Clan Infinity : KURWAFFLESS!!!!

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Clan Infinity, Feb 9, 2014.



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  1. xenonni

    xenonni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Brainstorming I see
    I did that last night

    Coffee monster

    caffine addicted aliens

    money hungry human predators

    guys with boxing gloves

    really red boxing gloves


    evil doughnuts

    evil coffee doughnuts

    something original







    friendly koalas

    sentient intelligent koalas

    because koalas


    triangles (this is idea 20)

    golden triangles

    pyramids made of gold

    explosive diarrhea

    evil babies

    intelligent babies

    babies in love

    loving parents

    secret agent parents

    hidden knives

    hidden knaves


    big castles

    evil castles

    spooky castles

    that castle you know the one I mean


    castle with zombies


    speedy zombies

    study, read, scan, select (VEL’KOZ) (THIS IS IDEA 40

    natural selection

    unnatural selection (THIS IS IDEA 42)

    chainsaw of evolution

    that one dream I had about being the best friend of the guy who has to do… stuff in front of aliens

    that other dream I had that I think is the same one that was about a factory town called like starfall or whatever



    biological warfare

    mind control

    biological mind control

    mind controller



    a really dumb guy get screwed by the world

    a really dumb guy gets a lucky break and still gets screwed by the world

    a really dumb guy doesn’t get screwed by the world

    and the grinch’s heart grew 3 sizes that day

    something about toothpaste


    big robots (60)

    robots that make robots that also have robots

    maybe smart robots

    simple robots

    a very simple but powerful force threatening to destroy humanity (AoT?)

    the crown from cave story

    brain damage

    pressure cooker



    thanksgiving marathon



    strawberry blonde




    tram mart

    gong (gong mart?)

    something really old and made out of gold

    this isn’t a rap but it’s… dirty words rhyme with rap. like fap. (this is an idea? (#80)

    stop that


    enslaved humanity

    enslavers have to deal with trying to keep humanity enslaved while at the same time contemplating just what they’re actually doing with their lives

    enslaved humans have to come to accept eachother and their differences in order to make a rebellion force strong enough to actually fight the robots


    a guy who can read people’s surface thoughts

    someone who’s own emotions influence and control the emotions of other people

    cannibalistic wombats


    this is 9090909090909090 (90 hue hue)

    the matrix except original

    brazil asplosions


    hyper bowls

    hyper bolas

    hyper bolees

    I dont know what a bolee is

    minecraft fan fiction

    what if we made a story about a story thats about a story and called it incestion

    wow thats gross what am I even of thinking (100 but I’m having fun)

    donleong94 and Jimlad 42 like this.
  2. xenonni

    xenonni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Howdy stranger, haven't seen you in a while :iswydt:
    donleong94, BrutorDragon and Freddy like this.
  3. xenonni

    xenonni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    donleong94 and Freddy like this.
  4. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    This reminds me.

    Good timezeone Wox!

    Patrick Quick Stop Run GIF.gif
  5. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hello everyone!


  6. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

  7. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Ava'meow. c:
    They are black magic.
    And hola Wox, how've you been? [​IMG]

    Hi there! :3
    Creepy kids. ._.
    Saal, Lintton, donleong94 and 4 others like this.
  8. Sakyrm

    Sakyrm Aquatic Astronaut

    Omg that sherlock picture... I died of laughter in the bus lol
    donleong94 and Freddy like this.
  9. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine




    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014
    donleong94 and RedScarWolf like this.
  10. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    Goodnight infinity
  11. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Goodfinityt McnightIn! 8D
    donleong94, Lintton and Freddy like this.
  12. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    No. Word chain.
    Gymnastics, He's a speedrunner! Too tired to like posts...:zzz:
    donleong94 and Freddy like this.
  13. Luna

    Luna Pangalactic Porcupine

  14. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

    Good morning noon!
  15. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    Goodnight Everybody
  16. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Good noon to thee :3
    And good night/meow to you!
    Saal, Jimlad 42, donleong94 and 2 others like this.
  17. Shinxy-Chan

    Shinxy-Chan Giant Laser Beams

    Touhou is hard as hell.
  18. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

    Try playing Lunatic. It's more fun that way.
  19. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    It is win.
  20. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    *pokes the thread*

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