Dead Planets

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Mary Sue, Jan 30, 2013.


This is a poll about te thread I made, k?

  1. OH GOD WHY MY EVERYTHING! (I like it)

    42 vote(s)
  2. Universe is flowers and I am the master of it. It's basically my sandbox and I can beat everything.

    9 vote(s)
  3. Meh.

    16 vote(s)
  4. At least let me disable it, so I can get terribly bored without it.

    10 vote(s)
  1. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I didn't capitalize that part enough apparently.
    All caps is not enough these days. \o/
    Covert0ddity likes this.
  2. Some people don't really even read the OP.
    Covert0ddity likes this.
  3. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I blame you.
    Covert0ddity likes this.
  4. cecil1994

    cecil1994 Star Wrangler

    This sounds awesome. Please include it, Tiy!
  5. Hoddmimir

    Hoddmimir Cosmic Narwhal

    I actually did not miss the point, though I think we should consider closely why you see it the way you do, and why I see it the way I do. In your OP (Which I did read) I see that you are suggesting the idea of an extremely rare event (you list many possibilities) that would be impossible to prevent or beat but not impossible to survive (By leaving your planet). The planet is then not destroyed, just made completely uninhabitable (You did not use this word but that is what you mean), maybe it is covered with vast amounts of lava, maybe it has poisonous atmosphere, whatever.

    I pose to you a question. If a thing has no use whatsoever, is there a distinction between owning it and owning nothing? For example, I have a device. This device does nothing. It has no aesthetic value to anyone. Due to it's unique structure and what not, it can not be included in the making of some other device and has no use whatsoever as a resource, material, or trade item. It can not be melted down (Because Science or something). I can not use it as a weapon or a paperweight, because of some compelling reason. This device, though it exists is completely without use. Now we can argue about this and say that owning it makes me feel proud or exclusive. Let's stop that and say everyone has one of these. Whatever reason we come up with why it has value let's just skip ahead and refute right now. Yes, I realize this seems like an impossible scenario, but if we accept it then I think we can all agree that it would make no difference to us whether this device existed or did not. So.... You are thinking, well how does this apply to your idea?

    How close to worthless does something have to be before it is basically just the same thing as the above. In your OP you say the planet isn't gone or erased. I would argue that it might as well be. If it is reduced to nothing but a pool of lava, then yes it is basically without use. You say, not true! It's a source of lava, but so are a number of other planets that have a lot more to offer. It could be a place to build a crazy base or something. Maybe, but other planets can have a pool of lava without being nothing but lava. Now if a planet was created from scratch as nothing but a lava world, I would have no problem with it. We would find it, see it has no worth to us, and leave if we desire. You aren't suggesting that though. You are suggesting we find a world, rich and fantastic with wonders and amazement (YAY) and then it gets completely obliterated. This is going to upset people. It isn't going to instill the sense of epic and awesome you want if it just ends there like that especially if it annihilates buildings or really anything people spent there time on. It would be like losing power to your PS2 and then realizing you haven't saved your game of Final Fantasy in 3 hours. (Yes I know It's dumb, but everyone has done it at least once.)

    However, if the world is legitimately salvageable, not just technically, then some of the feel you are looking for is saved. If the world is spared except it now has a giant crater in it, people can survive ON the world and have an interesting new backdrop to work with. Or if some other scenario that doesn't completely destroy the planet, just has a huge impact on it happens, that would be fine too.

    Alternatively, blow the planet up all the way, turn into a lava filled fun pit, but then have a way to fix it for the players. An NPC somewhere that works for some kind of company that can Terraform a world back to it's beginning again perhaps.

    (DEVS LOOK HERE ----------> Terra Geni Industries would be willing to help with this I'm sure as the universes only real terraformation corporation <----------- DEVS LOOK HERE)

    At least this way, people don't feel cheated or devastated nearly as much. (And they would feel that way even if it is a 1/1,000,000 chance.) The one guy who has everything taken from him would be pissed. So either, don't take everything, or give him an option to get it back, or maybe give him something for it.

    A completely obliterated world that is completely uninhabitable is the same as no planet at all.
    People don't want to lose everything for no reason and get nothing for it or have any way to get it back.
    An altered idea would work better.
    Less Damage or Mostly undo-able, or some kind of great reward might make this more feasible.
    Terra Geni Industries would be a great addition to the game.

