RELEASED Customizatable Cart Redux

Discussion in 'Gameplay Mechanics' started by Koihime Nakamura, Mar 27, 2018.

  1. Koihime Nakamura

    Koihime Nakamura Ketchup Robot

    This mod is inspired by yyeahdude, and is largely meant to work with SMAPI 2.0.

    It allows you to set the chances of the traveling cart appearing per day (by setting it from 0 to 1, for example, a 25% chance is .25), the items it contains, and how much it is.

    Install Instructions
    Unzip the archive into the Mods folder

    1.2 - Added several config options to more control what inventory appears, improved handling of errors. In addition, it will now add items added via JsonAssets.
    1.1.1 - fixes

    Current Config Options
    - Monday through SundayChance: sets the odds it appears that day of the week
    - AppearOnlyAtStartOfSeason: Will appear only on day 1, regardless of any other settings.
    - AppearOnlyatEndOfSeason: Will appear only on day 28, regardless of any other settings
    - AppearOnlyatStartAndEndOfSeason: Will appear only day 1 and 28, regardless of any other settings
    - AppearOnlyEveryOtherWeek: Will only appear on days 8-14 and 22-28 of the season
    - AmountOfItems: default 12, but can be altered down or up to control how many items appear. Note: The mod will by default set any numbers less than 3 to 3.
    - DisableDuplicates: This will prevent the mod from selecting duplicates.
    - BlacklistedItems - These items will not appear in the cart. Note: This applies over any items added to AllowedItems.
    - AllowedItems - These items will be permitted to appear in the cart. (This is primarily used to override the prohibited categories.)
    - UseCheaperPricing: Uses a less expensive method of determining the value.

    • SMAPI 2.5.4+
      HopeWasHere likes this.
    • Koihime Nakamura

      Koihime Nakamura Ketchup Robot

      Update on Nexus, like before. I apologize for the delay.

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