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Crash when sleep?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Ophornal, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. Ophornal

    Ophornal Aquatic Astronaut

    Hello. Im having a problem where my game crashes everytime i sleep. Tried removing all mods and it still crashes. It happens everytime the cutscene from the community center completion happens, whenever i try to save afterwards the game just crashes.

    Heres the log with mods enabled https://smapi.io/log/3b7960d621494d96b02f37dcdc1b81ed Im pretty dumb when it comes to stuff like this so i hope someone can help me recover this :(

    https://smapi.io/log/a467a2fd1d554267964e3b3cb251ed77 Log without mods
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2019
    • jahangmar

      jahangmar Sandwich Man

      The sync folder I meant in the other thread has this path "C:\Users\Tuur\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Saves\.sync". The game tries to load files from this folder but can't find them. I think that is the issue so deleting this folder should help.

      Edit: If it still doesn't work you can upload another log. And please make a copy of the folder before you delete it.
        Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
      • Ophornal

        Ophornal Aquatic Astronaut

        Sadly still crashes :(
        • jahangmar

          jahangmar Sandwich Man

          Okay, maybe I'm a bit too tired and that wasn't the main problem. You can upload your save file (the one with the numbers and SaveGameInfo as a zip file) and someone can take a look at it or I take a look tomorrow.
          • Ophornal

            Ophornal Aquatic Astronaut

            I'd very appreciate that. Thanks for all your help so far anyways :)

              Attached Files:

            • Pathoschild

              Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

              That Content Patcher error is fixed in the upcoming 1.11.1 update; let me know if it still happens once you get that update.
              • jahangmar

                jahangmar Sandwich Man

                I did some testing but I wasn't able to reproduce the crash (and the joja warehouse is already completed). I got confused yesterday because your first log does not contain a crash. The crash in the second log is weird. I checked the game code but don't understand why it would crash there and how that is even possible. I also don't see any connection to the community center in that code.
                The date in your second log says summer 27 but the save file you uploaded is at summer 12. Is this the right version of your save file?
                I also don't get the warnings
                18:27:45     WARN     SMAPI     Removed invalid villager 'MorrisTod' to avoid a crash when loading save 'Tuur_236784621'. (Did you remove a custom NPC mod?)
                18:27:45     WARN     SMAPI     Removed invalid villager 'MarlonFay' to avoid a crash when loading save 'Tuur_236784621'. (Did you remove a custom NPC mod?)
                Because I don't know what is going on I recommend to reset your content files.

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