    Thank you for your time and have a wonderful galactic standard day!
    XRiZUX and Jaguarkia like this.
  6. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    No, I don't mean that as you can clearly see when reading through the thread.
    'Tis is obvious, therefore I will spare an repeat apart from this;
    "Planet does not blow up, it's still there but, becomes un-survivable in the long term even with the best gear."
    And by such extension, rest of the post is based on false pretences.

    This is not sunshine and rainbows suggestion as evident.
    It's supposed to make you fear it, dislike it and prepare for it, should it be included.

    Suggestion already includes an option to turn it off, and that seems to be your biggest gripe, this existing in the first place as a mechanic.
    I see nothing much that I would like in that post, apart from few tid-bits so I don't think I'll take anything of worth from it when refining this further.
    Thanks anyway.

    Make your own thread and suggestion if you do not like this one, you don't need to write a wall of text on it because you think it's bad or wrong.
    All that time you spent here is better spent making a suggestion of your own.
    I gave you the voting option to say no.
    (Achsullay three. Dolan.)
    Use it.

    And, this self-insert for thing or another you forced here is NOT what I meant in the least.
    Nor it reflects on it in any meaningful way.
    Seeing as you are talking about something entirely different while latching my suggestion to it so it's on-topic.
  7. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    First is not being able to survive there permanently due to dangers in question.
    Second prevents anything from happening in the planet in question, you fall dead the minute you try to make planetfall.
    If I were offended, you would not have gotten a reply in the first place.
    This is hardcore suggestion.
    There is no happy-happy nor lenience in it.
    That *IS* the suggestion.
    Whole point of it is to be uncompromising.
    Point is to make players say it's hard and find interesting gameplay in that.
    I want people pissed off at the game so they will drive their own gameplay farther to beat the impossible odds they are presented.
    I don't want destruction, I want hard gameplay that challenges me.

    I don't much care for the general consensus, my suggestion is my suggestion.
    And it will follow the guidelines I set for it.
    Whether it get's implemented is pretty irrelevant as long as *I* like how it is.
    Dev's can then take or leave parts they like if they even do, I won't compromise out of my idea just so it will be implemented.
    I'm not doing this for the popularity vote, nor for the support to get it in.
    If I absolutely wanted something of mine to be in the game, I'd just ask to have Ponies implemented and watch the popular vote roll in.

    I did the suggestion because it's cool to me how I see it.
    I made a thread for my idea.
    That was the whole point of making this thread.
    I don't want a happy medium, I want bonecrunching Mariana's Trench depth.

    While your suggestions might have some merit, I just don't like them, and they compromise the spirit of the suggestion.
    Which is whole a lot of more important to me than "getting made part of the game because people like it".
    Therefore I disqualify them out of hand.
    Other people suggested implementation and specifics, they did not wish to alter the whole core of it.
    It's in the best interest of this suggestion.
    "As hard as it get's" is the core of it.
    You wish for a compromise.
    ON or OFF switch.
    That's what you get in regards to this suggestion.
    All you get.
    Your post sidestepped the whole idea and became about something entirely different in ten seconds flat.
    I informed you of this so you could move on to discuss this one.

    Plus, you added your own self-insert of an corp or something, that just bad manners.
    This thread is about this suggestion.
    Not about any Terra Geni thing.

    Additional line because end of the post has a bug and makes everything centred and maybe this will fix it.
  8. Hoddmimir

    Hoddmimir Cosmic Narwhal

    No actually Unsurivable is not a word. I was trying to fix that for you since what you meant was that the planet was not suitable for survival, as in you can not survive on it, or as it is defined "Uninhabitable." That is what the word means.

    Your OP and your title did not specify that it was a Hardmode only idea. It came up in conversation but you did not clearly say yes I agree to that and did not edit your OP to include it. I do see that you have just recently added stuff to your OP under an edited section but this stuff still does not appear to be clearly listed. I apologize for thinking that you posted a suggestion wanting to get the Devs to put it in the game. I just can't fathom any other need to make a suggestion if you don't actually want it added in. Fact of the matter is, if the community doesn't like something it's not likely to get added in. Why would it? So if you want something in the game you need community support. If you don't want to work with the community to get things added than I really don't see you having much shot at all. I would also recommend that if you aren't interested in having any commentary on this suggestion at all, that you say so in your OP. Something along the lines of I don't care what anyone else thinks, this is what I want as is and I have no intention of having a rationale conversation about it, i'm only going to argue and insult you if you disagree with me. That would sum it up nice.

