December 4th

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. AiRStrejf

    AiRStrejf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    SO EXCITED! :eek:
  2. head2

    head2 Void-Bound Voyager

    Finally. I never thought i would live to see this day.

    Thanks, chucklefish
  3. Jinjiro

    Jinjiro Starship Captain

    Who all is going to forget how to sleep coming the 3rd? I have a feeling I probably will. Just play Pokemon Y until Beta finally releases on the 4th. Maybe watch movies on Netflix. Butcher stuff in Terraria or Minecraft... ANYTHING TO PASS THE TIME FROM THE 3RD TO THE 4TH!!
  4. Ormagöden

    Ormagöden Tentacle Wrangler

  5. Giganch

    Giganch Big Damn Hero

  6. Danisaurus

    Danisaurus Void-Bound Voyager

    Not the greatest with Paint.NET, and I don't got nothing fancy like photoshop, but here! Spent an hour or so on it.

  7. Aramil33

    Aramil33 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's christmas time \o/.... hum that's weird, someone can explain to me how i can take out that's erection ?
  8. UndividedKira

    UndividedKira Void-Bound Voyager

    We're almost there guys just a little longer and adventure!
  9. Eric1423

    Eric1423 Orbital Explorer

    This is it guys. The day we're all waiting for a long time! Was totally worth it! :>
  10. clevernamegoeshere

    clevernamegoeshere Subatomic Cosmonaut


    And th3Maverick on steam. I've got extra copies already handed out to my friends, but if you're awake right now you're awake at the same time as me. They are not. Come be my new friends.
  11. LastSuicide

    LastSuicide Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks Team! You made my day. I was so down because I have to work through this weekend. And now I see this. Yippie!
    Eric1423 likes this.
  12. DawnOfNights

    DawnOfNights Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    An hour well spent I say!
    Danisaurus and Model QT-377665 like this.
  13. sonic5202

    sonic5202 Industrial Terraformer

    local side = hacks
  14. SaDb0y

    SaDb0y Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Woooooooohooooo yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh god it's coming out!!!!!!!!
    IT'S COMING OUTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Misandro

    Misandro Master Chief

    Awesome !
  16. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    *Angelic Chourus*
    sonofxavenger and Silican Beat like this.
  17. Middleman93

    Middleman93 Star Wrangler

    I still don't even know if I work on the 4th or not. D:
  18. Pentex

    Pentex Master Chief

    I squeed so hard, I scared the dog and he ran into the front door :rofl:
    WickedWitch likes this.
  19. Ollobrains

    Ollobrains Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    bring it on
  20. Ssj782

    Ssj782 Cosmic Narwhal

    you go ahead and wait for that... i'm playing it the moment i finish the install.

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