December 4th

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Jowdan3006

    Jowdan3006 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What on Earth is that from !? It looks awesome... Also fits perfectly xD
    Nedox and Drofox like this.
  2. Akrise

    Akrise Void-Bound Voyager

    Drofox likes this.
  3. blueapocalyps3

    blueapocalyps3 Orbital Explorer

    It's from... somewhere on the internet..on another forum..for another beta..from last year...HYPE
    Drofox likes this.
  4. ZenDB

    ZenDB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm probably not as happy as the people who have been waiting years for this game, but all I have to say is...



    Sn0wbl7nd likes this.
  5. DrSalvador

    DrSalvador Master Chief

    beta Beta BEta BETA BETA YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS. So excited! The wait has been killing me and the rest of us for what. Over a year? I do believe so.
    Nedox and Drofox like this.
  6. Robo Hobo

    Robo Hobo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Watch it happen. Watch.
    Game comes out on the Fifth
    Nedox, Sn0wbl7nd, JJoec and 1 other person like this.
  7. TheJudge

    TheJudge Space Penguin Leader

    Hamit Oezdemir and Drofox like this.
  8. MaidenGaia

    MaidenGaia Void-Bound Voyager

    My boyfriend will be busy that day so we probably won't get to play it till the day after. ;A; Ah well, one extra day won't kill me, probably, maybe. Awesome news.
    Tssha and Drofox like this.
  9. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    *bobsleid = starbound*
    *finshline = beta*
    perfect metaphor
  10. SmugFrog

    SmugFrog Void-Bound Voyager

    I just set the clock on my computer to December 4th - why isn't the download link appearing?

    EDIT - Also I'm a space hobo? When did that happen? WOOHOO I GET TO BE IN SPACE!
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2013
  11. TheOneCalledWaffle

    TheOneCalledWaffle Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My brain blew a fuse I'm so excited!

    *insert fitting excited reaction here*
  12. MottSpott

    MottSpott Void-Bound Voyager

    That's my day off! That's my day offfff! Abblgrafrasnoooo!!!
    Drofox likes this.
  13. Crackington II

    Crackington II Subatomic Cosmonaut

  14. TaintedAntidote

    TaintedAntidote Orbital Explorer

    Ah... it comes out on game night... well, I won't be playing on the forth. but maybe really early on the 5th
  15. IAmTheRad

    IAmTheRad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is without a doubt the best Friday update ever.
  16. Liraex

    Liraex Orbital Explorer

  17. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    Got my sexy as HELL gaming headset today (earlier then I expected) Now come at me starbound!
    Hamit Oezdemir likes this.
  18. JayRyT

    JayRyT Void-Bound Voyager

    ermahgerd yessssssss....
    ChronoFlux likes this.
  19. Jacob12345

    Jacob12345 Orbital Explorer

    OMG OMG OMG.:eek:
  20. finite61

    finite61 Aquatic Astronaut

    Good God

    Buckle your seatbelts

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