Tool Collisioner

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Osoreshi, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Osoreshi

    Osoreshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    BACK IN BLACK! due to policy changes and thanks to some... individuals, this tool now belongs to this particular place. Hopefully we will have a better place for these in the future.


    * Load images to guide you in the collision finding process. Formats supported: jpg, png, gif.
    * Use a guide grid to help you even further.
    * Zoom those tiny images the game takes, from 150% up to 300% zoom
    * Get up to 40 Collisions.
    * Save your results to a text file. Is even ready to just copy and paste.
    * Get informed when there is any kind of update for this tool.

    How to use?

    I did my best to offer you guys the most intuitive interface and self-explained functions, but just to avoid confusions I'm here to explain!

    Explaining further:
    How to introduce a poly?
    Click on the work station where you desire. As long as (8) field is showing a value, you are doing it right. Try to not click and drag, just click.
    What's that 1X, 2X, etc thing meaning?
    That's based on the game's zoom system. 1X is the default size YOU use. Tiny images that occupy 8x8 pixels. Each "X" means 50% additional zoom to these images, so:
    2X=150% (min)
    3X=200% (Default zoom level)
    4X=250% (max)

    When your image is at default size, you only need to use the (6) slider and resize as you desire. Keep the (5) box at AUTO.

    When your test image is already resized for whatever reason, is recommended to keep the (6) slider at 1X and just use the (5) box as needed.

    How does the (1) undo button works?
    As any other undo button will: Click it to undo last collision made. You can use Ctrl+Z as shortcut if you wish.

    Image disappeared!
    Hit the (3) refresh button. Ctrl+R if you are lazy.

    Where is the text file saved after I'm done?
    Is saved as "poly.txt" in the same location of the program and its content should be something ready to simply copy & paste, like this:
    [ [6.875,-4.5], [-3.875,-3.5], [-0.125,7] ]
    Also shown on the text box (12) Result Box (since V1.1.1).

    How do I report a bug or make a recommendation?
    Right on the comments.

    Prior versions are not going to be shown on this changelog since I... forgot them.
    - Added the Result Box

    Minor changes:
    - Fixed not working buttons, whoops. No one told me "Ctrl+Z" wasn't working.
    - Cleaned up some useless code.
    - Added a button to easily reach this forum post in a single click.
    - Added an about.
    - More tooltips
    - Use right click to copy the content of the Result Box directly to your clipboard.

    Major changes:
    - New version control. Versions are now controlled by the cloud.
    - Update lookout. On start up, the application will search for new updates (you can also do it manually). These are divided on "Minor versions" and "Major versions".
    -- Minor versions are fixes mostly, you may not even care about them.
    -- Major versions are releases with new features or critic fixes.
    - Added the Creative Commons license both to this page and the tool.
    - JDK upgraded to 6. Windows Me users don't exist anyway.

    - You can no longer copy the content of the Result Box if you haven't hit the (10) button even once.
    - Now the tool shows its name! A little and insignificant feature I always forgot to put.
    - Forgot to erase even more useless lines. I have to stop commenting unused code.

    Minor changes:
    - Improved description for "Tool Page" option

    Major changes:
    - New experimental and highly simplified feature: Projectiles Polys.
    -- Find out the CollisionPolys and DamagePolys for Projectiles. Is 8 times easier (pun intended), but still troublesome.
    -- To activate this feature, go to File > "Find out projectiles coordinates instead". If is checked, then is working. Avoid activating and deactivating it. You are going to mix up CollisionPolys for techs/characters and projectiles.

    KNOWN ISSUE 1.3a: The side array showing your polys is still showing them as float values (values with decimals). Is completely normal and is not shown when you export them to .txt/Text box.

    Minor changes:
    - Lots of typos fixed.
    - Increased work station size about a 20%.
    - Changed color of work station to white.

    Major changes:
    - New! Multilanguage support! Supported languages are going to be listed below. If your language isn't in the list and you know english then let me know. Lend me a hand with the translation.
    - Finally added! Show/Hide image borders. Use it so you know you aren't off-limits of your image.
    - Improved show/hide lines algorithm, it goes from the center drawing lines at left and right, not panning from left to right. This should disappear those disturbing overlapping frames.


    I haven't received a single complaint about it, but just in case:
    Q: I have a measured internet connection. Does your update look-up consumes too much internet connection?
    A: Nope, it just streams a raw text file with two lines in it. Average size for said file is 8 bytes.

    Language list for latest version: Spanish and English.

