Dead Planets

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Mary Sue, Jan 30, 2013.


This is a poll about te thread I made, k?

  1. OH GOD WHY MY EVERYTHING! (I like it)

    42 vote(s)
  2. Universe is flowers and I am the master of it. It's basically my sandbox and I can beat everything.

    9 vote(s)
  3. Meh.

    16 vote(s)
  4. At least let me disable it, so I can get terribly bored without it.

    10 vote(s)
  1. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    I think the real point here is that in most games the player becomes some sort of god that can do anything and that that would not be real or fun in a game set in a whole Galaxy/Universe.
    There should be things that the player can't beat ever because of purely physical logic.
    Your just one human/floran/robot/etc. do you really expect to head off an invasion fleet of warlike insects bent on colonizing a planet?
    I hope not because then you'd have a god complex. In a game involving outer space you should feel alone, small, and relatively powerless.
    Star Trek The Next Generation was a terrible show. Why? because I always knew that the Enterprise was unbeatable and that there would be a happy ending.
    That is simply bullshit.
  2. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, OP has something along the lines of "Clearly Marked"
    Big red flashing message that says "Gribblies here, Land at the risk of nommage."
    Not like the gribbly-radar dish is that expensive.
    You are a scrooge.
    Everything is bullshit.
    It's about presentation.
    Paint it red and it's suddenly faster. And gold spray-paint makes things more valuable.

    It's speaks lengths you name yourself Voyager and wail on ST:NG for being a bad show.
    God I love neckbeardy nerds and their silly biases.

    Hell, the whole game as it is, is too static to represent anything but a sandbox with some fancy blocks and PHYSIX OMG at this stage with assorted grind for flavor.
    Also story that somehow manages to make sense as a single storyline for all the races with small adjustments.
    Let me tell you, this looks like
    You can still have fun in it.
    *me Places a Von Neumann statuette on the table*
    Vote for Von Neumanns, vote for fun.
    Support Dead Planets.
    Next Generation was a bad show.
  3. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    Don't have to be a ass about it.
    I don't even understand what the f*** you're saying.
    Explain it better.
    Why would I want millions of them?
    Are they consumable?
  4. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It's all in the thread already man.
    Kinda twice already.
    It's a reasonably expensive early-ish tier block/thing/dish that makes a bleep (or not) that you craft and plonk down to make a planet safe.
    It also has very little to do with the suggestion as a whole AS IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING SAFE.
    But there you are.
  5. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    If you don't care about community support then get out. That's how your suggestions are more likely of
    being implemented in the game. Instead of trying to act like a badass, which you are not, when people don't like your
    idea don't be a **** about it. Not everyone will like your ideas. Accept the fact.
  6. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This whole thread is funny idea that I like, nothing more.
    You are welcome to discuss it, but not welcome to wail on it out of personal bias.
    Nor I will accept your modifications to this if I don't like them.

    If you don't like my posts, don't quote them.
    If you don't like my suggestion, say so and leave.
    No need to keep saying that you dislike it repeatedly.
    I got it from the first post.

    If I don't like it, I don't like it and I will say so.
    You can attach all the negativity to it as you like, that still don't make it so.
    Honestly, you are all like kids being told no.
    No means no.
    And that's something you need to accept.
  7. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    I don't need to argue with you anymore. You don't get my point.
  8. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh I do, I just don't care about it.
  9. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    No, you don't, according to your post.
  10. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh, grow up already kid.
  11. 630tiger

    630tiger Phantasmal Quasar

    Not going to read all four or more pages of this, sorry. I'd say your reasoning is good, and based on your posts on the first page I know I probably can't say anything to make you change your mind, but I'll say it anyways just in case. A supernova that blasts a solar system, while realistic, would NOT make for good gameplay in an exploring/building/sandbox game. It would be depressing because of the loss of beauty and creation, and would likely cause a ragequit, no matter how rare. Now, an OP alien invasion is another matter. If used properly in a questline (doesn't have to be main) on a world not your home, it could not only add a lot of emotion and realism (realism in Terraria. Lol. LOL.), but make an otherwise random world very special. But seriously, no supernovas in a system with a homeworld.
  12. XRiZUX

    XRiZUX Spaceman Spiff

    I like the idea... Of fearing something like this.

    But I do not agree that it should be indestructible, when it has the power to wipe out almost everything useful on the planet. Giving this "thing" a huge load of HP and Armor would be far more interesting in my opinion, having to fight it with everything you've got and more, imagine fighting this seemingly indestructible "thing", requiring 50+ advanced players fighting it with full force just to get rid of it. That would be epic.

    Mary Sue, I like to think about possibilities, having a choice in what you want to accomplish in a game. I do not think something as devastating as this should appear on planets that has little to no resources to gather, as this "thing" would probably be looking for resources to recycle for other uses.

    I don't see a logical reason for this thing to appear on planets with very little resources, so my suggestion is that it would most likely appear on planets with a reasonable amount of resources to gather. And I think that with enough effort, a big group of advanced players should be able to destroy it, and from doing so would gain a whole bunch of resources and probably a lot of rare materials that are needed for end-game stuff.

