Hello again! I've done a few little portrait tweaks lately I thought I would share. I don't plan on doing most because I personally like this overhaul, which looks fairly vanilla to me, but doesn't include all character. I hope to stay in the same vein as the vanilla game and that mod. Anyway, I thought I would share my handful of edits. Referenced Victy's portraits for a base reference. DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD Pretty much Peachitto's Jas with vanilla face! DOWNLOAD Pretty much Peachitto's Jas with vanilla face! DOWNLOAD A mashup of Nerdy Hot Maru and my Old Faithful, with redrawn hair bcus come on, who doesn't love some poofage? DOWNLOAD Place in \Stardew Valley\Content\Portraits and be sure to backup the originals! Thanks! Maybe more to come?
@Chisami The Vincent & Jas links are the same (not that I don't like the Jas portraits, but.. :D ) I like Sandy the most. Her vanilla portraits always remind me of Disney's Ursula for some odd reason.
Been doinking around and added Maru! I'm having fun with this again so maybe I'll keep going through soon.
I looooove Maru's hair! It's so detailed and it looks great! I've been thinking about changing mine from my current favorite to this one, it's so tempting.
Going to leave a re-uploaded picture here as personal future reference because Tiny Pic is no longer running. ^^;; Sandy: Maru: Vincent: