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(Community Made) The Starbound Beta Release Party

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Left 2 Die, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. Sypherith

    Sypherith Space Hobo

    i shall attend :)
    Rekalty likes this.
  2. RarityIsBoss

    RarityIsBoss Void-Bound Voyager

    Sure, I join in on the fun, I'll stream as well here ya go www.twitch.tv/zcythegaming
    Also im streaming the whole day on the fourth with a few of my friends. So you guys can check it out. Its also going on my youtube. So yeah busy Wednesday. :rofl:
    Stream will be 720p or 1080p haven't decided, but the FPS will be 60 and my upload speed is 35 so i will set my bitrate 10mb/s So the quality will hopefully be better than standard 2.5mb/s.
    Also featuring a webcam, and a very abnormal guy, me :D Cya guys there.
  3. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    Look at tiys latest tweet.
  4. RarityIsBoss

    RarityIsBoss Void-Bound Voyager

    But i don't have a lot of subs. Only 30 :p Anyways i don't know twitter too well do i just reply or something?
  5. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    Yeah, i guess.
  6. Henry Wotton

    Henry Wotton Starship Captain

    I'll be there too, don't lock the door!!! :viking: or i'll smash it :DD
  7. Dragonisser

    Dragonisser Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If i dont get distracted, i will be there :)
    ForceInfinity likes this.
  8. gotTodance

    gotTodance Sandwich Man

    I was 1 fucking year without work , and on 3rd i start my new Job and on 4th i'ts realease, u know what? FUCK YOU! -.-
    bounding star and ForceInfinity like this.
  9. ForceInfinity

    ForceInfinity Hey, You!

    Oh yeah me and Leningard are definitely coming.
  10. Haloguy

    Haloguy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I wanna Join, sign me up to this party.
  11. blueapocalyps3

    blueapocalyps3 Orbital Explorer

    www.twitch.tv/blu3apocalypse I'll stream dat Party I'll stream dat Party
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2013
  12. ayls

    ayls Intergalactic Tourist

    I might partake! ayls sicodelic and lifk
  13. carzak

    carzak Void-Bound Voyager

    Cant wait till im done with AIT and play this! Been following through my passes. Party in basic training for this game!
  14. nolan1024

    nolan1024 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i must partake
  15. Boxxyo

    Boxxyo Void-Bound Voyager

    awesome looking forward to it
  16. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

    I might show up for a bit, I feel like the music art will need at least SOME dubstep.

    I don't even like dubstep that much, but I feel its needed. And besides, I doubt we can have some power metal.
  17. Renlou

    Renlou Industrial Terraformer

    Yes, it looks stable enough for a server with a few people. What I mean is, me and the rest of the builders will be making all these things, but then someone comes along and destroys everything. I've read somewhere that server protection features such as banning and stuff are not properly set up yet so we might run into a few problems. That's what I'm worried about.
  18. Fyropyro

    Fyropyro Void-Bound Voyager

    I would love to attend if I am accepted and able to get into a slot! Sounds like a great way to meet some people for possible adventuring post party :D
  19. Pyrii

    Pyrii Existential Complex

    I'll attend if possible, I did apply to be a builder several weeks ago, but no response.
  20. Jerln

    Jerln Oxygen Tank

    Nooo! :saywhat: I'll be away on Saturday! :(

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