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Daily Updates Tiy

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by MrDragco, Sep 23, 2013.


Yes or No

  1. Cake

    110 vote(s)
  2. Daily Update

    44 vote(s)
  1. NeoSabin

    NeoSabin Master Chief

    Keyword: try
  2. Choggo

    Choggo Void-Bound Voyager

    But that is part of the problem what what is personally frustrating to me, why would you complete the 90% and leave the necessary 10% till the last? You get these daily updates about how they added new flower colors, or 500 new food recipes, or they changed lighting mechanics to be more realistic. These are all great additions to the game, but why are theses the focus of design right now when the core game isn't working? You can always add more fluff later, get the core game working.
    But that is also the point I tried to make in my original post, for all we know the core IS working, but they never talk about it, nobody cares that they added 50 new shirts because we can't experience them. Tell us about stuff we can actually relate to.

    Similar to what Notch commented on when he finally announced a release date for MC, every asked why he decided to pick a date and his response was something along the lines saying He could work on the game forever, but there's a point where you realize the games ready, you just need to pull the trigger.
  3. Bazoril

    Bazoril Void-Bound Voyager

    Honestly i stated to google it and search more so no sniping my reddit stuffs :p actually that was posted there because i was curious what they had to say as it's a site i had not visited before for starbound. Trust me I've looked around more than that.

    And yes there are a lot of people who want to play the game now just like your friends but most of us realize that "it's not done yet" Furthermore the Devs have taken great steps to clarify nearly every situation that comes up and explain why "it's not done yet" so it takes someone extremely stubborn or in some cases maybe selfish to see all of this and still target the Devs like has been done. I'm pretty sure that some if not most of your friends would be more understanding if they were more active in the community.

    Also frankly anyone who supported a kickstarter expecting instant results or no room for error is naive, that's not the way game development works and these folks are incredibly brave to have this level of communication with the community and being as open about the development as they are. It's got to be impressive to even people who have not been involved with dealing with such communities or who have not had development experience in the past.
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  4. Lance Hancock

    Lance Hancock Existential Complex

    You know I am afraid, all these people posting these whiner posts and making demands on updates, Tiy will just say "Screw it see how you like no updates". Then we all suffer because some people can't leave well enough alone.
    It is a privilege they have decided to give us daily updates but if some days get missed then people stamp their foot like a spoiled brat and make a seen on the forums like as if they keep throwing a tantrum that they will just give them what they want like a bad parent that initially tells a child NO, but then because the child throws a fit they give in. News flash guys this isn't your home and the Starbound developers is your mother. You may get what you want at home but don't expect to get what you want on the forums, just because your mommy gives you what you want at home does.

    I am sorry but you all need to realize we have a good thing going with daily updates and we don't need taken away because some people are spoiled.
  5. KevinFragger2427

    KevinFragger2427 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hahaha I see what you did there!

  6. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    A lot of the changes they have been making recently ARE crucial for core gameplay. Things like AI for the NPCs, dungeon design, sensible progression curves, loot tables, crafting recipes, etc... the reason each of these categories are at 90% is because most of the work is the base code and artwork. For example, the code that allows various objects to even exist at all within the game, along with code the allow for various qualities the objects could possibly have. The other 10% is filling in the actual data that defines those statistics and attributes for each item, making each one distinct.

    All 100% is necessary. The game wouldn't even be playable below that. I guess you could say that 90% of the work is like just the foundation of a building, but it just isn't a building yet when you only have foundation. Of course, you can't build the rest until the foundation is completed. Once the whole structure is "finished", then they can polish it up (during the beta) to make it look all nice, like adding paint and carpeting and everything.

    The only problem with the building metaphor is that with the re-invention of concrete, construction workers can simply pour out the foundation and let it dry. I guess that's the equivalent of re-using another game's engine instead of building a new one. Of course, Starbound's engine was built from scratch.

    Now it sounds like you're talking about Stardew Valley.

    I completely stopped following the game's development when CA posted about all the shirts he made.

    The artists for Starbound are constantly adding new content because that's all they really can do, but the code jockeys Like Omni and Bartwe are constantly focused on writing the necessary code and getting the game ready for us. This code work is a really tricky and very thankless job because it doesn't move as fast and isn't as flashy as cool artwork, and that's probably why most of the updates feature screenshots of new artistic content rather than long detailed walls of text about the code behind it.
    Calris and TheLoanArranger like this.
  7. Video Games

    Video Games Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd rather they not do Daily Updates. Just update the roadmap once a week or two, and keep us posted on the big stuff. Daily Updates makes things too active, which makes people stir crazy when nothing is going on, and the conversation keeps going in circles, and people spend way too much time on these forums, and the current situation ends up developing. Need to chill out and let people put Starbound at the back of their minds so they can get stuff done instead of having to deal with our nonsense all the time.
    DeadlyLuvdisc likes this.
  8. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    I think they've talked about how it takes too long to do frequent roadmap updates for it to be worthwhile. Still, it might be better if they do something similar to the daily updates, except on a different time scale. Maybe once or twice a week.
  9. Video Games

    Video Games Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I can get on board with that too. Whatever works to make everyone chill the hell out. Things got so nuts, a News thread got locked. That is messed.
    DeadlyLuvdisc and Jonesy like this.
  10. Loxy

    Loxy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Cannot agree more, After all its like trying to stop smoking for some of the community, Craving of Daily updates!
    Once/twice a week and they still keep top spot for community involvement.

    Btw. Nice Profile pic, I thought you said you didnt want to be Lobotar'd :p

    2 News threads..
    Jonesy likes this.
  11. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Yeah, that came as a real shock. Those were meant to be good threads, but it seems they went too far.

    Let's hope so. I'm getting sick of the crap some people think they can get away with.

    And he gave it to me as a surprise, so I might use it for a little while.
  12. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    You mean, you never asked for it?


    Yeah, people were crossing a line in those threads :/
    linkthegamer and Video Games like this.
  13. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    You're the seventh or eighth person to say that. Myself included, twice.


    And yes, it's becoming beyond a joke. I mean, some people think they know better than the devs. Others think they're being ripped off. Others don't care, and just want the beta now. I'd like to think there's a way to educate them as to what is truly happening, but we couldn't tell everyone. We can only hope things don't get any worse.
  14. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    Some jokes are just stronger than you :p

    And sadly that hope will be most likely unrealized...
    Jonesy likes this.
  15. Loxy

    Loxy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Keep it, It suits yah! :p

    I'm not tired per say, but a little surprised at what people think they can say and do around here, especially recently, but hey!
    Jonesy likes this.
  16. Video Games

    Video Games Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's not like that's impossible. They could be wrong about some things, and someone else could be more knowledgeable. Somehow.
  17. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    True. We've had a couple who have stood out for actually being insightful. But when I said "think they know", I was meant those who don't actually know better, despite what they say.
  18. MrHiggle

    MrHiggle Existential Complex

    Mind telling me what country you live in? :D

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