    Tool developed by Osoreshi (myself), design inspired by Crystan. Do not sell as this is a completely free tool. Do not redistribute without my consent, if you want to share, share this modpage.
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

    Developed in Java language using NetBeans 8.0.2.

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
  2. Diebstahl

    Diebstahl Poptop Tamer

    Looks like a clean and still a nice UI. I will try it for my custom images soon.
    Oh, and nice to see that some people make this in Java. Good for my linux. :)
    The | Suit likes this.
  3. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Guy with Linux - With a I love .Net Avatar.
  4. Diebstahl

    Diebstahl Poptop Tamer

    Well, some people have more than one computer. I have a ms-computer for develop (work and so on) and a linux for my games.
    Osoreshi likes this.
  5. AstralGhost

    AstralGhost Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is simply hilarious. But I'm so tired I didn't even get the joke at first.

    Anyway, this looks like an awesome tool. I absolutely dread making poly boxes. If I ever get around to finishing up any of my stuff I may actually someday use this!
    One suggestion though: Why is it saved as a text file? Wouldn't it be easier to just print it in a text box underneath? I'd prefer this since it involves several less steps.
    The | Suit likes this.

    GROVER CURES HOUSES Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey, Mono's been alright for a while now ;)
  7. Osoreshi

    Osoreshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Now that you mention it... I have no idea.
    I'll throw a quick update since I have a few free minutes[DOUBLEPOST=1424197813][/DOUBLEPOST]Update thrown: V1.1.1
    Reminder: You can use Ctrl+R to refresh the image if it disappears or something (it should be completely fixed... or almost) and Ctrl+Z to undo last change. Also an useless Alt+X shortcut to close the program.
    - Result poly will be shown in a new text box below. Thanks @AstralGhost . Is going to be saved as poly.txt on application folder anyway.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
    Crystan and The | Suit like this.
  8. Pfhoenix

    Pfhoenix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Osoreshi, can you tell me what the conversion is for pixels->world collision units?
  9. Osoreshi

    Osoreshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sure, 8 pixels = 1 collision unit.
  10. AstralGhost

    AstralGhost Pangalactic Porcupine

    Awesome, Thanks! :)
  11. Osoreshi

    Osoreshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Major update thrown: V1.2
    Minor changes:
    - Fixed not working buttons, whoops. No one told me "Ctrl+Z" wasn't working.
    - Cleaned up some useless code.
    - Added a button to easily reach this forum post in a single click.
    - Added an about.
    - More tooltips
    - Use right click to copy the content of the Result Box directly to your clipboard.

    Major changes:
    - New version control. Versions are now controlled by the cloud.
    - Update lookout. On start up, the application will search for new updates (you can also do it manually). These are divided on "Minor versions" and "Major versions".
    -- Minor versions are fixes mostly, you may not even care about them.
    -- Major versions are releases with new features or critic fixes.
    - Added the Creative Commons license both to this page and the tool.
    - JDK upgraded to 6. Windows Me users don't exist anyway.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2015
    The | Suit likes this.
  12. Crystan

    Crystan Maverick Hunter

    I think its my fault. I was too lazy to add a text box to the mockup picture. :p
    Osoreshi and The | Suit like this.
  13. FireSpark81

    FireSpark81 Void-Bound Voyager

    Why are are these old things still on here when all the links are broken, the images don't show up and the post is just useless? Chucklefish clean your forums!!! This is sad.
  14. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    You are the one who resurrected a thread that has been dead for almost 3 years... Why are you looking through such old posts? Just ignore them.
  15. FireSpark81

    FireSpark81 Void-Bound Voyager

    Because I searched for a tool to help me with poly collision and this came up. How am I to know if it has anything useful on it if I don't click it? This thread like many others I have found on here recently should be nuked. There is no reason for this stuff it shows up in search results and is nothing but clutter and a waste of time. Maybe I'll just start necroing them all so someone will clean this mess up.
  16. GeekyRaptor

    GeekyRaptor Phantasmal Quasar

    Um... Is this tool still available or is it gone? Link won't work... :(
    Discipile likes this.
  17. GeekyRaptor

    GeekyRaptor Phantasmal Quasar

    Are you still modding starbound? If so and you found an alternative tool. I need a tool like this one but haven't been able to find one.
  18. GeekyRaptor

    GeekyRaptor Phantasmal Quasar

    Anybody? Anybody at all?
  19. lobão

    lobão Void-Bound Voyager

  20. GeekyRaptor

    GeekyRaptor Phantasmal Quasar

    link is dead pls fix.

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