Clan Infinity : KURWAFFLESS!!!!

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Clan Infinity, Feb 9, 2014.



  1. *Likes*

    33 vote(s)
  2. *Posts*

    25 vote(s)
  3. *Time Zones*

    36 vote(s)
  4. *Random*

    42 vote(s)
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  1. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

  2. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    It sounds interesting.
  3. xenonni

    xenonni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Here as in infinity :cool:
    donleong94, Freddy and Jimlad 42 like this.
  4. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

  5. xenonni

    xenonni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Meanwhile, whacking my profile picture with a wrench
    Edit: apparently I can't use custom profile pictures anymore ;__;
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
    donleong94 and Freddy like this.
  6. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    Listening to music, playing a hardcore modded minecraft world that's a skyblock but so much harder. :coffee:
    donleong94, Freddy and Gredd18 like this.
  7. xenonni

    xenonni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I prefer to play vanilla and build the biggest structures out of the most impractical and aesthetically unpleasing materials possible (smooth stone for example)
    You know, to compensate :wut:
    donleong94 and Jimlad 42 like this.
  8. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    Cowering in a corner as I wait for night to finish is so much fun!!!! At least I have my radio to listen to...
    donleong94 and Freddy like this.
  9. xenonni

    xenonni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    donleong94, Jimlad 42 and Freddy like this.
  10. Curtis6566

    Curtis6566 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Goodnight everyone!
    donleong94, Jimlad 42 and Freddy like this.
  11. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

  12. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    I like all those. That like, It meant something!
    donleong94 and Freddy like this.
  13. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'll try to find more like them then.
    donleong94 and Jimlad 42 like this.
  14. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

  15. Shinxy-Chan

    Shinxy-Chan Giant Laser Beams

  16. HerpzDerpzies

    HerpzDerpzies Void-Bound Voyager

  17. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    Another diserved like.
    These two, a bit less.
    donleong94 and Freddy like this.
  18. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

  19. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    I love that first one, I always love it when someone gets their shit thrown right back at them.
    donleong94, Jimlad 42 and Freddy like this.
  20. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    Well, good night. *Act like this was 2 hours ago!*
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