was the start of the constant following I've done ever since. We've come a long way.
    Anyone and everyone reading this that has contributed to the making and shaping of this game, I personally thankyou.

    Most of all, a gigantic thank you to the developers of Starbound.

    You created a Universe.

    (Not Too Many People Can say That ;))
  16. TheÜberFrenchToast

    TheÜberFrenchToast Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  17. TheÜberFrenchToast

    TheÜberFrenchToast Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Very astonishing speech from you. My friend, you deserve an award for speaking such beauty of Starbound. I personally say thank you for making a shining example to the people of this forum, because very few actually spend time writing such nice letter to the staff as this one. Congratulations, my friend
    pankakeman likes this.
  18. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    How the beta is being prepared, according to Deus Ex.

    TIy Page: The release to Valve should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with Gabe Newell.
    Molly Simons: I take it he was agreeable?
    Tiy Page: He didn't really have a choice.
    Molly Simons: Has he been interested?
    Tiy Page: Oh yes, most certainly. When I mentioned we could put him on the priority list for the beta, he was so willing it was almost pathetic.
    Molly Simons: This beta -- the hype is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
    Tiy Page: Why contain it? Let it spill over into the forums and IRC, let the posts pile up in the threads. In the end, they'll beg us to release early.
    Molly Simons: I've received reports of vocal attacks on staff. There's no playable build, and the underclasses are starting to get desperate.
    Tiy Page: Of course they're desperate. They can smell the release, and the sound they'll make rattling their cages will serve as a warning to the rest.
    Molly Simons: Mmm. I hope you're not underestimating the problem. The others may not go as quietly as you think -- intelligence indicates they're behind the problems in the News threads.
    Tiy Page: A bunch of pretentious little kids playing at running the forum. But the forum left them behind long ago. We are the future.
    Molly Simons: We have other problems.
    Tiy Page: Chucklefish?
    Molly Simons: Formed by executive order prior to the announcement of Starbound. I have someone in place though. I'm more concerned about Curtis -- he's relocated to the internet.
    Tiy Page: Our music soundtrack is far in advance of theirs, as is our procedural generation, and their... gameplay inflexibility has allowed us to make progress in areas they refuse to consider.
    Molly Simons: The tier-based gameplay?
    Tiy Page: Among other things -- but I must admit that I've been somewhat disappointed with the bugs of the first stage.
    Molly Simons: The second stage should be online soon. It's currently undergoing preparations and should be operational within six months. My people will continue to report on it's progress. If necessary, the first stage will be terminated.
    Tiy Page: We've had to endure much, you and I, but soon there will be order again, a new age. Aquinas spoke of the mythical City on the Hill. Soon that city will be a reality, and we will be crowned its kings. Or better than kings. Gods.
  19. Kirby64

    Kirby64 Space Kumquat

    Great! Looking forward to playing it.
  20. pankakeman

    pankakeman Starship Captain

    Baha, thanks for acknowledging my acknowledgement. Very kind of you to do so. <3

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