Tutorial Create your own ships - Photoshop template & modding guide

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Xuhybrid, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Sprunt

    Sprunt Void-Bound Voyager

    Okay so I have the new files in place. I have packed the assets back but I am getting a
    Access violation detected at 0x633448 (Read of address 0)

    No mods so it cant be that the only thing I have changed is the apex ship folder.

    I have a feeling it might be in my coding for the ship cause this is my first time.
    So If someone can look over this I would be so grateful

    "config" : {
    "fuelMax" : 1000

    "backgroundOverlays" : [
    "image" : "shipship.png",
    "position" : [9, 12]

    "blockKey" : [
    "value" : [255, 255, 255, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : false

    "value" : [0, 0, 255, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true

    "value" : [255, 0, 0, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : true,
    "backgroundBlock" : true

    "value" : [0, 255, 0, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true,
    "backgroundMat" : "apexshipwall",
    "object" : "apexshiplocker",
    "objectParameters" : {
    "treasurePools" : [ "apexStarterTreasure" ],
    "level" : 1,
    "unbreakable" : true

    "value" : [142, 255, 142, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true,
    "backgroundMat" : "apexshipwall",
    "object" : "techstation",
    "objectParameters" : {
    "unbreakable" : false

    "value" : [255, 87, 81, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true,
    "object" : "apexfuelhatch",
    "objectParameters" : {
    "unbreakable" : true

    "value" : [255, 255, 0, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true,
    "backgroundMat" : "apexshipdetails",
    "object" : "invisiblelight"

    "value" : [174, 137, 81, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true,
    "object" : "shipengine",
    "objectParameters" : {
    "unbreakable" : true

    "value" : [156, 0, 255, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true,
    "backgroundMat" : "apexshipdetails",
    "object" : "teleporter",
    "flags" : [ "playerSpawn" ],
    "objectParameters" : {
    "unbreakable" : true

    "value" : [167, 167, 255, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true,
    "object" : "boosterflame",
    "objectParameters" : {
    "unbreakable" : true

    "value" : [168, 168, 168, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true,
    "object" : "smallboosterflame",
    "objectParameters" : {
    "unbreakable" : true

    "value" : [0, 255, 255, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true,
    "object" : "apexcaptainschair",
    "objectDirection" : "left",
    "objectParameters" : {
    "unbreakable" : false

    "value" : [255, 255, 144],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true,
    "backgroundMat" : "apexshipwall"

    "value" : [255, 117, 144],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true,
    "backgroundMat" : "apexshipdetails"

    "value" : [255, 117, 255],
    "foregroundBlock" : false,
    "backgroundBlock" : true,
    "backgroundMat" : "apexshipsupport"

    "blockImage" : "dropshipblocks.png"

    Here is my dropshipblocks.png file as well. dropshipblocks.png
  2. Alderaner

    Alderaner Intergalactic Tourist

    Germeny = No Englisch

    I'm looking for the program to modding of ships !

    where can I find the ?
  3. braicali

    braicali Void-Bound Voyager

    can the bitmap be done with paint? i mean, it gives u the 1 pixel block and everything, or im confused D:
  4. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Do you realize how old this thread is? The last post before yours was in 2014. To a degree the guide is still mostly valid, but the blockKeys are their own files now. Unpack the assets and study the vanilla ships.
    You don't necessarily need Photoshop for this, but I wouldn't recommend Paint. Download Paint.net instead. It is pretty excellent for this purpose.
    Now 1 pixel in the bitmap = 1 tile. But you can map it to a foreground and background tile at the same time. As long as there is no foreground in the way, it can also add an object. But more accurately you should consider the 1 pixel to map out to a "set" of things.
          "value" : [255, 255, 0, 255],
          "foregroundBlock" : false,
          "backgroundBlock" : true,
          "backgroundMat" : "apexshipdetails",
          "objectResidual" : true,
          "object" : "apexshiplight"
    The color you'd set in the color wheel of Paint.net to
    Red: 255
    Green: 255
    Blue: 0
    Alpha: 255
    Alpha being the transparency. 0 is fully transparent and 255 is completely opaque, but for this purpose it is only used for mapping.

    With that small sample part of a blockKey, Starbound will interpret a pixels that is [R;255, G;255, B;0, A;255] to mean
    No foreground block
    A background block made of the "apexshipdetails" material
    An object - "apexshiplight" that will not be removed upon upgrading the ship, even if the next tier's blockKey does not place an object there.
    By default, objects placed by the blockKey are not residual and will be removed upon upgrading - they could be replaced with the same object but that would be rather bad in the case of a ship locker. But there are cases you'd want to do this. Removing a broken object in favor of a working one. Upgrading an object since the ship upgraded. Things like that.
    KadathCR likes this.
  5. braicali

    braicali Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank you, I ll find a program to unpak it. Yes, I do realize but i couldnt find a tool for ship design outside the game other than this, i was hoping that someone with the "know how" was to read this :rofl:
    im trying this because i want to create the skeleton of a ship at least, but the design is too big and it ll take too much time to build the shapes.

    ¿is there a way to avoid unpacking the assets and add the ship to the game like a minimod or something?
  6. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    You absolutely want to unpack the game assets. It isn't that you need the game assets to create your own mod. But you need to understand it, and looking at what vanilla did can help you understand it. You need to emulate what they did. You can also check out various ship mods too.

    Now judging from your question, I think you don't yet understand how mods work. The reason for unpacking isn't to add your content to the vanilla content then repack. You don't repack it at all. You just unpack it into a separate (never loaded) folder for use as a reference. Your mods will follow the same layout as the vanilla assets.
    KadathCR and projectmayhem like this.

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