    Also, I think it should appear at a very high percentage chance on high tier planets, where there are rare materials to gather. Bringing to mind that these things could be hunted down by a large group of advanced players for beneficial reasons, and also for a good challenge. The idea from this would be that one advanced player alone would stand no chance against it, that you would actually need a large group of advanced players to stand up against it.

    If the end goal is just for grief and lulz then I'm afraid it's not that appealing to me, I need more options coming from such a devastating event, otherwise it would be kind of pointless.
  13. TheTacoPanda

    TheTacoPanda Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I do like the idea of an armageddon suddenly destroying all of my possesions in a mere few seconds, making all of my work over the whole time i've played completely pointless... Why? No idea. But seriously, fire raining down from the sky and burning down houses and farms at random times would be pretty epic.
  14. wallespider56

    wallespider56 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    another cool thing to do be able to cause the disaster by getting in touch with highly advanced race. FIRE THE LASER~!!!!!!!!!:sparta:
  15. Zarma

    Zarma Intergalactic Tourist

    "Cannot beat" sounds stupid. A challenge is a challenge because, despite the odds, you still have a chance of winning. All you're proposing is an optional restart timer, lol. But then, if it's optional, I don't see why I should care. If you want to occasionally blow up all your shit, I don't really have any reason to tell you not to. Though, if it's going to be something that's impossible to win, I'd say it should obviously be off by default, and be turned on through in game means or something. I mean, everything you've proposed can be summarized as "forced hard mode".
    sticksane likes this.
  16. azarga

    azarga Big Damn Hero

    Totally support this suggestion. As a toggleable option ofc, we don't want to spoil the fun for people who just want a somewhat peaceful sandbox. For the rest of the players existance of a threat like this will be exciting, I think.
  17. sticksane

    sticksane Void-Bound Voyager

    Personally, i really sort of dislike this entire idea in general. The game, from what we see, isn't about exploring an evil, vile universe with death around every corner. I didn't like the "Reapers" in mass effect, nor do i like them here. I think i'll pass on an unbeatable enemy all together. Perhaps a strong enemy? Sure, why not, but there has to be a better reason for it than just OOPS RANDOM ENCOUNTER HUGE DOOMSDAY WEAPON BYE BYE. In my opinion, i would absolutely not want to be scared all the time when i'm on a planet because i think i'm going to fail a luck roll and get my ass blasted into millions of pieces just for the sake of some fairly cheap looming evil feeling being in the game.
    Just my two cents.
  18. Flotilla

    Flotilla Lucky Number 13

    Sounds dumb. There doesn't need to be some crazy all-powerful enemy that randomly visits planets and forces its inhabitants to evict.
    sticksane likes this.
  19. irongamer

    irongamer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like the idea of some large entity wreaking havoc on the planet. Make it almost impossible to defeat, but have it leave after a while. I like the idea of it changing / destroying the surface as it make for dynamic worlds that change not only by my hand.

    Instead of a switch in the options maybe have distant or fringe sectors in space or dangerous areas of space have this possibility.
  20. Pixeludicrous

    Pixeludicrous Subatomic Cosmonaut

    There seems to be a little bit of hostility going on in this thread... come on guys, lets not go around calling the ideas of others stupid, and lets also not get overly defensive when someone disagrees with our idea. All in all, this is a suggestion thread. Meaning it's supposed to be a way for the community to come together and throw our ideas at Chucklefish, improving upon and kindly reacting to the ideas of our peers and seeing what sticks! Not go to war with each other. (This is my opinion. I do not wish to offend anyone.) Personally, I would not like this function because it sort of just seems like a "Well that was neat! ... But what was the point?" Situation. Look at it this way:

    Does the player die?
    Yes: An out of the blue Game Over that happens beyond the player's control and destroys immersion. Neat. But immersion breaking. players like to be in control. that's why we have controllers. Because we like to control things, such as our fate

    No: Players will enter a "Forced Hard Mode" on the planet, which, unless I've missed something, provides nothing worth mentioning to the player as collateral other than a hard planet to play on. If they don't like it, they can leave, like you said. But that doesn't negate the fact that the immersion of the game was just shattered. You say it adds immersion, but I have to disagree. There is NOTHING immersive about having hours of work destroyed and being helpless to do anything about it. It's why I hate Creepers in Minecraft. Not so much that I have to rebuild what they explode, but that explosion just disrupts natural game flow for me. The thing is, there's nothing to GAIN. "Super Hardmode"...well, if you can't win, it's not hard, so much as irritating. I believe it's been said, but it's not a "challenge" if it's impossible.

    Challenge - " difficulty in a job or undertaking that is stimulating to one engaged in it. " (
    I personally am not stimulated by something that can't be won at all. I don't know, this is just a personal opinion, but I like the presentation for the post, and It does have the merits of something that could be genuinely fun.

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