REQUEST Could we have a sticky telling people we have subforums?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Zhuria, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    People won't actually be seeing the first post - they will be looking at your mod overview page.
    You should think of the overview page as the first post.

    For example when a user looks through the mod repository what they will see is something like this.
    [ My own personal mod for starbound ]

    Most users won't usually look at the discussion page.
    • Topodic

      Topodic Void-Bound Voyager

      Yeah, even as someone who just browses mods, I prefer the forums for that personally, since having the discussions all right there with the mod info is nice. Not crazy about the way the repository is laid out, but oh well. Probably nothing to be done about it.
        Zhuria likes this.
      • The | Suit

        The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

        There is no problem making dozens of uploads - some of our starbound modders have around 42 mods.
        If you want to have 42 mods - you can use the external hosting link option and link the download link to a download folder where users can pick and choose.

        Discussion is there,
        • Lechet

          Lechet Big Damn Hero

          zzz i made a mess of the misc mod forum tinkering with the repository too many threadssss i hate myself

          But I got the repository thread set up how I want so we're in business.

          And idk man, how the site's set up a lot of people are probably gonna miss the repository. Like you go to stardew valley's site, then the forums, then there's a "Mod" section under the forums. The only way I see to get to the repository on first glance is the teeny tiny "mods" button on the lil' bar there and when you got a Mod section of the forum in big bold letters, probably more people gonna look at the threads.
          • Zhuria

            Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

            I understand where you're coming from. I love the update notifications and review system on the repository. But I also like having my discussion in one (or two, as is the case right now) places and not dozens. I can interact with people and take requests and not have to limit it to discussion of one single mod. I can post all my new stuff here and people who like my stuff can come back and see what new stuff I've uploaded.

            I suppose the only way this would work for me would be if we were able to tell that discussion tab what URL to point to, so I could send discussion of all my mods to one place.

            Bleh. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place, because I really like the way I'm doing things now, but I don't want to NOT upload to the repository.
              Topodic likes this.
            • Zhuria

              Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

              I've been modding for 9 days and only just realized it exists when The Suit posted about it ._.
              • The | Suit

                The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

                Ya i will talk to molly about having it more apparent.

                You don't have to move to repository - but the transition was the same when Starbound first launched where it was all forum based mods before everything transitioned over.
                Those who stayed with the forum based version ended up getting little to no traffic as most users went directly to the repository to get their mod fix.

                So it is up to you in the end.
                You should stick to what ever is the most comfortable option for you.
                • Zhuria

                  Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                  Ok, a few questions then.

                  1. Does the repository allow you to upload multiple files for one mod? i.e. I made a rabbits mod with new sprites, could I host all the recolours on one page? Or would I have to either link externally or have them all in one zip? Or post a dozen separate mods when it's really not needed?
                  2. If I host them externally, how does the update notifier work, if at all?
                  3. If I move them all individually to the repository, is it permissible for me to retain my thread(s) that have a sort of guide to all my mods together? Maybe if I have it moved back to the main mods forum?
                  4. Are the subforums ONLY meant for repository content? If so, why was my thread moved? If not, why do you not expect people to post there, and/or are not moving threads there like mine was? The main mods forum is a jumble.
                  • Lechet

                    Lechet Big Damn Hero

                    I'd probably do external links for all your mods, Zhuria. You got so many recolors, it'd be hard to dig through all the folders in a zip. Maybe make a repository for the different types of recolors, like Pets or Livestock or something. And that way you can keep your threads kinda like how you got 'em too? idk just ideas

                    You can update it with the same exact file and it'll notify people as long as you enter in an Update Title + Message. So like "new horse recolor!" or something and boop, it says it'll show up. "If you enter a title and message, members watching your mod will be alerted. If you are updating your mod with a new version, this is a good place to note what's changed."
                      Topodic likes this.
                    • Zhuria

                      Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                      Sweet, thanks. Maybe I'll play around with it tomorrow.
                      • The | Suit

                        The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

                        Going to answer more in a random order.

                        Repository is really new maybe 2 - 3 days at most.
                        So that is the main reason why most of the confusion is occurring.

                        The update notifier doesn't check the version of the link. You press the resource update button - fill in the information which explains what you added, and then you add your custom version number and it pushes a post automatically for you. Which then notifies all the user the mod has been updated.

                        It is harder to explain - and easier if you try it your self.

                        As for keeping your global threads - I can't tell you what the policy is for SDV yet - I can tell you that for starbound we only allowed the discussion thread made by the Forum.

                        As for keeping it a single mod or splitting it up - that is up to you.
                        A lot of modders in Starbound generally package all their mods piece meal in a single zip file and let users install what ever they want.

                        While some modders link to a "shared download folder" externally.
                        For example the versioning folder for my mod -
                          Zhuria likes this.
                        • Zhuria

                          Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                          Ok, I'm using the repository now.

                          However, I still think this forum is a mess. I really think that not only repository content should be in the subforums, but all mod posts. I can't find ANYTHING in this main forum; it's all a jumble and I keep missing stuff I would have liked to have seen.
                            Drogean likes this.
                          • The | Suit

                            The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

                            All the repository content is in the sub forums. The new threads are generated based on the location choose by the modder when they upload it.
                            For example your mod discussion is here,

                            The other mods can decide to upload it also at any time they wish.
                            • Lechet

                              Lechet Big Damn Hero

                              I think Zhuria means that the main Mods forum (Forums > Other Chucklefish Games > Stardew Valley > Mods) is a mess because people keep posting their Released Mods in the main forum instead of in the correct subforums.
                                Topodic and Zhuria like this.
                              • Zhuria

                                Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                                Yes, exactly.. I KNOW where the repository mods go. I've been posting non-repository mods there as well. My argument is that all the non-repository mods should be required to go into these subforums as well so that everything is neatly categorized and easy to find. Those of us with threads in the main mods forum when the subforums were created had our threads moved to them, but since then it doesn't seem anyone else has been required to keep their threads organized properly, too. I think people WOULD be posting there if they realized these subforums existed.
                                  Topodic and Lechet like this.
                                • The | Suit

                                  The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

                                  I guess that's a reasonable enough request - I will just ask ordona if it will cause any issues.
                                  But its probably better off Mod developers use the Repository functionality instead.
                                  • Lechet

                                    Lechet Big Damn Hero

                                    I agree, but people are still posting their mods in the main Mod forum here instead of using the repository and probably will continue to do so until the Repository is easier to find so it just seems like it'd be best to keep moving them to the proper subforums to avoid unnecessary clutter.
                                      Zhuria likes this.
                                    • The | Suit

                                      The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

                                      Well you could always help inform them repository is there also *wink* *nudge* *wink*
                                      Right now the CF guys are going to GDC to show off the latest updates to SB.
                                      So it will be a while before any changes to the forums can occur.
                                      • Lechet

                                        Lechet Big Damn Hero

                                        I've always been taught to not do things like that because it counts as mini-modding and most forums that I frequent frown on things like that. idk it just feel weird now
                                        • FinalMantasyX

                                          FinalMantasyX Big Damn Hero

                                          I think that it doesn't really matter, whatsoever, what any given forum moderator thinks people should and shouldn't do.

                                          When it comes down to it, the repository has 18 mods, the forums have 176 at least. 10x as many mods are being posted on the forums and the forums should be properly cared for and cultivated to account for that.
                                            Zhuria, Topodic and Lechet like this.

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