    I have attempted to be considerate and patient and reasonable in my conversation with you by explaining what I am saying and clarifying that I am not trying to start a fight with you or attack your idea. It saddens me that your only response to this kind of thing has been to stomp your feet and behave immaturely. I mean seriously, was saying "so there" really the way you wanted to go with that? Finally, after perusing your profile page I see my mistake. I did not realize what you were before and so I apologize for trying to have a reasonable discussion with you on an idea I think has merit. I am sorry I was interested in your idea and wanted to help you see it happen in the game. I was simply unaware of your... predilection for inflammatory activity. I'll bow out at this point. Good luck in the future with your ideas.
    XRiZUX, TheTimeLord and Jaguarkia like this.
  9. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't care what the community thinks. I don't care about their support. I don't care if it makes it into the game.
    I wanted to make a suggestion.
    And so far the community has a positive opinion on it for some reason despite you saying that community will not like it.
    Go figure.

    I think it would be cool and that's enough to make a suggestion, outside opinions on how cool it is just don't matter to me.
    If it makes to the game, it will make it on it's own terms, not by adding every little thing that people want just to get the popularity vote.
    If it makes it, cool, if not, then not.
    But having the watered down version make it because of every little compromise I made so that people would like it?
    Then it would not be my suggestion.
    And having something to call mine is more important than being popular.
    I don't need a hive-mind to tell me what is good and what is not in my mind.

    I just don't like your ideas to be part of my suggestion.
    Others had their say in it and most of it stuck because I liked those ideas.
    There is no bad blood in it.
    Oh god you took that shit seriously?
  10. liobi

    liobi Void-Bound Voyager

    I vote to stop this argument from here on out because yes, we get it, you guys don't agree on this idea which is cool because neither one of you is on the development team and you're both beautiful human beings with different backgrounds and opinions.

    Hodd, you don't agree that this would be a cool gameplay feature. Great. You should make your own forum about what you think WOULD be a good feature. Why? BECAUSE A PAGE AND A HALF OF YOU TWO ARGUING IS REALLY STRESSFUL TO READ ALL I WANTED WAS TO HEAR MORE ABOUT GAMEPLAY IDEAS.
  11. liobi

    liobi Void-Bound Voyager

    So can we agree to disagree?

    Also I just realized I was a space hobo so that automatically gives me the get out of jail ability. Sweet.
  12. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That's why it's all in the OP, because no-one reads threads any more.
  13. Hoddmimir

    Hoddmimir Cosmic Narwhal

    We did. Argument is over. And the posts present alternatives and ideas as well as justifications and thoughts on those ideas, from both sides, instead of just arguments, so they have some validity to read anyway. However, I will delete some of my posts that are more on the argumentative side of the spectrum.

    Also, if you Mary Sue is updating the OP, which they are, then if you want more gameplay ideas you should just look at the OP instead of reading through the thread. Otherwise, of course you are going to get discussion you aren't interested in.

    Edit: I see Mary Sue made that point as well. OP holds the key.
  14. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    What? If it's expensive to make, most people wouldn't be able to get it.
  15. Timelord

    Timelord Big Damn Hero

    Well yea, but if they wanted to be safe they'd work for it for a while.
  16. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I thought that post had words "reasonably expensive" in it.
    I'm drunk.
    Gimmie a like.

    In Terraria comparison, a Iron-tier thing that takes a lot of resources to make.
    N stuff.
    I'm naming you ball.
    Timelord the Ball.
    bayley likes this.
  17. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    Go home.
  18. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    True, but if you are unlucky, you get blow to pieces while its forming, or when you are about to craft it.
  19. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    >Craft it while on a planet with no gribblies.
    >Plonk it down while on planet that might have gribblies.

    This is not science Doc.
  20. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    How would you know if a planet has "gribblies"?

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