Day 5 Coffee Bean worth it?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mousse9, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    The exact numbers do not matter if you have kegs and ancient fruit like I do on my third year.
    I have been harvesting coffee beans since the fist of Spring and it is more work for less money than wine.
    So I repeat my point: coffee beans are a waste of time if you have kegs that can make them into coffee. I know this as I am making coffee, I just sold 25 coffees.
    • Voyager

      Voyager Spaceman Spiff

      I have the artisan perk and I know I am NOT getting 210 gold per coffee.
      I can't remember the number, but I was disapointed in my 25 coffee sale price.
      • Magistrella

        Magistrella Big Damn Hero

        No one talked about the third year and having all the kegs you need here. We all know that ancient fruit wine is way better then coffee later in the game.

        But as the thread was asked about the FIRST year, i doubt you'd have more then a couple of ancient fruit plants, or more then 200 kegs, in your first year.

        As you said yourself:
        Even in second year coffee is still valid as you'll still be growing your army of Ancient Fruit in the greenhouse so you can start pumping out the money later. Yes, 300 coffeeplants still pump out 18k/day over the course of 40 days sooooo yeah~

        Happy farming ^.~
        • Voyager

          Voyager Spaceman Spiff

          Well, of course you can make money with anything.
          • bobucles

            bobucles Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            The value of a crop is largely based on its productive profit per day, and coffee is one of the richest cash crops out there. Yes it is a huge chore to pick every two days, but early game you will be watering by hand so it's a free chance to pick crops as well.

            Remember that more money per day means your stamina is getting used more efficiently as well. Watering a parsnip for ~4 gold is wasted effort next to putting 20 gold in the bank from watering a coffee plant.

            Being able to quadruple your harvest into more seeds means an explosion of value that no other crop can ever compete with. Most other crops only let you double or triple your value into new crops, but a single coffee bean can fill most of your farm before the end of the first spring.

            Obviously there will be superior crops to deal with when artisan goods come into play, but a day 5 coffee bean definitely ranks among the most powerful player starts you can have.
            • Mousse9

              Mousse9 Void-Bound Voyager

              I kinda knew this, but it hadn't really sunk in. You don't need to buy new seeds to get more Coffee Beans. ALL the subsequent ones are free. It's a massive snowball effect. I'm glad I bought it.
              • Magistrella

                Magistrella Big Damn Hero

                So, you're like the wealthy ranch owner now that only consists of coffee plants in spring or summer? :rofl:
                • Mousse9

                  Mousse9 Void-Bound Voyager

                  Most definitely not! I'm still in Year 1, early Summer, so I'm still doing a LOT of the Community Center Bundles. Trying to get to level 120 of the Mines as well. The first year is always pretty crazy, there's always something to do. Whether it's all the different crops for the CC, getting to Mine level 120, getting ALL the stuff for the animals, improving your Skills, and last but definitely not least, making money.

                  Also, needing to harvest a massive amount of Coffee Beans every other day would drive me crazy pretty fast. I think I have like 27 Coffee bushes or so.

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