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Feedback Chucklefish, you disgust me.

Discussion in 'Website Feedback/Issues' started by techno_spider, Aug 11, 2016.

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  1. techno_spider

    techno_spider Void-Bound Voyager

    Aryan Race Mod: A highly detailed mod based on the movie Iron Sky was removed recently from Steam. Now the mod was already removed from this website, which is understandable, but you decided to go the extra mile and write to Steam themselves telling them that the mod is "Incompatible" With Starbound, despite it not having broken the Steam Workshop guidelines even in the slightest. The mod was a parody, it was based off a comedic movie for gods sake. This isn't so much an issue of free speech as it is an issue that you've taken down a fantastic mod thats clearly had hours and hours of effort pumped into it. Custom weapons, custom vendors, a custom ship with its own AI and text, even, as the name suggests, an entire race with their own headgear and armor sets. This isn't about "Freedom of speech" As none of this was even to be taken seriously, it's about you curbstomping a passionate mod developer who clearly put in a lot of time into adding to your game content that was entirely optional to those browsing through the workshop to add. Now I cannot have this mod as part of my mod collection and therefor it has become near impossible to get friends to play with me on my servers. This was a straight up insult to the community and an absolutely disgraceful act on your part, as a modding community we deserve better than this, whats next, writing to Nexus Mods? If you truly care about your community, please, please for the love of god, don't poison it.
  2. Priest of Cthulhu

    Priest of Cthulhu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Pingeh and techno_spider like this.
  3. Grimvok

    Grimvok Void-Bound Voyager

    Co-sign, baby! I need me some of my blonde hair, blue eyed Aryan- Okay really though I mean. It's not that they're taking away years of progress- this isn't some kickstarted mod. I- I mean look:

    Come on. I mean really. This isn't some big Revelation or breakthrough, it's just some swastikas and nazi jokes, and the fact it has moonman in here clearly is a testament to it just being for meme appeal. That being said, I'm obnoxiously racist and a skinhead, I also enjoy carrying that racism and skinheadedness onto my 2d sandbox games. Fully endorse and +1 #freethenazi
  4. Conrad_Fiat

    Conrad_Fiat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd co-sign this, but lets be honest, Chuckleshit doesn't gave a... well shit.
    Pingeh and techno_spider like this.
  5. Gonna paste you some screenshots and choice quotes from the description from this comedic parody mod about being an actual Nazi that is definitely not at all inflammatory.



    Nahhh, I feel like we were in the right here.
    You're free download the mod elsewhere. I haven't erased it from the internet.
  6. Psygnosis

    Psygnosis Ketchup Robot

    Well honeslty this doesn't make sense to remove that mod

    Skins / costumes and other stuff were also inspired by " Wolfenstein : The New Order " and it has ( as the previous old ones like Return to Castle Wolfenstein ) the same things in the game as the mod screenshots...

    Standing at this Wolfenstein should be removed from steam too
    JovialJoe, Pingeh and techno_spider like this.
  7. Pilchenstein

    Pilchenstein Ketchup Robot

    Wolfenstein isn't some 3edgy5me bollocks about "lol triggered tumblrites" with screenshots of a gas chamber though. Good on Chucklefish for taking action.
    Ludovic, Hel, Kawa and 2 others like this.
  8. Psygnosis

    Psygnosis Ketchup Robot

    Yeah.... right....

    Never played also the first Homefront huh ? :poke:
    techno_spider likes this.
  9. This decision isn't up for debate, so I'm closing this thread. :)
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