Clan Infinity : KURWAFFLESS!!!!

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Clan Infinity, Feb 9, 2014.



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  1. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    Anyway, thanks. :3
  2. Luna

    Luna Pangalactic Porcupine

  3. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    oh fcuk
    I have just watched one of the most creepy videos ever.
    (Title: "How to efficiently apple")

    English subs delivered.
    Jimlad 42, Pancakes and donleong94 like this.
  4. donleong94

    donleong94 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Have to go to the class now! See you soon INFINITY!! :D
    Jimlad 42, Pancakes and Freddy like this.
  5. Pancakes

    Pancakes Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, I knew it was one of those two days... :badpokerface:

    Officially, there was 150 until Mew was announced/ discovered.

    Still, I never could get that Pokemon. Damn event Pokemans and their rarity. :viking:
  6. Mercury Gilado

    Mercury Gilado Existential Complex

    The ones that made you leave the house like some sort of human being were the woooooorst.

    Wailord and Skitty's love child. Their hot action paid off!
  7. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

  8. Vapor Horologium Corpus

    Vapor Horologium Corpus Weight of the Sky

    my god like 20 or so alerts and all were likes well shit here is some more for me I guess....
    Jimlad 42, donleong94, Saal and 2 others like this.
  9. Pancakes

    Pancakes Pangalactic Porcupine

    Face-melting goodness~.

    Well, being where I was growing up, you never had a chance to nab any of those Pokemon no matter how far out you went.
  10. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    I could show you things that would shatter your mind. :D
    Jimlad 42, donleong94 and Saal like this.
  11. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

    My Romanian mother absolutely loved that this song blew up as much as it did.
    I refuse to believe that I first saw this seven years ago though.
    Jimlad 42 and donleong94 like this.
  12. Vapor Horologium Corpus

    Vapor Horologium Corpus Weight of the Sky

    Yeah it seems cray don't it that times fly
  13. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    Post them here~.
    Jimlad 42 and donleong94 like this.
  14. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Can't post most of the videos I know, they've been deleted, but here.
    Have a cyriak cookie.

    We all love cyriak, don't we?
    Jimlad 42, donleong94 and Britefire like this.
  15. Gredd18

    Gredd18 Giant Laser Beams

  16. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

    This sums up the NPCs in Witcher 2 very well.

    Jimlad 42 and donleong94 like this.
  17. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    it only destroys your framerate with persistent farms. I have a pc thats bloody coal powered, and i have never had a farm destroy my frames rate.
    Jimlad 42 and donleong94 like this.
  18. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    Jimlad 42 and donleong94 like this.
  19. Curtis6566

    Curtis6566 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If you have Red or Blue (not sure about yellow) you can do a "cheat" to get mew. It's not really a cheat though, as it's a complicated series of events that will allow you too catch mew (and was put in there by the devs). It takes a lot of time and effort (as you have to fly away from a specific trainer among other things).
    Jimlad 42, donleong94 and Pancakes like this.
  20. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    me to.
    actually i never saw why there was so much hate. honestly, if starwars 4-6 were released recently they would 'suck' just as equally.

    the only real reason why it caught so many eyes was because of how different it was in comparison to everything else they had watched.

    but thats ok. disney will release 7-9 and the world will see mickey yoda and the terrible disney starwars movies.
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