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Closed CURRENT WORK-AROUNDS (Try these if you're having issues!)

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by mollygos, Dec 4, 2013.

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  1. Robin :)

    Robin :) Orbital Explorer

    Update Fixed Crash at logo Bug ( or atleast i got past the logo )
    Will report back with more
    XP SP3
    Safemode ( not sure if it works in normal )
    Launching it in non safe mode gives me tons of errors,
    And Launching it Safemode i have very bad FPS, for instance i'll gently tap d and i'll move right for 15s
    Also, doing the rename trick doesn't work.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013
  2. EvilCreature

    EvilCreature Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm getting 100% CPU usage when playing this game. Any ideas?

    Basic DxDiag:

    System Information
    Time of this report: 5/31/2013, 17:49:26
    Machine name: SARAH-PC
    Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431)
    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
    System Model: Inspiron 570
    BIOS: BIOS Date: 12/20/10 17:36:20 Ver: 08.00.15
    Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 250 Processor (2 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
    Memory: 6144MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 6142MB RAM
    Page File: 3119MB used, 9164MB available
    Windows Dir: C:\Windows
    DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
    User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
    System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
    DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
    DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode

    DxDiag Notes
    Display Tab 1: No problems found.
    Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
    Sound Tab 2: No problems found.
    Sound Tab 3: No problems found.
    Input Tab: No problems found.

    My graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce GTX 650.

    Also, my computer gets incredibly warm while playing, so I've stopped playing so I don't risk damaging my computer. Also, this is my fourth time trying to get this problem noticed. It's very serious and I don't see why my computer shouldn't be able to run this game (I have a friend who's running on a 7 year old computer with less than half the specs of mine and isn't having any problems).

    Please help! I want to play and I can't! Also, I already tried the memory/rendering work-arounds and nothing helped! This needs get noticed! I'm torn apart because I can't play this awesome game! :(
  3. Kircala

    Kircala Void-Bound Voyager

    I can launch the Starbound Launcher. The Launch Starbound Server button works just fine. The Launch Starbound button almost seems to not be connected to anything, because it does nothing. I can't find any way to get around the Launcher and go straight to the game either. How can I get the game to start? (Game was just auto-updated by Steam and after that, I could not open the game itself.)
    Computer Info:
  4. Kiop

    Kiop Orbital Explorer

    Installed the latest Nvidia drivers.
    Patched the game in steam.
    Set my card settings to not use multi threading for Starbound.
    Gave administrator rights to the executes.
    Set my firewall to allow Starbound.

    If anything its worse than before. The launcher screen hangs for ages after clicking launch Starbound, the Chuckle fish logo screen stays for over a minute, and when I eventually get into the game the FPS is very bad, unplayable if there are more than 2 mobs on screen.

    CPU useage goes to 100% with 75-95% ram useage constantly while the game is open.
  5. pchanson

    pchanson Yeah, You!

    I actually fight the king of auk and I've tryed a thing, trap the OVNI in a prison of dirt, it was successfull but when i attacked him he jumped out of the prison, i think it's a bug.
  6. PS_ghost

    PS_ghost Hey, You!

    That's because none of those things is an actual workaround or fix. It was irresponsible of Molly to post generic "Workarounds" that would not even logically apply to the situation. I see here people booting into safe mode...Why would anyone think that would make a difference? People need to get off the bad advice train. Safe mode is not going to help with this issue, that is not what safe mode is for.
  7. coolguy20080

    coolguy20080 Aquatic Astronaut

    Update your OS to OS X Mavericks, the game should load now but the menu won't show up and the Chucklefish logo hangs up for a minute.. When the starbound logo appears, simply resize the window from an edge of it. Then the menu should appear. If not then wait a minute, then try again.
    By the way, I believe you goto the mac's App Store to download Mavericks..
    KarrsGoVroom likes this.
  8. KodeIn

    KodeIn Void-Bound Voyager

    The reason why the menu doesn't appears on osX seems to be because the games defaults at its max resolution (1920x1080 IIRC). I had that problem and now that I've set the game resolution at the screen's max resolution (old mac so 1280x800) and switched on fullscreen, the menu appears without trouble.

    Since the games doesn't allow a remapping of the keys and I'm using an AZERTY layout, at first I had some trouble to play.
    Workaround on Mac osX (maverick) : I added a QWERTY layout to the keyboard setup, switched to that one (cmd + space on my mac, can't remember if it's the default shortcut), then launched the game and everything was fixed :)
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013
  9. fanuneza

    fanuneza Poptop Tamer

    Last night I ran the game for the first time, and I had the "Launch Starbound" issue when the game doesn't launch at all.

