Привет. Я рисовал портреты в высоком разрешении, но не понимаю, что именно нужно вставить в "контент", чтобы это заработало. Портретный мод для "Juna - Roommate NPC". Очень надеюсь на вашу помощь. Hello. I've been drawing high-res portraits, but I don't understand exactly what needs to be put in "content" to make it work. Portrait mod for "Juna - Roommate NPC". I really hope for your help. Code: { "Format": "1.25.0", "Changes": [ //PORTRAITS { "LogName": "Main Portraits", "Action": "Load", "Target": "Portraits/Juna", "FromFile": "assets/Images/Portraits/Juna_Main.png" }, { "LogName": "Portrait Edits", "Action": "EditImage", "Target": "Portraits/Juna", "FromFile": "assets/Images/Portraits/Juna_{{Portrait}}.png", "Update": "OnLocationChange" }, { "LogName": "White Swan WizardHouse", "Action": "EditImage", "Target": "Portraits/Juna", "FromFile": "assets/Images/Portraits/Juna_WS.png", "When": { "Time": "{{Range: 1400, 2000}}", "HasSeenEvent": "86060023", "HasSeenEvent |contains=86060037": "false" }, "Update": "OnTimeChange" }, //PORTRAITS { "Name": "Portrait", "Value": "Rain", "When": { "Season": "spring, summer", "Weather": "rain, storm", "IsOutdoors": "true" } }, { "Name": "Portrait", "Value": "Fall", "When": { "Season": "fall" } }, { "Name": "Portrait", "Value": "FallRain", "When": { "Season": "fall", "Weather": "rain, storm", "IsOutdoors": "true" } }, { "Name": "Portrait", "Value": "Fall", "When": { "Season": "winter", "IsOutdoors": "false" } }, { "Name": "Portrait", "Value": "Winter", "When": { "Season": "winter", "IsOutdoors": "true" } }, { "Name": "Portrait", "Value": "WS", "When": { "LocationName": "Town", "DayOfWeek": "Monday, Saturday", "Weather": "sun, snow, wind" } }, { "Name": "Portrait", "Value": "WSR", "When": { "LocationName": "Forest", "Weather": "rain, storm" } }, { "Name": "Portrait", "Value": "BS", "When": { "LocationName": "Forest", "DayOfWeek": "Friday", "Weather": "sun, snow, wind" } }, { "Name": "Portrait", "Value": "BSR", "When": { "LocationName": "Beach", "Weather": "rain, storm" } }, { "Name": "Portrait", "Value": "SpiritsEve", "When": { "DayEvent": "spirit's eve", "LocationName": "temp, town, Custom_EastScarpe, Custom_EastScarpeInn" } }, { "Name": "Portrait", "Value": "WS", "When": { "DayOfWeek": "Saturday", "LocationName": "Farm", "Roommate": "Juna" } }, //Portraits and sprites { "Name": "EventPortrait", "Value": "E2Main", "When": { "Season": "spring, summer" } }, { "Name": "EventPortrait", "Value": "E2Fall", "When": { "Season": "fall" } }, { "Name": "EventPortrait", "Value": "E2Winter", "When": { "Season": "winter" } }, { "Name": "EventSprite", "Value": "E2MainS", "When": { "Season": "spring, summer" } }, { "Name": "EventSprite", "Value": "E2FallS", "When": { "Season": "fall" } }, { "Name": "EventSprite", "Value": "E2WinterS", "When": { "Season": "winter" } }, ] } here's what's in smapi Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > Portrait Edits: the FromFile is invalid: '{{Portrait}}' can't be used as a token because that token could not be found. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #1: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #2: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #3: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #4: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #5: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #6: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #7: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #8: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #9: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #10: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #11: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #12: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #13: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #14: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #15: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #16: must set the Action field. [Content Patcher] Ignored 1oxnes talko-style Juna - portrait > invalid #17: must set the Action field.
I've added an english translation to your posts since our forum rules require posts to be in english or at least provide an english translation. I also added a code-tag for better readability.