Clan Infinity: Spike's Bizzare Adventure

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Clan Infinity, Mar 6, 2016.

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  1. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    Actually both.
    Here's a quick explanation:
    grooovy and infinite [Pancakes].png

  2. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Pancakes please do not like this.

  3. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    Xenoblade Chronicles is a great game.
    Make more comments during playing, please. :DD
    Pancakes, Luna, donleong94 and 2 others like this.
  4. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    Pan-Keeki Neko [Pancakes].png
  5. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    How about DST, bois?
  6. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova


    But honestly, I've been loving it.

    I'm (I assume) about to enter the Prison Island, (We just need the Emperor to give us permission. So who knows if I'll be going there any time soon, or if I'll be doing a thousand and one things for him first.) but before I do that I'm going to go deal with every other quest I can find, or as many as I manage before I get bored.
    I also recently noticed I haven't been using any of my crystals, I should really do some Gem Crafting. Last I checked I had 4 pages of crystals, but that was awhile ago.
    I also have NO idea how I would even try to use that Heropon.
    And my main team right now is Shulk, Reyn, and Melia. (Or Sharla, dumb Melia leaving me so often. Or Dunban if he sneaks in to take Sharla's place. Basically if it's not Riki.)
  7. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Lad of the Jim beware.
    Spike Jojo Nirning Infinity Next You Are Going to Say.png
  8. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

  9. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    I just finished that new shantae game...

    Its graphics are top notch, its voice acting when there are some (like pirates curse) was good. i find it hilarious that in pirates curse shes got the voice of rainbowdash.. and in this one its twilight :V The music is fantastic, and its definitely the best in the series hands down.

    but.. Thats really where my praise ends.

    The game is very short..
    First we have the basic makeup of the game itself. The games split up into 6 separate stages. You start at the beginning of the stage.. go to the end of the stage and boof, youre teleported back to town. There is no traversing between islands or towns or dungeons (which btw.. There are no dungeons. No puzzles.. Nothing. All of that is gone entirely.)
    The stages are split up into 3 to 4 sections.
    Intro section. Part 2. Minigame of some kind, and Boss.
    ^Sometimes the parts get mixed around, like for example the third world has the 'minigame' as its part 2, and later the minigame doesnt exist at all.
    Intro section is almost always two screens of varied size.. sometimes being a short hallway followed by a large room. Part 2 has a few screens. about 3 on average, all ranging from long hallways to large rooms, and the minigames are minigames.
    So.. basically every area has about 6 rooms and the boss.. This is ofcoarse looking at it in a metroidvania sense. Theyre designed to be stages.. and the maps are built more like what you would see in a platformer game rather than a metroidvania game that shantae has built itself on.

    The difficulty is laughable too. Like.. You really really really have to try and fail here. And even then, they have a spell that grants you invincibility to literally everything save for instakao (falling into lava or something like that) This would normally be countered by the use of magic.. except.. If you get all 10 of the gallery keys, you get an item that grants you infinite mana.. And even without that, the enemies drop mana like its candy when you start getting low, and theres an item thats really hard to miss that allows you to turn green gems into mana.. which drop alot!
    sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah.

    The bosses are alright, their design is good, their attacks are.. okay. The only boss i enjoyed was the sub boss for the final boss, and thats because of some of the really neat things that they did.

    The story is.. There is no overarching story. You start off with the big plot device. "The worlds going to end, genie relms gonna get fucked and with it your world"
    and then.. Its never even mentioned.. not even once, until the very end of the game. For the rest of the game youre essentially doing minor subplot sidequesty feeling missions the rest of the game, all of which have no impact on the world or the story at all. This is fine i suppose, and i have a really big feeling that they did this so that when/if they got to making a t.v. show, they could work it in better. but yeah...
  10. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    Yes that's true, actually I forced myself through Shin arc, but yes, Brothers Arc is incredibly good :DD It shines like the Shichōsei
    Or Big Dipper :DD
    Also mikrofon best boy
    This should've been made, awesome :rofl:
    Yus that's fine by me :DD
    nice stando
    It's still good to see you time to time, Pancakes-san ^^
    Well he did say he liked China
  11. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    This definitely sounds like Jojo's "Villain of the Week" theme, but I can see how that won't work if the game is story heavy. I remember seeing Megashadowfist playing the Shante game where Shante have no powers, and the plots are somewhat scattered, but there's still the over arching theme of stopping the pirate king and take back Shante's city. If this one is as terrible as you say it is, then I'll pass; my passion for Shante games is lukewarm at best, and this game just doesn't seem like something I would enjoy.

    Also, from the way I see it, they devs may be experimenting with simpler, more modular plots so that they could introduce DLC, make simple mobile versions, or perhaps make something of a seasonal release. I hope that isn't the case here.

  12. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Just wait until tomorrow! I'll get you then!
  13. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    I just realized the other chip is Jimlad :rofl:
    Pancakes, donleong94 and Jimlad 42 like this.
  14. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Anything for you Lord Dio.
    Spike Darby Laugh Good.png

    Although, here's a thought; if D'Arby had confessed about Dio's stand power, Kakyoin may not have died, since he would have been more cautious and not tried to corner Dio alone.
    Pancakes, donleong94 and Jimlad 42 like this.
  15. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    thank mr Spike

    Actually haven't thought about that before, you're probably right, I'd love to see Kakyoin at later parts. Here's a fanart:
    Pancakes, donleong94 and Jimlad 42 like this.
  16. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    And I love to see some more Polnareff in later parts as well; here's a fan art:

    -snip- because of ponies
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2016
    Pancakes, donleong94 and Jimlad 42 like this.
  17. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    I already know that Polnareff is in part 5 though :rofl:
    Pancakes, donleong94 and Jimlad 42 like this.
  18. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Ok then in that case here's future Polnareff:
  19. Spike

    Spike Supernova

  20. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    Really digging the new hair!
    And the nazi technology
    I bet he could fight the Pillar Men like that
    I really love the artist who drew these pocky picks
    Pancakes, donleong94 and Jimlad 42 like this.
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