Crashed spaceships/stations/satellites

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by ImprobableLobster, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. PyroNovaBlaster

    PyroNovaBlaster Void-Bound Voyager

    dude, awesome idea!!
  2. Terode

    Terode Industrial Terraformer

    Don't know if anybody posted or thought of it yet, but what if there were different types of crashes? As in, the ships could be found half-buried in the sand, at the bottom of the ocean, smashed into the side of a ruin, etc.

    Just a thought...
    extremist likes this.
  3. Gonzoro

    Gonzoro Void-Bound Voyager

    It would be cool and in future maybe you have to find them and research them to upgrade your ship.
  4. MEENIE900

    MEENIE900 Space Hobo

    Have it be full of cobwebs and SKELETONS and camouflaging vines and leaves if its ancient and have flames, ragged holes (in both) and BLOOD LEADING TOWARDS A BOSS OR LOAD OF MONSTERS
  5. MEENIE900

    MEENIE900 Space Hobo

    Just a thought...[/quote]
    what if the planet did not have an atmosphere, it may be off topic, but you'd have to have a full space suit on unpressurised planets and space centres
  6. Terode

    Terode Industrial Terraformer

    Or perhaps even some survivors of the crash?
  7. Burly_Jim

    Burly_Jim Void-Bound Voyager

  8. roguephoenix64

    roguephoenix64 Title Not Found

  9. Beeflex

    Beeflex Orbital Explorer

    Probably not super rare but just not common and are found on ancient areas in a galaxie
  10. Jeoshua

    Jeoshua Existential Complex

    Why, after almost a year of this suggestion, and almost 150 likes, has this not been done, yet? Seriously. Is a few crashed starships too much to ask? Even just a few randomly placed mini-biomes, with a crater, a hulking mass of twisted metal, and a few strange skeletons, with some (possible) loot?
  11. Blake81

    Blake81 Cosmic Narwhal

    Something like this might be in the workings already. Just look at this:

    Plus, there's all that ''Wrecked'' furniture (Check the Wiki) which is already in the game files. Also, considering that all the Devs here are most certainly Super Metroid 3 veterans, I am 100% sure we'll get a Wrecked Ship (It was my fav stage at SM3, btw) here sooner or later.
  12. SpaceWarriro121

    SpaceWarriro121 Intergalactic Tourist

    Can always add a corrupt AI system that speaks to you while going through the station or main station dungeon, Give it a split personality like Cortana in Halo when she is deteriorating. tries to help you find your way out and to loot and warn you of dangers but same time try's to lead you to traps, dead ends and mobs, think it would add a more in depth dimension for the players gaming experiencing.
  13. Meese

    Meese Aquatic Astronaut

  14. Star Mc. Bound

    Star Mc. Bound Pangalactic Porcupine

    Nice advertisement you have there.
  15. Swoop6676

    Swoop6676 Master Chief

  16. Bacon Falcon

    Bacon Falcon Void-Bound Voyager

    You sir have made my day. If they add this my face will implode. Please Chucklefish, I beg of you.
  17. ChrisCrafted

    ChrisCrafted Void-Bound Voyager

    So you want your head to implode... great...
  18. kikinaak

    kikinaak Pangalactic Porcupine

    This seems a nice way to reuse that old station asset that was scrapped. There were a LOT of good suggestions based around that thing.
    Perhaps derelict hunting could be worked into the ship expansion system, so you end up bolting on parts from other ships to upgrade your own. The Floran have been confirmed to do this at least in style, perhaps the other races are simply more selective of what they add on.

    Finding the ships damaged blackbox could reveal coordinates. Whats at those coordinates? Maybe they logged an interesting signal or sensor reading there. It might be where the ship dumped its cargo or escape pods, where it had a salvagable piece blown off it, or it might be where the reason the ship is derelict in the first place lives.
    Blake81 likes this.
  19. FluffySplie

    FluffySplie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  20. megatiger78

    megatiger78 Void-Bound Voyager

    how about orbiting defunctional sats? you can steal the solar pannels

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