Dead Planets

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Mary Sue, Jan 30, 2013.


This is a poll about te thread I made, k?

  1. OH GOD WHY MY EVERYTHING! (I like it)

    42 vote(s)
  2. Universe is flowers and I am the master of it. It's basically my sandbox and I can beat everything.

    9 vote(s)
  3. Meh.

    16 vote(s)
  4. At least let me disable it, so I can get terribly bored without it.

    10 vote(s)
  1. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well I think your's is a good opinion so screw you.

    I left in the part that's the best of it when trying to preserve the feel for my suggestion.

    We already have bosses in-game, most assuredly. And they are kinda leveled to be beaten and to be mastered.
    Assuming you have seen HERO run all of the bosses in Terraria at once plus Dungeon Guardian while in a room filled with spikes with a pew-pew gun?
    That's what happens to bosses. They get played with.
    I don't want bosses, I want events that challenge you after you have beaten the bosses and gotten the best gear.

    Maybe you could have these things stand as their own planets marked specifically to hold the events.
    "Don't go here brah, is dangerous."
    That way you could choose to be affected by these events while still not knowing exactly what you were facing and still preserving your perfect creations elsewhere.

    No matter how great or hard the game is, it will be mastered at some point. It becomes boring.
    Specifically designing something that cannot be "beaten" will be eventually be mastered too, it will just take more time.

    This suggestion is not for screwing over the player just for the sake of it. (Even if that would be fun too.)
    It's to add a additional layer of playtime and challenges after the core game experience.
    XRiZUX likes this.
  2. Jaguarkia

    Jaguarkia Big Damn Hero

    I agree with the idea of making specific worlds that are extremely tough with certain unbeatable elements (maybe roaming creatures that have armor that you can't bypass or something), as it would add a level of challenge and tension. However, they'd have to be uncommon, I think. I'd love to occasionally run across a planet or solar system where it's obvious I can't beat everything. The Loot-And-RUN aspect would be a blast. Plus, if they had highly volatile weather and/or seismic activity...or, y'know, meteor showers. That kind of thing. :DD
  3. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well I did say "A random event that has a VERY low chance of happening."
    Das rare.

    And original suggestion pretty much includes meteor showers and what not.
    I think that handily falls into the category of "Can't hit it with my sword to kill it."
    Still, no harm in outlining it better.
  4. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    Actually, I find this interesting. If this was implemented, big businesses will be demolished, unless it is in multiple systems. This would make a person expand their business, allowing it to grow.
  5. Forever

    Forever Phantasmal Quasar

    I read this as "Dead Plants" and was very confused.
  6. Jaguarkia

    Jaguarkia Big Damn Hero

    Yeah I know, I'm just saying I'd like it IF it were confined to certain planets. Or if there was a protection aura or such on the home planet.
  7. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    The OP said it was unbeatable, so a protection aura wouldn't help.
  8. Jaguarkia

    Jaguarkia Big Damn Hero

    Yes, but I was continuing my point from my previous comments. Instead of saying "this idea shouldn't be implemented", I am saying "Perhaps it would be cool, as long as it was confined/not my home planet". What I meant by protection aura is that it would not occur on homeworlds, not that it would occur and then some magical aura would explode it.
  9. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Kinda already in the OP.
    Unbeatable, but not un-avoidable.
    Prevention is different from beating.

    I'm sure lot of people will cry foul if there is no way to prevent it/these things/omnomnommage from happening in certain places.
    Best way to do it is to have option to disable it in it's entirety when starting a world/universe/new char if the person playing is against it.
    And then having an Item of some description that you slap down.

    Let's call it a Light Amplified Detection And Ranging device, LADAR, you slap it down, and then that planet is immune to the OMGWTFBBQ.
    Make it a reasonably expensive to craft and most everyone should be happy.
    Either you build it, or you deserve to have your things fried.
    Also the thing should make a beeping sound.
  10. Jaguarkia

    Jaguarkia Big Damn Hero

    lol I can just imagine this scenario:
    LADAR: BEEP BEEP BEEP Me: Oh god please shut up LADAR: BEEP BEEP Me: Ugh, you stupid machine! LADAR: I find that offensive BEEP BEEP BEEP Me: :eek:

    Anyhow, back to the topic at hand....yeah, as I said previously, it would be a cool option for a hardcore mode. :) ...As long as it's easy to turn off/not set ON by default.
  11. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Making it easy to turn OFF in-game makes more sense IMO.
    Same thing, but then you include the chance of accidents.
  12. Jaguarkia

    Jaguarkia Big Damn Hero

    Sounds like a plan to me. :) (a good one)
  13. Hoddmimir

    Hoddmimir Cosmic Narwhal

    I don't hate the idea of a very rare random event that devastates a planet. However, I think maybe just a huge meteor that blasts out a large portion of the world, but not the entire thing, leaving a huge massive crater. That would be a lot better I think. Planet is still there, it's very rare, and it still has an epic feel.
  14. Sounds very macabre.
    I like. :up:
  15. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think you missed the point.
    Planet does not blow up, it's still there but, becomes un-survivable in the long term even with the best gear.
    You don't LOSE the planet, it's still very much there.

    There would be no point in just erasing the planet entirely, it brings nothing to the game.
  16. Aer_

    Aer_ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Very good suggestion, but i hope at least there are planets that absolutely don't have any possibilities of bad things happen to them (low chance)
  17. Chompy

    Chompy Cosmic Narwhal

    I like the idea of planets you can't safely visit. If its a very low chance of happening I think it would be a fun thing to have.
    Also... What if I brought a towel? :D
  18. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Think on this; Bad things only started happening to Arthur Dent *AFTER* he bought the towel.

    Conversely, I have a wide selection of Towels for sale.
    Covert0ddity and K00L like this.
  19. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut


    This idea sounds extremely fun, and I would LOVE for random events such as this to happen.
  20. Yes, I believe Mary Sue intended these Dead Planets to be quite the rare occurrence.
    Covert0ddity likes this.

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