Cross is the epitome of 'nice man draws you for free' here and YA'LL REALLY SHOULD MAXIMUM APPRECIATE HIS KINDNESS >8V and don't thank me I ain't drawing requests just yet @Nibolas O Anelbozas I might be going off topic here but this is generally how I see things Nobody cares if you think your art isn't as good as the next, and if it isn't, so what? WE GET TWO CAKES! I know comparing ourselves with others is in our nature and that is not a bad thing, that's how we learn what we should improve, I mean heck, I'm just barely at the beginning of this comic business, I think drawing story is fun and that was what I started doing, reading better and professional comic strips and analyzing WHY THEY'RE SO MUCH BETTER IS HOW I LEARN! NOW GO DRAW! I WANT TO SEE SOME MORE STARBOUND ADVENTURES OTHER THAN MINE! THERE IS NOTHING STOPPING YOU!
I love the inspiring text and all, but what's stopping me is that my wacom got stolen and i'm not buying another one so soon ;-; so yeah, i'm looking at the cakes eating then, and imagining that i'm baking them, if that's make sense!
I'm thanking you because: A.) You're nice B.) You make your cute and funny comic available for free And C.) Because you're open to drawing chars for people and putting them in your work
Oh trust me, you don't wanna see my shitty stick figures. I'm much better at writing. Also that's inspirational as heck dude.
YOU KNOW WHAT?! I AM GOING TO MAKE MY OWN FRIGGIN' UNIVERSE! I had this idea for a week now. A lot of writing is going to be involved though...
I think it's supposed to have a bit of delay between the frames. It looks like 2 frames per second to me, which might resemble an animation struggling to load.
Can confirm this. 4 frames are set at 0.5fps. I'm not good enough to make full 24fps animations yet ):
Whale-p, those are cute! ^^ *pats the owl* I'm still wondering why you choosed to ask me, but thanks for having
That’s one NICE animation. You never fail to be awesome. I once made an 11-frame door animation... *stares into distance as he has painful flashbacks* It’s INCREDIBLY difficult when your computer corrects the quotes used in modding to quotes used in quoting whenever you type near them...
don't feel so sad young owl girl, we all have 24fps animation problems u_u except the ones who doesn't
Darn Florans, leave the poor nerd alone!! Just look at him, does he look like a normal guy? does he look like he has any social skills that matter? come on, he's life is probably already miserable and you turn it into something even worse! at least fo after something that is at least honorable to take down!!