Crossfang's Stardew Valley Workshop

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by Crossfang, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. seth0et0holth

    seth0et0holth Star Wrangler

    So here's the print screens :) Also I've attached a couple pics of the fashion I'm going for with him because farmer OCs don't, unfortunately, have full dialogue window sprites like say Sebastian does. those are the farmer images I modeled him on (sorry, I photoshop, I don't draw :( )
      Crossfang likes this.
    • Crossfang

      Crossfang Supernova

      This is going to be a challenge for me. xD
        seth0et0holth likes this.
      • seth0et0holth

        seth0et0holth Star Wrangler

      • Crossfang

        Crossfang Supernova

        Ooops , forgot to tell this here: (My bad)
        I'll be starting requests in this thread after I finished doing all the request on my main art thread.
        For now, try to be a little bit more patient. xD
          seth0et0holth likes this.
        • seth0et0holth

          seth0et0holth Star Wrangler

          Is no problem, I was like "hmm, it's almost been a month, wonder what's happening." I even felt guilty about bumping the thread lol
            Crossfang likes this.
          • Crossfang

            Crossfang Supernova

            It's ok it's ok. xD
              seth0et0holth likes this.
            • SV_Doge

              SV_Doge Void-Bound Voyager

              Hello mate, Can you do my farmer Stardew Vll.jpg thanks!
                Crossfang likes this.
              • Crossfang

                Crossfang Supernova

                Im almost done with all of the request on my main thread..xD
                Just wait a lil longer, pleaaaaaase.

                Adding it to the queue.
                • SV_Doge

                  SV_Doge Void-Bound Voyager

                  btw the farmer's name is xeppie
                  • Crossfang

                    Crossfang Supernova

                    Alright! I'm back in this thread! Here's the current WIP request that Im doing. ( It's @ApertureGaming011 's request)

                    • Alkanthe

                      Alkanthe Supernova

                      Looking great!
                        ApertureGaming011 and Crossfang like this.
                      • Crossfang

                        Crossfang Supernova

                        @ApertureGaming011 Doooooooooooone! xD It may be inaccurate given the lack of color info in your request , but yeah! It's finally finished. Also , I appologize for replacing the headband. :avalixD:


                        Sebi and Jane
                        • ApertureGaming011

                          ApertureGaming011 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          YES YEEEEESSSSSS this is amazing! Thank you so much for this!!
                            Pudassassin and Crossfang like this.
                          • Crossfang

                            Crossfang Supernova

                            You're welcome as always! xD
                            • Crossfang

                              Crossfang Supernova

                              @ApertureGaming011 @Pudassassin Here's a rough sketch of the current request. I gotta tell ya, it's been almost a week thinking on how to start yours and finally today, my brain worked.

                                Last edited: Apr 15, 2017
                              • ApertureGaming011

                                ApertureGaming011 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                I, uhhh... forgot what I requested?
                                  Pudassassin and Crossfang like this.
                                • Crossfang

                                  Crossfang Supernova

                                  Facepalm! xD My bad! It should be @Pudassassin 's ! xD
                                    Pudassassin likes this.
                                  • Rgbunpro

                                    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

                                    You sure your brain worked? :p
                                      Crossfang and Pudassassin like this.
                                    • ApertureGaming011

                                      ApertureGaming011 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      Okay, I wish for a request! Can we have Jane and Sebastian do something you consider adorable? (Like playing games together, cooking, kiss...?)
                                        Crossfang likes this.
                                      • Crossfang

                                        Crossfang Supernova

                                        I guess you can say , yes and no at the same time.

                                        Hmmmm.... seems simple enough. Sure I'll add it to the queue.
                                          Rgbunpro likes this.

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