    I'm running Windows 8.1 in a laptop with a Nvidia GeForce GT 620M, and I solved the issue manually installing the
    file located in
    . It seems Steam doesn't install that when you first run the game.

    I hope this helps somebody.
  10. douglastkd7

    douglastkd7 Space Hobo

    After you started your server And closed it and tryed to start it again and it keeps crashing? Hare is a fix,
    Changing "upnpPortForwarding" to false in the server.config at the assets folder seems to fix it"

    Worked before Update, now does not have this option in server.config! HELP ME PLS!

    OBS : My friends can not connect to my server after update*
  11. Kaydd

    Kaydd Poptop Tamer

    UpnpPortForwarding have moved to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\assets\default_configuration.config
  12. douglastkd7

    douglastkd7 Space Hobo

    Yes, I put "False" and even then the server loads "portforwarding" I can not disable it. :ssssssssss:
  13. douglastkd7

    douglastkd7 Space Hobo

    Works on \Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\starbound.config change to false, server woks!

    I can connect to the server ,my friends can not, all with the last update.


    Info: Connection received from:
    Warn: UniverseServer: client connection aborted
    Warn: Perf: UniverseServer::handleQueuedConnections.one millis: 202
    Warn: Perf: UniverseServer::handleQueuedConnections millis: 203
    Info: Reaping client <2> connection
    Warn: I/O error in NetSocket write loop or device closed: NetworkException: tcp send error: 10038
    006D7A14 (C:/starbound/source/core/StarIODevice.hpp:9)
    00437141 (C:/starbound/source/game/StarNetSocket.cpp:282)
    00438200 (C:/starbound/source/game/StarNetSocket.cpp:227)
    0083A9EC (C:/starbound/source/core/StarThread_windows.cpp:68)

    Warn: Perf: UniverseServer::run.innerloop millis: 406
    Info: Connection received from:
    Warn: UniverseServer: client connection aborted
    Info: Reaping client <3> connection
    Warn: I/O error in NetSocket write loop or device closed: NetworkException: tcp send error: 10038
    006D7A14 (C:/starbound/source/core/StarIODevice.hpp:9)
    00437141 (C:/starbound/source/game/StarNetSocket.cpp:282)
    00438200 (C:/starbound/source/game/StarNetSocket.cpp:227)
    0083A9EC (C:/starbound/source/core/StarThread_windows.cpp:68)

    Warn: Perf: UniverseServer::run.innerloop millis: 193
    Info: Client <1> disconnected
    Info: Reaping client <1> connection
    Warn: Perf: UniverseServer::run.innerloop millis: 208
  14. Second_Fry

    Second_Fry Aquatic Astronaut

    On latest patch (Koala) on Ubuntu Starbound will fail due to libSDL1.2 error - simply install that package - apt-get install libsdl1.2debian
  15. Imboo

    Imboo Master Chief

    Doesn't work for me and i have a windows 32 bit ultimate with 4gb of ram and my processor is exactly i3 Core too... everytime i start up starbound it crashes my whole computers... im really exited to play this game but i cant. Any help?
  16. Kroghammer

    Kroghammer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Starbound on first release would load up after a wait time of 45 seconds. After the update, stuck at "loading" and no error report or crash. Have no clue what is going on.

    Win vista 64
    6 gigs ram
    Radeon 7950 latest drivers
  17. Sk1nk

    Sk1nk Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Got a workaround for Logo appearing and disappearing without starting the game at all on OS X (Mavericks)

    ... since reinstall didn't work, I went to /Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common and deleted the Starbound Folder ... after that I was able to run the game. My char was gone, but since this is a beta, could totally live with that.
  18. tfind

    tfind Yeah, You!

    I have this problem too and the issue for me was the game client opens with priority set to high so opening task manager, right clicking the entry for the exe and setting it down to normal (this is a task in and of itself with how long this will take from everything running slowly) should make the game playable for you, until it crashes and you have to repeat the process all over that is :'(
  19. Bastard Man

    Bastard Man Big Damn Hero

    Mine's Windows 7, perhaps the issue will be resolved when they release the next update; they're saying they've put a lot of work into the XP build.
  20. bludud101

    bludud101 Phantasmal Quasar

    The new update strands your characters onto their ships. If you try to teleport off the ship, it just teleports you back.
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